Katie Robinson running for Mayor
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
I was happy to hear the rumors that Katie Robinson was contemplating running again for a seat on city council. Although I was surprised to read that Katie had decided to run for Mayor, I still excitedly read the Penticton Herald article yesterday to learn more.
After reading the comments from Katie Robinson I am a bit confused. It sounds like Ms.Robinson is suggesting that in order to support the local economy, City Hall simply needs to add more jobs but at the same time she is calling for “fiscal responsibility” I hope in the future Katie can clarify what she means by creating well paying city hall jobs and being fiscally responsible.
My other confusion is Mrs.Robinson comments regarding the expenses to run the SOEC and the PT&CC. It’s is great to hear concern about controlling the costs to run these facilitates but I would like to hear more of a plan as to how that can actually be accomplished. Again I hope that Katie provides more tangible details.
I will say that I think it is good thing that Katie Robertson has decided to run and thereby create a legitimate race for the Mayor’s office. Thank you for this great forum to have some discussion. I have enjoyed my morning coffee reading up on these topics.
After reading the comments from Katie Robinson I am a bit confused. It sounds like Ms.Robinson is suggesting that in order to support the local economy, City Hall simply needs to add more jobs but at the same time she is calling for “fiscal responsibility” I hope in the future Katie can clarify what she means by creating well paying city hall jobs and being fiscally responsible.
My other confusion is Mrs.Robinson comments regarding the expenses to run the SOEC and the PT&CC. It’s is great to hear concern about controlling the costs to run these facilitates but I would like to hear more of a plan as to how that can actually be accomplished. Again I hope that Katie provides more tangible details.
I will say that I think it is good thing that Katie Robertson has decided to run and thereby create a legitimate race for the Mayor’s office. Thank you for this great forum to have some discussion. I have enjoyed my morning coffee reading up on these topics.
Last edited by clouseau on Sep 15th, 2011, 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Lord of the Board
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
Clouseau, please spell her name correctly...its Robinson. I am also tired of people wanting to rid the city, both private and city of good paying jobs. Soon, we will all be working for minimum wage in the service industry and unable to afford ANY events at the SOEC or any other venue here. I had to laugh at Ashton; he was very supportive of the good paying prison jobs, yet takes pride in dumping jobs in his own RDOS and City. He's done as far as many people that I've talked to.clouseau wrote:I was happy to hear the rumors that Katie Robertson was contemplating running again for a seat on city council. Although I was surprised to read that Katie had decided to run for Mayor, I still excitedly read the Penticton Herald article yesterday to learn more.
After reading the comments from Katie Robertson I am a bit confused. It sounds like Ms.Robertson is suggesting that in order to support the local economy, City Hall simply needs to add more jobs but at the same time she is calling for “fiscal responsibility” I hope in the future Katie can clarify what she means by creating well paying city hall jobs and being fiscally responsible.
My other confusion is Mrs.Robertson’s comments regarding the expenses to run the SOEC and the PT&CC. It’s is great to hear concern about controlling the costs to run these facilitates but I would like to hear more of a plan as to how that can actually be accomplished. Again I hope that Katie provides more tangible details.
I will say that I think it is good thing that Katie Robertson has decided to run and thereby create a legitimate race for the Mayor’s office. Thank you for this great forum to have some discussion. I have enjoyed my morning coffee reading up on these topics.
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
XT225 wrote:Clouseau, please spell her name correctly...its Robinson. I am also tired of people wanting to rid the city, both private and city of good paying jobs. Soon, we will all be working for minimum wage in the service industry and unable to afford ANY events at the SOEC or any other venue here. I had to laugh at Ashton; he was very supportive of the good paying prison jobs, yet takes pride in dumping jobs in his own RDOS and City. He's done as far as many people that I've talked to.clouseau wrote:I was happy to hear the rumors that Katie Robertson was contemplating running again for a seat on city council. Although I was surprised to read that Katie had decided to run for Mayor, I still excitedly read the Penticton Herald article yesterday to learn more.
After reading the comments from Katie Robertson I am a bit confused. It sounds like Ms.Robertson is suggesting that in order to support the local economy, City Hall simply needs to add more jobs but at the same time she is calling for “fiscal responsibility” I hope in the future Katie can clarify what she means by creating well paying city hall jobs and being fiscally responsible.
