Mayor and Council

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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by Winbuck_Chuck »

From all of the newspaper articles and the candidates’ forum, it seems to me like alot of the "new" candidates are realistically looking at financial responsibility and spending for the future. Not just making "the promises that everyone wants to hear" to re-elected. For those current council members, previous actions (or lack of) speak louder than words!
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by LANDM »

JustJay wrote:lol How you take what I wrote is totally up to you....Why I wrote it...Go back to page 1 and read some others posts....Might be where I formed my opinion or maybe it is just my opinion just like you are entitled to your opinion...take how you want!!! We will see what happens after the Mayors chair is filled...Good luck to all the candidates!!!
Actually, I don't know how to take it..........that is why I sincerely asked. However, there is no way it can be taken positively so I am just wondering, as any reasonable person would, if you are actually trying to say something specific or just tarring all of the candidates with some sort of smear.
I am trying to find out what your opinion is so it isn't really a matter of taking it any way until you actually say what that opinion is. As for maybe forming an opinion based on someone elses posts..........that is about as nebulous as you can get.

Of course we will see what happens after the Mayors chair is filled. We will also see what the weather is like tomorrow when tomorrow comes. However, you seem to be implying a prediction and that is what I am wondering about. :137:
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by JustJay »

Actually LANDM you HAVE taken it the way you wanted and judge what I wrote so no matter what I would say you have made your opinion (and you are entitled to it) but you are also saying things about my post that are your opinion not mine. Like your quote As for maybe forming an opinion based on someone elses posts..........that is about as nebulous as you can get..I was going on your posts too.
You asked in one of your posts;
What are the opinions on the people running for Mayor? Why would you ask this?? So you can cut into people that have an opinion that differs from yours.
???? forget the others
Forget the others….That’s fair!!

Looks like time for a change from Baker. That’s your opinion maybe it’s not mine.
I’m not cutting down your opinion on that as you say I’m am if you are actually trying to say something specific or just tarring all of the candidates with some sort of smear.Tarring all of the candidates with some sort of smear is not what I was doing that’s again is your opinion. But nice try….
It actually would be good for Lake Country to have a clean sweep at this point.Your opinion, my opinion you are smearing the council we have now…how nice of you!! Maybe put some sense (fear, perhaps) in the minds of the bureaucrats who still have a tendency to say no to everything. Hmmm sounds like your smearing here??? We are in the deadest time of the economy for years and they still cannot seem to do things in a timely fashion so hopefully we can get an energetic Mayor with some sense of how to run a business and a new council to whip things into shape. Little more smearing going on here?

McCarthy seems to have a fresh view on things, untainted by the immediate past but able to bring some experience by being on council previously. Sounds to me like this is who you want to see win, could also be my vote….it The others don't quite seem to have the energy, seems.Oh and more smearing…. Plus the mayors job is different than councillors so he would be able to keep things focused and guided where needed.You say “We have got 4 good people who are longtime residents of the community running for mayor. Correct. To imply that someone is going to go through the hell of running for mayor to cover their "personal issues" and not for the community is a pretty strong statement with this bunch” In your opinion maybe it is, and it is also politics.
As for maybe forming an opinion based on someone elses posts..........that is about as nebulous as you can get. That’s what you have done…so maybe practice what you preach!!
I WAS NOT TRYING TO SMEAR ANYONE just stating my opinion and that’s what a forum is about.
Oh and by the way here is a tip for you about the weather….There is the Weather Network & Mike Roberts with the CHBC News that can help you with the weather forecast for tomorrow!!
Till Sat……Enough said from me!!
:ohmygod: :ohmygod: :dyinglaughing: :dyinglaughing: :dyinglaughing:
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by Rwede »

I'll get brave and make a few predictions. What the heck, it's a big crap shoot anyway!








Clark should have the job, but somehow I think Baker will get back in if my gut is right - people never learn
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by LANDM »

comments in blue
[quote="JustJay"]Actually LANDM you HAVE taken it the way you wanted and judge what I wrote so no matter what I would say you have made your opinion (and you are entitled to it) but you are also saying things about my post that are your opinion not mine. Like your quote As for maybe forming an opinion based on someone elses posts..........that is about as nebulous as you can get..I was going on your posts too.
You asked in one of your posts;
What are the opinions on the people running for Mayor? Why would you ask this?? So you can cut into people that have an opinion that differs from yours.
No, so I can get additional information so I can be better informed. That is why I was trying to see what you were trying to say/imply.

???? forget the others
Forget the others….That’s fair!!
No, I simply didn't know who the others were.......Hence saying I forget who the others are and couldn't name them. I assumed someone else would know.

Looks like time for a change from Baker.
That’s your opinion maybe it’s not mine.
Of course that's my opinion. I said it.

I’m not cutting down your opinion on that as you say I’m am if you are actually trying to say something specific or just tarring all of the candidates with some sort of smear.Tarring all of the candidates with some sort of smear is not what I was doing that’s again is your opinion. But nice try….
Merely trying to get you to say what you were implying. You still haven't said it

It actually would be good for Lake Country to have a clean sweep at this point.Your opinion, my opinion you are smearing the council we have now…how nice of you!!
Again, I said it so it is my opinion. I think it is time for a change

Maybe put some sense (fear, perhaps) in the minds of the bureaucrats who still have a tendency to say no to everything. Hmmm sounds like your smearing here???
I am actually saying straight out that I believe that the bureaucrats need to have a healthy fear for their jobs...they act as though we are bothering them by our presence most of the time.

