News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by normaM »

“It’s not the status cards, it’s the fact that we have been paying out of the nose for generations for something that isn’t our doing. If their ancestors sold out too cheap it’s not my fault and i shouldn’t have to be paying for any mistake or whatever you want to call it from MY hard earned money,” one post reads. “In my opinion, we have paid our debt … a thousand fold.”

^^^^^ their ancestors sold out too cheap^^^^ That can be her campaign slogan
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by ForestfortheTrees »

Just to present a little historical context, there were a number of commitments made by the Crown (that's us!) to First Nations. Take a look at wording of Treaty 8 signed in 1899.
Her Majesty undertakes to provide land in severalty to the extent of 160 acres to each Indian
Her Majesty also agrees that next year, and annually afterwards for ever, She will cause to be paid to the said Indians in cash, at suitable places and dates, of which the said Indians shall be duly notified, to each Chief twenty-five dollars, each Headman, not to exceed four to a large Band and two to a small Band, fifteen dollars, and to every other Indian, of whatever age, five dollars, the same, unless there be some exceptional reason, to be paid only to heads of families for those belonging thereto.
This is just one treaty. Just saying . . .
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by mexi cali »

True that. Call it racism, or don't call it racism. Not sensitive to other people. I don't need hill billies running our country
Ummm, have you looked in the mirror lately Cleatus?
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by mexi cali »

CAn you tell just exactly what you are just saying? I want to be sure I get your point.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by samsquench07 »

mexicalidreamer wrote:True that. Call it racism, or don't call it racism. Not sensitive to other people. I don't need hill billies running our country
I was referring to her, and your remarks as well
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

normaM wrote:I just remember her moaning about a road - like it was important to everyone instead of just her.
She came across as dumb, and her comments about French at the olys lol. Good to see she has a fan club on Castanet. Free koi for everyone!
I also took note of her suggesting that the Ministry of Transport had a hand in outing her for her remarks on Castanet. This is from the article headline on the front page of Castanet....
"(My intent) has always been that people be treated equally and fairly. That's huge to me because I have spent my whole life building up a reputation and I have a very good reputation or, at least I did until Tuesday. In one fell swoop, I have a vindictive Ministry of Transportation trying to get back at me because I held them accountable very publically."
I'm afraid I think the Ministry of Transport has better things to do than monitor internet forums to see what politically incorrect things people are saying. Besides her driveway has been moved so no doubt they've had enough of her, and if anything else is going on it would be amongst lawyers.

I'm not buying that one and think it belongs in the conspiracy forum. :)
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Grizzleski »

Lone Wolf....

If you look at my last post it was refering to a comment made by Mary Polak in an Globe Mail article.
Mary Polak is the member who called for the NDP to dump this lady.
Mary Polak is the "Ministrer of Transportation"

Pretty close to the point being made.

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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

Right you are I'd missed that connection, sorry. (too much data to process with all this election stuff going on)

I guess she really managed to rub them the wrong way then.

Not surprising, since I felt her past posts struck me as having a sort of cocky, defiant, air about them. Certainly not the type I'd wish to be sitting across a negotiating table from.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Anonymous123 »

samsquench07 wrote:True that. Call it racism, or don't call it racism. Not sensitive to other people. I don't need hill billies running our country
This comment from someone that takes their name from a term used on the Trailer Park Boys.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Trigger69 »

[quote="samsquench07]True that. Call it racism, or don't call it racism. Not sensitive to other people. I don't need hill billies running our country

I was referring to her, and your remarks as well[/quote]
And calling someone a hillbilly is productive??
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Hassel99 »

The Hypocrisy in this thread would be hilarious, if not for the fact that the hypocrites get the same vote as me =(
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by underscore »

samsquench07 wrote:True that. Call it racism, or don't call it racism. Not sensitive to other people. I don't need hill billies running our country
To quote The Dukes of Hazard "we prefer the term Appalachian American"
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by mexi cali »

To Mr. Samsquench. Please take the time to re-read the definition I supplied which explains what the term racist actually means.

Please re post once you have understood it.

And a big thank you to Anonymous for pointing out where you get you moniker from. I knew I had heard that somewhere but I didn't think to look in the Ozarks.

To Jo who started this thread (thanks for doing so) I am not trying to start something and I will back off if i sense that others may not feel that way.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by WhenWhatWho »

mexicalidreamer wrote:To Mr. Samsquench. Please take the time to re-read the definition I supplied which explains what the term racist actually means.

Please re post once you have understood it.

And a big thank you to Anonymous for pointing out where you get you moniker from. I knew I had heard that somewhere but I didn't think to look in the Ozarks.

To Jo who started this thread (thanks for doing so) I am not trying to start something and I will back off if i sense that others may not feel that way.
That's the biggest problem I see with this situation (and many of today's "issues") the definition is used so loosely as to make it all encompassing and effectively meaningless. I would say the same about "bullying", "human rights" and all of the "Catch" phrases and terms used today.

Carry on.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by samsquench07 »

Trigger69 wrote:And calling someone a hillbilly is productive??
Ever hear of Hilly Billy Jim?? He was cool, a role model in my childhood. Hill billies are cool in my opinion. They have a great sense of character.

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