My other confusion is Mrs.Robertson’s comments regarding the expenses to run the SOEC and the PT&CC. It’s is great to hear concern about controlling the costs to run these facilitates but I would like to hear more of a plan as to how that can actually be accomplished. Again I hope that Katie provides more tangible details.
I will say that I think it is good thing that Katie Robertson has decided to run and thereby create a legitimate race for the Mayor’s office. Thank you for this great forum to have some discussion. I have enjoyed my morning coffee reading up on these topics.
I am embarrassed for the miss-spelling on my part, an error I will correct shortly and thank you for pointing it out to me. I also wanted to clarify that I am not opposed to well paying jobs, in fact I welcome them. I was more trying to understand Katie Robinson’s comments as it seems she is suggesting the city have more well paying jobs but also that the city be fiscally responsible. Given that well paying taxpayer funded jobs do cost property owners a fair bit of money in property taxes I was mostly curious how and what Katie Robinson was going to do if elected.
- Lord of the Board
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
Not a problem, Clousea and thank you for replying gracefully; so many people on here get all bent out shape and attack people for their comments. This is a democracy (so far, thank God) and we are all entitled to our opinions through healthy debate. From what I know, the city has cut jobs to the bone and has had to rehire some positions back just to make the city run. In the case of management positions, this also cost us big time in Severance packages (union workers don't get these); this has added to the deficit. In some cases, perhaps it was a bit of dead wood that they got rid of; however that is only speculation. I cringe (as Katie has done) every time I read about good paying jobs going elsewhere, whether city or private. This town cannot afford to lose any more workers, period. I disagree with other peoples comments that tax cuts will win votes; hogwash. We need to keep paying down the debt; and most people that I've talked to fully understand this and will likely vote for those on council who opposed the 0.5% tax reductions; those councillors (two, I believe) at least saw through the politics of that one. Again, MY opinion; won't be everyones.clouseau wrote:XT225 wrote: Clouseau, please spell her name correctly...its Robinson. I am also tired of people wanting to rid the city, both private and city of good paying jobs. Soon, we will all be working for minimum wage in the service industry and unable to afford ANY events at the SOEC or any other venue here. I had to laugh at Ashton; he was very supportive of the good paying prison jobs, yet takes pride in dumping jobs in his own RDOS and City. He's done as far as many people that I've talked to.
I am embarrassed for the miss-spelling on my part, an error I will correct shortly and thank you for pointing it out to me. I also wanted to clarify that I am not opposed to well paying jobs, in fact I welcome them. I was more trying to understand Katie Robinson’s comments as it seems she is suggesting the city have more well paying jobs but also that the city be fiscally responsible. Given that well paying taxpayer funded jobs do cost property owners a fair bit of money in property taxes I was mostly curious how and what Katie Robinson was going to do if elected.
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
I certainly welcome positive discussion on this subject as I view it of importance, and I do not care much for negative personal attacks either. From my own perspective I am looking for a clear direction from candidates for Mayor and council. I would like to hear a detailed plan on how problems are going to be solved. For example I think most everyone in Penticton understands that the current operating structure for the SOEC is not working and needs some changes to be made, however simply pointing out the obvious is not really solving anything.
It’s the same as commenting on the job cuts at City Hall, is a candidate going to increase the size of the City Hall work force and reverse these firings ? And if so how is it going to be paid for ? These are details I believe we need to hear. This is why I was left feeling somewhat confused after reading the comments from Katie Robinson. I heard criticism over the firings but I did not hear a commitment to reverse the firings or a disagreement that it was done. It sort of reminded me of Councilor Jakubiet who announced he would re-run and said in the Penticton Herald that it was time to “get serious” My thoughts were why does he only wait to get serious when re-running for election ? Why was he not serious for the past three years ?
As I mentioned previously, I hope between now and November we hear more details from prospective candidates and not the usual fluff or simply pointing out the obvious that we already know.
I certainly welcome positive discussion on this subject as I view it of importance, and I do not care much for negative personal attacks either. From my own perspective I am looking for a clear direction from candidates for Mayor and council. I would like to hear a detailed plan on how problems are going to be solved. For example I think most everyone in Penticton understands that the current operating structure for the SOEC is not working and needs some changes to be made, however simply pointing out the obvious is not really solving anything.
