Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by dansingla »

This is unbelievable, people sure know how to get petty.

Colin knows Kelowna probably better than any other city. Yes, he may not CURRENTLY live in Kelowna, but this is where he works, this is where he grew up, and this is where he thrives.

I'm quite sure Colin has lived in Kelowna for the majority of his life. I've had the pleasure of working with him for the past 2 years in Kelowna. It is only circumstance that required him to move out of Kelowna. That circumstance was temporary, and he is moving back to Kelowna as soon as his house sells in West Kelowna.

Finally, I'm completely on board with EdCase's statement:

"I'm far more interested in seeing the brightest and best elected to council than worrying that they live a couple of kilometres outside the city limits. When I look at Basran's ties to Kelowna, his solid business experience and his dedication to Kelowna community needs and issues, I see very few other candidates that come close to comparing."

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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

One of FourChange's questions was "How long have you lived in Kelowna?" but Basran did not answer this, either the question was edited from his questionnaire or he deleted it. FourChange sure doesn't want anybody to know they are supporting someone from out of town. West Kelowna first, Kelowna second
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Mtn Biker »

IlluminatiDunce wrote:One of FourChange's questions was "How long have you lived in Kelowna?" but Basran did not answer this, either the question was edited from his questionnaire or he deleted it. FourChange sure doesn't want anybody to know they are supporting someone from out of town. West Kelowna first, Kelowna second

Are you still on about this? Give it a rest. How long have you lived in Kelowna? Has your family been here since 1907? Did you graduate here? Did your parents? Colin answered this question quite satisfactory for all except evidently you, but maybe you're just yanking something?
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

MtnBiker I agree people should stop caring about where their councillors live, if they want to live in Texas let them. It's none of my business if Basran loves Kelowna so much he moved away. Basran doesn't have to pay to property taxes here so good for him, he should be deciding tax rates that he doesnt have to ever pay. Oh and if we want to talk to him, so what if we'll have to go to another city, it's nothing so a purely ambitious person can sit in a different city's city hall.

I agree let candidates run in different cities across the world
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Mtn Biker »

IlluminatiDunce wrote:MtnBiker I agree people should stop caring about where their councillors live, if they want to live in Texas let them. It's none of my business if Basran loves Kelowna so much he moved away. Basran doesn't have to pay to property taxes here so good for him, he should be deciding tax rates that he doesnt have to ever pay. Oh and if we want to talk to him, so what if we'll have to go to another city, it's nothing so a purely ambitious person can sit in a different city's city hall.

I agree let candidates run in different cities across the world

Did you read his explanation for why they bought a home on the west side??? It made good sense and satisfied everyone on here but you. You're barking up a tree that has no coons in it . . . move on you're getting a head ache.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

Mtn Biker, yeah dude no one cares, except everyone I've talked to. No one cares but more than a majority of people on this forum (probably more if it wasn't for dummy accounts of Basrans with only 1or no posts).

Mtn Biker you're right bro, and let me be clear, I want a candidate who doesnt live here, that means one less politician in Kelowna, means he doesnt care about how high he raises property taxes because he doesnt have to pay them, citizens should have to drive to another city to talk to their councillor, and who needs to live in a city you're reprersenting anyway right? Not Basran that's for sure. Basran for Kelowna, and if he loses here, Basran for Penticton, and if he loses there Basran for Peachland, and if he .....
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by grammafreddy »

We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.

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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Mtn Biker »

IlluminatiDunce wrote:Mtn Biker, yeah dude no one cares, except everyone I've talked to. No one cares but more than a majority of people on this forum (probably more if it wasn't for dummy accounts of Basrans with only 1or no posts).

Mtn Biker you're right bro, and let me be clear, I want a candidate who doesnt live here, that means one less politician in Kelowna, means he doesnt care about how high he raises property taxes because he doesnt have to pay them, citizens should have to drive to another city to talk to their councillor, and who needs to live in a city you're reprersenting anyway right? Not Basran that's for sure. Basran for Kelowna, and if he loses here, Basran for Penticton, and if he loses there Basran for Peachland, and if he .....

