Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
- Walks on Forum Water
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
according to you, in reality there was nothing wrong, nothing illegal, nothing immoral, a non issue that you are desperately trying to make an issue. you have failed, miserably!kelownaobserver wrote:This is a P.R. nightmare that went totally wrong.
- Guru
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
Sorry but Sharron made issue of it by returning it.!Logitack wrote:according to you, in reality there was nothing wrong, nothing illegal, nothing immoral, a non issue that you are desperately trying to make an issue. you have failed, miserably!kelownaobserver wrote:This is a P.R. nightmare that went totally wrong.
Why return it if nothing is wrong with it.?
Why back down, a leader should stand their ground not cave in if they have done nothing wrong.
This message brought to you by a proud old stock Canadian.
Id love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes
And shoot him with my old 45
Id love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes
And shoot him with my old 45
- Grand Pooh-bah
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
Nope - a bunch of idiots who don't know any better made an issue of it. Sharon just decided to remove that bit of conflict and make it a non-issueflyerfan2 wrote:Sorry but Sharron made issue of it by returning it.!
Wow - I guess for her is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.flyerfan2 wrote: Why return it if nothing is wrong with it.?
Why back down, a leader should stand their ground not cave in if they have done nothing wrong.
I'd like to change your mind, but I don't have a fresh diaper.
- Chief Sh*t Disturber
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
Her name is spelled "Sharon" not Sharron.flyerfan2 wrote:What smear ? the facts are there.grammafreddy wrote: Why do you persist in your smear campaign? Why can't you provide support FOR your candidate instead of this barrage of garbage you're spewing? Is there nothing positive you can say in support of your candidate that's based on truth and facts?
Sharron only returned money she saw nothing wrong with accepting until it came to lite in the public.
Again why doesn't she stand her ground?
Why flip flop on something you see nothing wrong with?
Not a ringing endorsement for fighting for what you believe in is it.
She said she had accepted the second private individual's cheque because it was a personal donation from a friend who was also working on her campaign and helping with her campaign signs. She said she did not know the man had been repaid his donation from the other firefighters and when she was made aware of that in the letter, written by Larry Hollier, President L953, Kelowna Professional Fire Fighters, she then returned that second cheque.
I do so wish people would do some research and homework and actually read and understand the words on your screens. Your smear campaigns are disgusting. They make your candidate look disgusting, too.
Do you really not have positive things to say about your own candidate that could convince people of reasons to vote FOR him? Are misleading lies about his competition all you have to offer for his campaign?
We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.
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We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
She just got my vote!
- Buddha of the Board
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
She gave it back, again.
Controversial donation to Shepherd's campaign returned
By Alistair Waters - Kelowna Capital News
Published: November 18, 2011 3:00 PM
Updated: November 18, 2011 3:57 PM
Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd moved to diffuse controversy Friday over a $500 donation to her re-election campaign by announcing she had returned the money.
The donation— originally believed to have been from the union representing Kelowna firefighters but later revealed to have been from a former president of the union who was then reimbursed by Kelowna Professional Firefighters local 913—was returned Thursday night.
According to Shepherd, she gave the money back to end any perception of a conflict of interest—something she vehemently denied— given that firefighters are city employees and their collective agreement, while not negotiated with council, has to ratified by council. The current two-year agreement was ratified earlier this year.
News of the donation was made public earlier this week at a mayoral all-candidates forum.
At the forum, Shepherd's main opponent, former mayor Walter Gray, expressed "shock" at the news given Shepherd's refusal to take donations from developers because their projects may come before her and the rest of council for approval in future.
Gray has admitted he accepts donations from developers, saying he does not consider it a potential conflict of interest.
Larry Hollier, current president of the firefighters union, confirmed a $500 donation had been made to Shepherd's campaign but was returned a few days later with a note of thanks.
Then, one of Shepherd's campaign volunteers, retired former firefighters' union president Harold Heyming made a personal donation of the same amount to the campaign and unbeknownst to Shepherd was reimbursed the money by the union.
Hollier, who union has endorsed Shepherd, said it is supporting her because she has supported the fire department and its firefighters on several issues in the past including having the potential of cancer for firefighters fighting blazes recognized.
He said his union supports candidates based on what they have done in the past, not what they may do in the future.
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not use reason to arrive at.
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
I find this having even been brought up very sad. Sharon (regardless of her, and others, supporters behaviour at times) has done nothing but run a very honest, positive campaign, regardless of what has been said to her/about her and I find it very sad she was set-up at the 'last' forum with her character being questioned. I have never heard her say a negative word about any of her past or current colleagues, nor any of the current mayoral candidates, and I just find the whole ordeal very sad. People have said 'this is politics' but do they really have to be like this? Why can't candidates talk truthfully, answer the questions they have been asked, and offer their vision and priority of concerns/issues in the community rather than blame, name-call, etc. What a sad election this has been.
- Board Meister
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
Wouldnt it be nice if all political candidates were as honorable when running for office.Well done Sharon.
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
I've heard her have a few snide digs at Walter, including this morning on AM1150, and at (at least) two Mayoral forums. I'm not condemning it. I think candidates should be open to question each others record - as a secondary part of their campaign - without being accused of mudslinging. But don't paint Sharon as a saint. She's not.chloeskates wrote:I have never heard her say a negative word about any of her past or current colleagues, nor any of the current mayoral candidates
Agreed. We'd had two RIDICULOUS subjects dominate the last week of the campaign: "Hooterville" and "Cheque-gate". Neither of them productive in any way.chloeskates wrote:and I just find the whole ordeal very sad.
For me (and I don't expect everyone to agree) the most important matter in this election is our economy. That affects EVERYONE. I'd like to have seen much more emphasis on that during this last week of the campaign.
- Chief Sh*t Disturber
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
Richard - what's your solution for Kelowna as far as the economy is concerned?
We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
- Chief Sh*t Disturber
- Posts: 28548
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Re: Conflict of interest with Fire Dept?
Rats. Was hoping for a serious discussion. I figured if you had done all that homework then you'd have some vision, some concept of how to get 'er done. You appear to be a 4C-er.richardtaylor1973 wrote:My solution? If I were the all powerful dictator. I'd probably start by borrowing a HUGE massive load of cash. I mean MASSIVE. At least a few $billion. Then I'd expropriate The Conservatory and build a load of social housing to get homeless off the streets of Downtown. Following that I'd expropriate most of Downtown, bulldoze it (especially City Hall and that STUPID multi-million dollar Zamboni shed over the road from it). Then build a load of GINORMOUS skyscrapers and hotels with things like restaurants on the 60th floor looking out across the lake. I think also an NHL stadium on Central Green. Actually scratch that. I prefer NFL. We'd need to buy a franchise though. "The Kelowna 49ers" has ring to it. Then I'd admit that I'd spent all the money, couldn't pay it back and demand a bail-out from Vernon & Penticton.grammafreddy wrote:Richard - what's your solution for Kelowna as far as the economy is concerned?
That's my plan A. :-)
Plan B would be to elect and put my trust in these 9:spam deleted
We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.