We are in the deadest time of the economy for years and they still cannot seem to do things in a timely fashion so hopefully we can get an energetic Mayor with some sense of how to run a business and a new council to whip things into shape. Little more smearing going on here?
OK, if that's what you think. Again, I am actually saying that we need someone who is a bit more businesslike with more energy.

McCarthy seems to have a fresh view on things, untainted by the immediate past but able to bring some experience by being on council previously. Sounds to me like this is who you want to see win, could also be my vote….it
At the time of writing, and more so now, yes, I feel this would be a good choice. At the time of writing, I was undecided and wondering what others could contribute to the thought process

The others don't quite seem to have the energy, seems.Oh and more smearing….
OK, if that's what you think. At least I am saying something and not just implying it.

Plus the mayors job is different than councillors so he would be able to keep things focused and guided where needed.You say “We have got 4 good people who are longtime residents of the community running for mayor. Correct. To imply that someone is going to go through the hell of running for mayor to cover their "personal issues" and not for the community is a pretty strong statement with this bunch” In your opinion maybe it is, and it is also politics.
I guess I am more optimistic than you about the people running. I don't have as jaded an outlook as you(or paranoid, dependent on what fuels you).

As for maybe forming an opinion based on someone elses posts..........that is about as nebulous as you can get. That’s what you have done…so maybe practice what you preach!!
I am trying to get more knowledge on the candidates.......attempting to imply that one or more of them are doing something for personal gain but not actually saying what or who is smearing all of them

I WAS NOT TRYING TO SMEAR ANYONE just stating my opinion and that’s what a forum is about.
Wow....even yelling :discodance: So, can you actually go back to what was initially asked and state what you were implying with that initial post. I'm not trying to be a jerk about it......just wondering what you were trying to say. :127:

Oh and by the way here is a tip for you about the weather….There is the Weather Network & Mike Roberts with the CHBC News that can help you with the weather forecast for tomorrow!!Thanks, I didn't know that. :hailjo:
Till Sat……Enough said from me!!
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by Winbuck_Chuck »

To change this feed to something more related to the TOPIC rather than a personal bit*h fest... I have cast my vote in the advanced polling and hope that everyone else does so ON SATURDAY as well. Sticking with what has been requested...**in my opinion** I do worry that the ward system may fail us! Every member of the community should be able to vote for a council that has all of Lake Country’s best interests in mind, not just specific wards. So really I could only vote for Winfield, and not the two representatives I would like to see on council (Matt Vader) Carrs Landing and (Jeremy Blaskovits) Okanagan Centre, who **in my opinion** seem to be looking out for all of lake country.
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by hallgirl »

I would really like to see some discussion on the Ward system too. It seems to have advantages and disadvantages. I am sure some of the candidates in Saturday's election could not navigate around Oyama, Okanagan Centre or Carrs Landing - the same as some Ward Councillors who have been elected over the years. On the other hand the Wards have specific issues that can be addressed by their own rep. But it seems unfair that some Councillors will be elected on Saturday by far fewer votes than some who are defeated. Maybe it is time to have the 6 best people from Lake Country on Council?
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by dsldriver »

The ward system that we have here in Lake Country is something that you don't want to get rid of. It has NO disadvantages at all. People who live in a given ward get to pick the person they want to represent their area. They also get to pick the "at large" candidate that represents everyone. So could someone please point out the disadvantages of the ward system?? They don't have the ward system in Kelowna, and everyone just has to pick from the pool of candidates and cast their votes. There is no rhyme or reason to any of it.
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by Winbuck_Chuck »

I wasn’t saying we need to remove the ward system, but maybe just relook at how it is laid out.
---all of the numbers from this post are directly from the DLC website. “The referendum was held on October 17, 1998. Of 521 voters, 85 %( 443) people in all of lake country, voted yes in response to “Are you in favor of retaining the neighbourhood constituency system".---
Then to clarify DSL... For example (and lets use 13,000 as our approximate population right now), you are saying that it is NOT a disadvantage that if every single person who can vote in Carrslanding ward votes, (Carr’s Landing has 6.1% of the population.. so ALL voters = 793 votes) and Winfield has 52% of the population , lets say for fun that only 25% of this ward vote = 1690 votes) that Carrslanding still has an equal say in what happens to all of Lake Country?
Lets say Barbara Leamont, gets a large percentage of votes in Carrslanding because she has lived there for so long, and all of her old times friends go out and vote and she gets 500 votes! (63% not bad) But then in Winfield Rob Geier & Bill Scarrow have a close race, and Rob wins with 53% (of the numbers above) 896 votes, and in losing, Bill has 794 votes, which is over 150% more vote then Barbara, yet he is not elected to council, that this is a fair system?
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by Big Al »

dsldriver wrote:The ward system that we have here in Lake Country is something that you don't want to get rid of. It has NO disadvantages at all. People who live in a given ward get to pick the person they want to represent their area. They also get to pick the "at large" candidate that represents everyone. So could someone please point out the disadvantages of the ward system?? They don't have the ward system in Kelowna, and everyone just has to pick from the pool of candidates and cast their votes. There is no rhyme or reason to any of it.
the ward sytem has multiple facets that are undemocratic and some issues such as the acclaimations last time around ... there is enuf uninformed people that have an incomplete veiew that it will be toough to get rid of it. i was a supporter and once educated despize it..., let me know if you really want the facts ... most dont // they preffer the romantic sugar coating
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Re: Mayor and Council

Post by Big Al »

RichardWede wrote:I'll get brave and make a few predictions. What the heck, it's a big crap shoot anyway!








Clark should have the job, but somehow I think Baker will get back in if my gut is right - people never learn
wow it u play 649 do the auto pic
Kalamalka puts colour in Lake Country

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