Well bro . . . are you twelve? . . dude. You think people reading your words care about what you want? What people want are good candidates to choose from and Colin is one of the few. If you want to make a federal case about an address, which he explained well enough for everyone capable of comprehending English, knock yourself out. You're piping non-sense and maybe you need to fill it with something new. But that said, I actually don’t think people take you too serious, nor do I and for that, I am done too.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

Hey Mtn Biker listen, calm down, I agree with you. Besides a poll on this forum shows, and that everyone I talk to says, Kelowna needs councillors that love our city so much they move away from it. Kelowna needs councillors who don't pay property taxes here so they have no problem raising them. Kelowna needs councillors that make citizens drive to other cities to talk to them. Kelowna needs Basran, just unfortunately as displayed by his moving, Basran doesn't need Kelowna. Oh well, let's ignore that and vote in someone from a different city, next election we'll elect a full council from West Kelowna and just move our city hall there.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by DblDwn11 »

Did I mention I love how Basran will get to vote on taxes he will never have to pay? I hope I mentioned that because that is awesome smart.
It's funny how your screen name actually describes your mental acuity. Now THAT is awesome smart!

But let's quickly discuss your point above. If my research into Colin is correct, he is a Realtor with Royal LePage in....wait for it...Kelowna.

So, it would stand to reason, oath of office & fiduciary duty aside, that if a vote on taxes was before him, he would likely place his vote with his clients & family in mind.

His clients & family being from....wait for it....KELOWNA.

So if you are going to slam Colin Basran, you had better come here with more then a West Kelowna address and poorly worded saracasm.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

Dbldwn, I support Basran, I think all of our councillors should be from other cities. We can rename our city hall to "Some other city's city hall".

I love your logic, and agree 100%. As long as someone works in an area they have a duty to be fair with property taxes, that makes SOOO much sense.

Colin Basran for Kelowna city council and if he loses here best of luck for his campaign in Penticton, and if he loses there I'm sure he'll get in Penticton.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by DblDwn11 »

Dbldwn, I support Basran, I think all of our councillors should be from other cities. We can rename our city hall to "Some other city's city hall".

Interesting logic <------- I am being generous with the definition of logic.

So you're vote isn't based on platform or 'best person for the job', instead you've decided on address to be the deciding factor.

Smooth. Good luck with that strategy. You'd fit right in with the Tea Party in the US and their fascination with birth records.

Having read though a few of your post across different topics, it would also appear that you have selected Colin as your target.(lucky him - I'm sure you have quite a following.)

Which begs the question. Are you 'just a concerned citizen' or do you have another agenda? What's your address? <---actually don't answer that, I don't care.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

I support Basran because he doesn't live here, I support Craig and Blanliel because of they never attend council meetings, if you know of other great candidates let me know.

Basran is in my top three, like I've said, I want to drive to another city to meet with my candidate, I enjoy long drives. I can pack up the kids and make a whole day of driving and trying to find out where the heck our councillor lives. I'm not the only one, so many people have expressed joy for Basran, not everyone has such blind ambition and opportunism to run in a city they don't live in. I think it is safe to say Basran is the only one or maybe one of two candidates in all of BC who have enough disregard to do that. That's why he is one of many candidates I support.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Piecemaker »

Does someone have to own their own home to run for council?
Anyone renting while on City Council isn't "paying property taxes" either, Besides, city staff develop the budget and provide rationale and information to council, who in turn amends and passes it.
Where Basran lives right now is not the issue. His explanation is reasonable. Enough already.
Find a REAL ISSUE to focus on.

(Like chickens...or something!) :)
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by grammafreddy »

DblDwn11 wrote:
Dbldwn, I support Basran, I think all of our councillors should be from other cities. We can rename our city hall to "Some other city's city hall".

Interesting logic <------- I am being generous with the definition of logic.

So you're vote isn't based on platform or 'best person for the job', instead you've decided on address to be the deciding factor.

Smooth. Good luck with that strategy. You'd fit right in with the Tea Party in the US and their fascination with birth records.

Having read though a few of your post across different topics, it would also appear that you have selected Colin as your target.(lucky him - I'm sure you have quite a following.)

Which begs the question. Are you 'just a concerned citizen' or do you have another agenda? What's your address? <---actually don't answer that, I don't care.

Please ... he is just being sarcastic and facetious ... but it forgetting to use the " /sarcasm off " after his posts.
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