News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
- Fledgling
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
I dont think there is a lack of education on any level. No one is saying anything negative about any race or the like. IMHO she was stating how she felt and in this country that is still allowed. The Canadian Constitution deals with a lot more that just 1st Nations also allows someone to speak their mind without fear of recourse. Education or not the fact remains that there are issues that she has made public and based on the simple pole Castanet has done, it seems there are many people that see her side of things. Again I am not supporting what she said, I only support her right to say it. She wasnt IMHO trying to call any race out or say that one is better than the other, in fact she clearly states she would like to see everone treated equal.Disneyland wrote:I wonder with all her political savvy, if she ever considered trying to educate herself about native people? Hmmm I wonder where a highly successful First Nation could be that could educate her? Well I'll be damned, they have 3 Reserves in her what was her potential riding, Westbank First Nation! She has done a bang up job in identifying potential voters.
Also, a lot of the posters here might be surprised if they actually made the effort to educate themselves about First Nations and the Canadian Constitution, instead of spouting rhetoric. Must be so hard to talk to your neighbours and community members. WFN is just across the Bridge, and is part of this community.
- Guru
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
I find it interesting that the vast majority of posters on this thread agree with Dayleen. I count myself among them.I wonder with all her political savvy, if she ever considered trying to educate herself about native people? Hmmm I wonder where a highly successful First Nation could be that could educate her? Well I'll be damned, they have 3 Reserves in her what was her potential riding, Westbank First Nation! She has done a bang up job in identifying potential voters.
Also, a lot of the posters here might be surprised if they actually made the effort to educate themselves about First Nations and the Canadian Constitution, instead of spouting rhetoric. Must be so hard to talk to your neighbours and community members. WFN is just across the Bridge, and is part of this community.
If polled, my belief is that the vast majority of white Canadians would also agree with her.
To agree with statements such as hers is not to promote hatred or racism but rather to promote a commonly held belief shared by millions.
When others have tried to parallel what our government is and has been doing for the native groups for decades by illustrating what Germans currently do for the Jewish people of the world or what Americans currently do to make amends for slavery etc., they are debunked as being nonsensical but is it really?
I guess if you are native today, you have no reason to want to see change because it would mean altering how you live in ways that may be unpleasant to a degree.
When a debt is incurred, there is a timeline for repayment. Both parties have to agree to the debt being created and then agree on what is reasonable in terms of repayment.
This debt that our present government is preserving and past governments agreed to seems to have no end in sight.
,We simply do not owe our native brothers any more than what we have given them. It has to end. It's not healthy for them as a people and it's not healthy for the rest of us who see this never ending peace offering for wrongs that have been acknowledged and acted upon.
Land that was "taken" by whites centuries ago belonged to no one in particular regardless of who was there because in order to own something, one must have exchanged something of value with someone who owned what was needed by the settlers.
Natives may have been here first but seriously, how many could there have been then when the whites arrived? This country has one of the biggest land masses of any on the planet but we couldn't agree on who was entitled to what?
So the strong may have prevailed but it has always been that way.
To continually hand over huge tracts of land to a group because they were displaced 500 years ago is ludicrous.
They are not displaced now. They have some of the best real estate in the country and they have their own unique set of rules which benefits them greatly.
I recognize them as a distinct nation. I would like to recognize them as Canadians. as people who live and work by the rules I have to live and work by.
Nobody likes to sit back and watch anybody get things that are not available to them. It makes them angry and from anger comes intolerance and intolerance breeds hatred.
What Canadians did to native children during the mid 20th century was deplorable and those responsible all should have been dealt with harshly and criminally. Some were but most walked away because they were acting under the auspices of a government decree. They were protected and so they did as so many with a modicum of power do, they abused their authority and native families suffered.
Acknowledging this and feeling that it is time to move on are not mutually exclusive. It is important to move on. To move forward and allowing a 2 tiered system that works for one but not for all simply cannot continue.
I do not want to feel anger toward our native people but it gets harder every day as seemingly more and more concessions are made in order to salve the consciences of the spirits of our ancestors.
Dayleen spoke what is on the minds of many, most of us and she was sacrificed for it.
I hope she decides to move forward in whatever way she can either politically or privately to work for change in our country so that we can all feel equal.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
Call me crazy,but if Dayleen was the leader of the party instead of Dix,I think they'd win in a landslide.Any thoughts out there. The Castanet poll suggests maybe it's possible.
- Übergod
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
Well said, and maybe they should consider putting some money towards better explaining why the hell they're providing the natives with things. Instead of just "We're giving them X" it might help if they told us what particular issue we're paying for this time, because at some point it should all be bleeping evened out.mexicalidreamer wrote:I do not want to feel anger toward our native people but it gets harder every day as seemingly more and more concessions are made in order to salve the consciences of the spirits of our ancestors.
Slightly off topic but as an example I fail to see why native land has to be different from other land. Why couldn't they just be given the title to a chunk of land and from then out it's no different from other land, they just own it and can do whatever anyone else would do with it? Why the special taxes and 100 year land leases and such?
cliffy1 wrote:Welcome to the asylum.
- Chief Sh*t Disturber
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
I can't help but wonder if Dayleen isn't feeling like a sacrificial lamb right now. Will Dix gain any brownie points for acting so swiftly to the Liberal accusations? Will he use this as a positive in his campaign?
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We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.