It’s the same as commenting on the job cuts at City Hall, is a candidate going to increase the size of the City Hall work force and reverse these firings ? And if so how is it going to be paid for ? These are details I believe we need to hear. This is why I was left feeling somewhat confused after reading the comments from Katie Robinson. I heard criticism over the firings but I did not hear a commitment to reverse the firings or a disagreement that it was done. It sort of reminded me of Councilor Jakubiet who announced he would re-run and said in the Penticton Herald that it was time to “get serious” My thoughts were why does he only wait to get serious when re-running for election ? Why was he not serious for the past three years ?
As I mentioned previously, I hope between now and November we hear more details from prospective candidates and not the usual fluff or simply pointing out the obvious that we already know.
- Fledgling
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
I have to say I thought the same thing when I read Jakubiet's comment about "time to get serious". I wondered, has he not been serious the last three years as well. I'm sure most voters will be looking to all candidates to good strong platforms and solutions to our problems. I plan on doing my homework and being at meetings to ask those questions!
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
spacecadet wrote:I have to say I thought the same thing when I read Jakubiet's comment about "time to get serious". I wondered, has he not been serious the last three years as well. I'm sure most voters will be looking to all candidates to good strong platforms and solutions to our problems. I plan on doing my homework and being at meetings to ask those questions!
We think alike and I will be doing the same thing.
- Lord of the Board
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
Agree completely re Jakubiet; he was very active as long as it had to do with the downtown (where his business is) or about hockey (his interest); otherwise he so often was busy "balancing on that fence rail". Not my choice at all.spacecadet wrote:I have to say I thought the same thing when I read Jakubiet's comment about "time to get serious". I wondered, has he not been serious the last three years as well. I'm sure most voters will be looking to all candidates to good strong platforms and solutions to our problems. I plan on doing my homework and being at meetings to ask those questions!
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
Now that you have pointed that out I would say that is a very accurate observation. Add in bike lanes and those are the only issues I can recall being raised by Councilor Jakubeit.XT225 wrote:Agree completely re Jakubiet; he was very active as long as it had to do with the downtown (where his business is) or about hockey (his interest); otherwise he so often was busy "balancing on that fence rail". Not my choice at all.spacecadet wrote:I have to say I thought the same thing when I read Jakubiet's comment about "time to get serious". I wondered, has he not been serious the last three years as well. I'm sure most voters will be looking to all candidates to good strong platforms and solutions to our problems. I plan on doing my homework and being at meetings to ask those questions!
- Lord of the Board
- Posts: 4227
- Joined: Jun 2nd, 2009, 4:37 pm
Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
Yep...all agreed. Not a bad person; just not a go-getter unless its his interest. I crossed him off my list long ago. New blood is what we need.clouseau wrote:Now that you have pointed that out I would say that is a very accurate observation. Add in bike lanes and those are the only issues I can recall being raised by Councilor Jakubeit.XT225 wrote: Agree completely re Jakubiet; he was very active as long as it had to do with the downtown (where his business is) or about hockey (his interest); otherwise he so often was busy "balancing on that fence rail". Not my choice at all.
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
Here is an article from the Penticton Western News that I found far more helpful and useful regarding Katie Robinson and her views on current City affairs. I found this article made far more sense than the one in the Penticton Herald and I am looking forward to hearing more from Ms.Robinson. It seems odd that there has not been a peep so far from Mayor Ashton.
Perhaps he is too pre-occupied with his time spent as the RDOS Chair. I hope to hear Katie Robinsons views on serving Penticton as opposed to also sitting as chair as the RDOS and I am hopeful that Katie opposes this conflict of interest. E.Slump has written some really good letters on this topic as of late and I hope people are paying attention.
http://www.bclocalnews.com/okanagan_sim ... 20378.html
Perhaps he is too pre-occupied with his time spent as the RDOS Chair. I hope to hear Katie Robinsons views on serving Penticton as opposed to also sitting as chair as the RDOS and I am hopeful that Katie opposes this conflict of interest. E.Slump has written some really good letters on this topic as of late and I hope people are paying attention.
http://www.bclocalnews.com/okanagan_sim ... 20378.html
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
I am with you on that XT225. I had voted for Councilor Jakubeit in the last election with hopes he would bring new ideas and a fresh face to council. Like Mr.Jakubeit I will also be “getting serious” with my vote this time around and I will not be voting for Mr.Jakubeit again.XT225 wrote:Yep...all agreed. Not a bad person; just not a go-getter unless its his interest. I crossed him off my list long ago. New blood is what we need.clouseau wrote: Now that you have pointed that out I would say that is a very accurate observation. Add in bike lanes and those are the only issues I can recall being raised by Councilor Jakubeit.
