Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?

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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by kelownasenior1942 »

justlooking4work wrote:
unbiased2 wrote:Wow! A whole $500 from her firefighter friends. . . what a scandal!
I agree, she crossed the line.
Sounds like most Citizens in Kelowna I have talked to were stunned as I was last night. I think the Kelowna Fire Dept should be ashamed too.
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by sbeecher10 »

justlooking4work wrote:
unbiased2 wrote:Wow! A whole $500 from her firefighter friends. . . what a scandal!
I agree, she crossed the line.
Of course you do- you're all already Walter Gray supporters to the death... again, good for you- he's such a wonderful man- so 'fresh' and 'new' and 'progressive'- and the vision he has offered is incredible. Good on ya- bring back the old-thinking guy- that's the way to 'move kelowna forward' and get a diverse, younger population here. Good choice- cheers. (by the way, this is sarcasm- just don't want anyone confused).
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by papafreddy »

justlooking4work wrote:
unbiased2 wrote:Wow! A whole $500 from her firefighter friends. . . what a scandal!
I agree, she crossed the line.
Well, if I wasn't already certain Walter would win this election I am calling the fact Sharon in on the take with the Kelowna Fire Dept the nail in her coffin. Its cost her this election.
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by justlooking4work »

What about her Conflict of interst with the Kelowna Mission Residents Association. She was part of that for years now I get a flier in my mailbox from the residents association stating we are voting for her. What? First off anyone I talk to I the mission is voting for Walter. And What?? Another conflict of interest Scandal for Sharon.
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by Logitack »

lol, why you accusing sharon, go confront the resident association, they are the one endorsing her! :sunshine:
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by Mtn Biker »

Logitack wrote:lol, why you accusing sharon, go confront the resident association, they are the one endorsing her! :sunshine:

Because that would be intelligent and an obvious solution to most people. But if your tactic is to smear because you have nothing to promote . . . what do you expect?
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?

Post by justlooking4work »

I agree... Sharon Shepherd must go ---> :bump:
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by Ub2 »

justlooking4work wrote:
unbiased2 wrote:Wow! A whole $500 from her firefighter friends. . . what a scandal!
I agree, she crossed the line.
that was sarcasm sir.
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by justlooking4work »

unbiased2 wrote:
justlooking4work wrote:
Yes she sure did! :purefury:
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by thefacts »

Kathy73 wrote:She said she only accepted funds from family and very close friends. Well I guess the Fire fighters are close friends since she got them a big pay raise. :) Obviously she will score big with all the Fire Fighter Union Votes too.
I was at the forum.... The question was did the fire department donate to your campaign.. and Sharon said YES. The problem I have with this is she said that she would NEVER take money from anyone that may be before her in the council chamber. Hmm.. the Fire Department has been and will be again. The cheque came from the FIRE DEPARTMENT.... the city funds the Fire Department. This is a huge issue with me. I voted Walter Gray today.. he was a GREAT Mayor and is a great community embassador and leader.
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Re: "Shepard Conflict of interest with Fire Dept"

Post by Kathy73 »

thefacts wrote:
Kathy73 wrote:She said she only accepted funds from family and very close friends. Well I guess the Fire fighters are close friends since she got them a big pay raise. :) Obviously she will score big with all the Fire Fighter Union Votes too.
I was at the forum.... The question was did the fire department donate to your campaign.. and Sharon said YES. The problem I have with this is she said that she would NEVER take money from anyone that may be before her in the council chamber. Hmm.. the Fire Department has been and will be again. The cheque came from the FIRE DEPARTMENT.... the city funds the Fire Department. This is a huge issue with me. I voted Walter Gray today.. he was a GREAT Mayor and is a great community embassador and leader.
I think this error in judgement from Sheperd could be the end of Sharon as Mayor. I would rather have Cal Condy get in that Sharon again.
I just voted for Walter, very busy at the polls which indicates change is in the air. :)
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?

Post by Evan »

There is NO conflict of interest.

Talk to me when Sharon has been found GUILTY by a human rights tribunal, or when she is lining her pockets with incentives from Developers.
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?

Post by Ub2 »

Evan wrote:
Oh, and to anyone who knows nothing about the connection of Shepard to the firemen and their Open House. She was their volunteer for the car crash rescue at their open house. She had to sit in a car for an hour and get rescued while the firemen went over step by step how they'd ideally get someone out. That included almost all the glass in the car being smashed around her and getting the roof surgically removed. She had to have a blanket wrapped around her and a fireman had to hold a board over her head during most of the procedure. I have pix of the whole operation.
Quoted from QueenK
As for the FF contribution you all need to get your facts straight. That too was taken out of context. Sharon decline to accept the FF union contribution. Flat out said no. So a retired FF said fine, he wrote the cheque in his name and said he'd collect from the men. What is important to recognize here folks, the KFD support Sharon. Like the shirt they gave her hanging in her campaign office says "We support those, who support us" . . . the cheque wasn't from the union, it was from a Kelowna citizen who happens to be retired FF. And so do the transit workers, city hall staff, and every social club or organization in Kelowna, support Sharon. But here is exactly the tactic of Wally's campaign. Wally hasn't once stated what he would do; he’s only bellowing that he wouldn't do this or that. He is in full out attack mode, never once surfacing long enough to explain how "he would" do something different. Great tactic, but say what you're actually going to do. If people in Kelowna can't see these snake oil salesman tactics, I guess we deserve a Wally World for being gullible enough to believe this guy again.
Quoted from Mtn Biker

My goodness people, way to jump on this weird bandwagon. There is NO conflict of interest.

Talk to me when Sharon has been found GUILTY by a human rights tribunal, or when she is lining her pockets with incentives from Developers.
Perfect! :rate10:
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Evan wrote:
Talk to me when Sharon has been found GUILTY by a human rights tribunal, or when she is lining her pockets with incentives from Developers.
a lot of people have been found "guilty" by our corrupt kangaroo courts known as "human rights" tribunals/commissions, who cares about that. As for the lining the pockets comment - I hope you have proof before you make allegations like that.
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?

Post by justlooking4work »


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