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- Guru
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
I still think she should run as an independent. Judging by the poll, she stands a good chance at winning.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
she has until 1 pm on April 26, 2013 when nominations close to get on the ballot as an independent.
i see that the ndp have not filled that position yet
i see that the ndp have not filled that position yet
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
Right now,Dayleen is looking like a runaway winner as an Independant according to the Castanet poll. Not too surprising.
- Buddha of the Board
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
...yet nobody knows how she stands on any issues except for remarks towards Natives and Quebec.
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Welcome to moder times democracy where elections are nothing but popularity contests.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
I don't really agree with that. I think what the poll shows us is that most people feel that we should all be able to voice our opinions without fear of reprisal and that that poll is simply a continuation of yesterdays poll and furor at someone being muzzled.Phoenix Within wrote:I still think she should run as an independent. Judging by the poll, she stands a good chance at winning.
I don't think that's quite the same as viewing the poll results as guaranteed votes.
As CA points out no one really knows where she stands on the majority of issues, plus there's still a bit of a feeling that she might be on a personal crusade.
I guess there's one way to find out if she runs.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
All good points.Really what's needed is more frequent open dialogue in town halls to discuss issues of the day with all candidates in attendance.How does monthly sound?
- The Pilgrim
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
Even if I agreed with her on Natives and French, I wouldn't vote for her. She's as flaky as Cal Condy, if not moreso.
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- Douglas Murray
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
I agree, and therefore somewhat doubt that the furor generated by chastising someone for speaking their mind, would a few weeks down the road translate into a guaranteed landslide win at the voting booth.Glacier wrote:Even if I agreed with her on Natives and French, I wouldn't vote for her. She's as flaky as Cal Condy, if not moreso.
"Death is life's way of saying you're fired!"
- Übergod
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
Nothing wrong with brining up subjects..... but her arrogance in the way she brought it up it what is wrong. It was good to see her go. These are sensitive subjects, and ranting on like she did is racism.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate
Why is everyone painting Daylene as a racist, shame on you all! Daylene is the farthest thing from a racist I ever met I have known her 10 years. She is hard working and always on side of the little guy. She went into Politics to help people and support real change. It's to bad your only allowed to say what the NDP party let's you say, you can't have mind or speak it. That explains why so may truly mindless people are in Politics I guess. She is simply saying how many more hundreds of years are we going to pay back the Native People for the White People to live here in Canada? I also want an answer myself to that question. Everytime the Native People bang on a drum we send $$$$$$$$ I'm sick of it. I think in 2013 she's right we are all equal of any color and should be treated the same (get a job, support yourself and stop the hand-outs to everyone that thinks they are special). Really, in this day and age what do we owe to Native people and why, we moved here a couple hundred years ago.
Here is Daylene's quote
“It’s not the status cards, it’s the fact that we have been paying out of the nose for generations for something that isn’t our doing. If their ancestors sold out too cheap it’s not my fault and i shouldn’t have to be paying for any mistake or whatever you want to call it from MY hard earned money.”
“It’s time our generation stopped paying for the mistakes of the past…let us all be one people…THE SAME.. race, creed colour or gender shouldn’t matter anymore in this day and age…enough is enough already.” (sic)
“The government is nothing more than a big black hole that feeds off the working man, sucking his last penny from his hand so they can give it away freely or lose it stupidly on things like fast ferries and about a zillion other stupid things.”
You all really think she said something wrong? Well I feel exactly like her, so hang me too! SHE HAS MY VOTE! Why are we paying for people to sit home and wait for their hand-outs, when I have to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week so I can have enough money after taxes for my "caucasion canadian" family to survive. Why are not we allowed to say anything like this, it's the truth she speaks. She's not taking shots at anyone but the people recieving hand-outs from decsions made 200 years ago.
Why is everyone painting Daylene as a racist, shame on you all! Daylene is the farthest thing from a racist I ever met I have known her 10 years. She is hard working and always on side of the little guy. She went into Politics to help people and support real change. It's to bad your only allowed to say what the NDP party let's you say, you can't have mind or speak it. That explains why so may truly mindless people are in Politics I guess. She is simply saying how many more hundreds of years are we going to pay back the Native People for the White People to live here in Canada? I also want an answer myself to that question. Everytime the Native People bang on a drum we send $$$$$$$$ I'm sick of it. I think in 2013 she's right we are all equal of any color and should be treated the same (get a job, support yourself and stop the hand-outs to everyone that thinks they are special). Really, in this day and age what do we owe to Native people and why, we moved here a couple hundred years ago.
Here is Daylene's quote
“It’s not the status cards, it’s the fact that we have been paying out of the nose for generations for something that isn’t our doing. If their ancestors sold out too cheap it’s not my fault and i shouldn’t have to be paying for any mistake or whatever you want to call it from MY hard earned money.”
“It’s time our generation stopped paying for the mistakes of the past…let us all be one people…THE SAME.. race, creed colour or gender shouldn’t matter anymore in this day and age…enough is enough already.” (sic)
“The government is nothing more than a big black hole that feeds off the working man, sucking his last penny from his hand so they can give it away freely or lose it stupidly on things like fast ferries and about a zillion other stupid things.”
You all really think she said something wrong? Well I feel exactly like her, so hang me too! SHE HAS MY VOTE! Why are we paying for people to sit home and wait for their hand-outs, when I have to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week so I can have enough money after taxes for my "caucasion canadian" family to survive. Why are not we allowed to say anything like this, it's the truth she speaks. She's not taking shots at anyone but the people recieving hand-outs from decsions made 200 years ago.