- Guru
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
I dunno if that article clarified anything. It actually seemed like a bit of a flip flop on her part. To state that she understood the core services review, understood the need to make hard decisions, and had no problem with that, only to just say that the problem was the communications with staff??????? Tell me, what is the good way to communicate that a person is fired or layed off?clouseau wrote:Here is an article from the Penticton Western News that I found far more helpful and useful regarding Katie Robinson and her views on current City affairs. I found this article made far more sense than the one in the Penticton Herald and I am looking forward to hearing more from Ms.Robinson. It seems odd that there has not been a peep so far from Mayor Ashton.
Perhaps he is too pre-occupied with his time spent as the RDOS Chair. I hope to hear Katie Robinsons views on serving Penticton as opposed to also sitting as chair as the RDOS and I am hopeful that Katie opposes this conflict of interest. E.Slump has written some really good letters on this topic as of late and I hope people are paying attention.
http://www.bclocalnews.com/okanagan_sim ... 20378.html
Nothing more on the SOEC or PTCC........only as a past financial advisor she see's the need to increase revenues. Well ya. But can you tell us what you know that has yet to be tried. C'mon Katie, I love ya but you can't just state the obvious. Hopfully in some question periods more detail will emerge.
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
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Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
twobits wrote:I dunno if that article clarified anything. It actually seemed like a bit of a flip flop on her part. To state that she understood the core services review, understood the need to make hard decisions, and had no problem with that, only to just say that the problem was the communications with staff??????? Tell me, what is the good way to communicate that a person is fired or layed off?clouseau wrote:Here is an article from the Penticton Western News that I found far more helpful and useful regarding Katie Robinson and her views on current City affairs. I found this article made far more sense than the one in the Penticton Herald and I am looking forward to hearing more from Ms.Robinson. It seems odd that there has not been a peep so far from Mayor Ashton.
Perhaps he is too pre-occupied with his time spent as the RDOS Chair. I hope to hear Katie Robinsons views on serving Penticton as opposed to also sitting as chair as the RDOS and I am hopeful that Katie opposes this conflict of interest. E.Slump has written some really good letters on this topic as of late and I hope people are paying attention.
http://www.bclocalnews.com/okanagan_sim ... 20378.html
Nothing more on the SOEC or PTCC........only as a past financial advisor she see's the need to increase revenues. Well ya. But can you tell us what you know that has yet to be tried. C'mon Katie, I love ya but you can't just state the obvious. Hopfully in some question periods more detail will emerge.
What I found of value in the article was that Katie stated that she understood and agreed with the firings at City Hall, whereas in the Penticton Herald article it almost sounded like Katie’s definition of well paying jobs was restricted to those financed by taxpayers. I do agree with you though that in this case Ms. Robinson takes issue with HOW the firings were done. You make a good point that it is difficult to do any firing “well” but I would point to the City of Vancouver where the new Mayor and Council got in and decisively cleaned house in relatively short order without a long and expensive protracted process that I expect would have hung over City Hall like a dark cloud.
I also agree with you that more commentary from Katie on how she would deal with the SOEC and PT&CC is required as well as how she would deal with revenues versus spending, hence why I suggested I would like to hear more from her. However in Katie’s defense we have not heard any direction, vision or plan from Mayor Ashton either with respect to his re-election effort. Curious what your views on that are?
- Fledgling
- Posts: 336
- Joined: Jun 5th, 2011, 5:06 pm
Re: Katie Robinson running for Mayor
Katie Robinson running for mayor!.
Penticton council needs a good clean out, mind you anything that walks and talks and breathes will be better than the non-resident we have running things now. Residency should be part of the eligibility criteria, that way, self interest groups ( individuals) will not hijack council for their own purposes,
Ps to Jo , give ‘em heck !. Sometimes I think some of the ‘fulltime” posters here have nothing better to do than criticize others. Maybe they should keep their twobits worth to themselves unless it is constructive.
Penticton council needs a good clean out, mind you anything that walks and talks and breathes will be better than the non-resident we have running things now. Residency should be part of the eligibility criteria, that way, self interest groups ( individuals) will not hijack council for their own purposes,
Ps to Jo , give ‘em heck !. Sometimes I think some of the ‘fulltime” posters here have nothing better to do than criticize others. Maybe they should keep their twobits worth to themselves unless it is constructive.