Penticton Election

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Re: Penticton Election

Post by madmudder »

[quote][/quote]I'm not sure what a bartender that has no secondary education and has only his family's ownership of a campground as his "tourism education" will really bring to the table. I'm sure that trying to keep a new business afloat will be very taxing on his time as a councillor as well. [quote]

You can be premier of BC with no secondary education. Look at our premier Christy Clark with no university degree in anything.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by NormCheers »

madmudder wrote:
You can be premier of BC with no secondary education. Look at our premier Christy Clark with no university degree in anything.
I think her education is still a tad better.

All I was trying to say is that there seems to be a bit of an underlying (or is it just lying?) agenda with his Candidacy (just my opinion). I don't see a lot of substance just a lot of fluff. I would suggest asking people on the tourism board about how they truly feel about him.
He is a smooth talker and a good looking candidate though so that will surely bring votes from the less educated. As we all know, politics is not just about knowledge (20%) of the job but how you present yourself (80%) in this media age. I just hope people look beyond the facade.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by twobits »

I cannot believe there are actually people promoting the election of Max Picton!! The only experience he brings to the table is bartending and cashing out the till. His disclosure statement is a joke. Under assets....nothing. Under residence.....his parents house. Check land titles if you don't believe it. Under shares in a corporation over 30%...nada. And he claims to be an owner of Barefoot? One share makes you an owner.
This guy is a joke. A thirty something year old that has eeked out a living on party time atmosphere. No assets anywhere, no permanent residence anywhere. He could provide some valuable input on how to throw a good party and what band to hire but would he seriously be someone you would want making serious capital investment, land use, zoning, etc decisions???
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by twobits »

I'll go out on a limb here and make a prediction a month away from the actual vote with the caveat that I might change my prediction as we come closer. I would be interested in seeing others predictions?


John Vassilaki no particular order

.........wild card to be determined
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by pentona »

So far, the people do not agree. Castanet poll:

If the election was today, who would get your vote for mayor of Penticton?
Total Votes: 300
Andrew Jakubeit: 48.67%
John Vassilaki: 42.67%
Jukka Laurio: 8.67%
Take the Poll >
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by NormCheers »

I should just say, you nailed it Twobits!
Last edited by NormCheers on Oct 14th, 2014, 11:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by MRO »

On the edge of my seat for Daspoot's thoughts on Max Picton :)
twobits wrote:I cannot believe there are actually people promoting the election of Max Picton!! The only experience he brings to the table is bartending and cashing out the till. His disclosure statement is a joke. Under assets....nothing. Under residence.....his parents house. Check land titles if you don't believe it. Under shares in a corporation over 30%...nada. And he claims to be an owner of Barefoot? One share makes you an owner.
This guy is a joke. A thirty something year old that has eeked out a living on party time atmosphere. No assets anywhere, no permanent residence anywhere. He could provide some valuable input on how to throw a good party and what band to hire but would he seriously be someone you would want making serious capital investment, land use, zoning, etc decisions???
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by 3+141592 »

MRO wrote:On the edge of my seat for Daspoot's thoughts on Max Picton :)
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by pentona »

The gap is widening. As of today the poll shows:

If the election was today, who would get your vote for mayor of Penticton?
Total Votes: 320
Andrew Jakubeit: 50.31%
John Vassilaki: 41.25%
Jukka Laurio: 8.44%
Take the Poll >
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by ToddT »

This is rich. 320 people voting on a castanet poll surely will mirror the results come election day. I like both guys, and I'm sad one of them has to lose. That said, Vassilaki will win by a landslide. Heard it here first.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by dreamon »

twobits wrote:I'll go out on a limb here and make a prediction a month away from the actual vote with the caveat that I might change my prediction as we come closer. I would be interested in seeing others predictions?

John Vassilaki no particular order

.........wild card to be determined


Not necessarily my choices, but how I think it will end up. Take a look at various candidates nomination papers and see who is promoting them.
If the Mayor and council ends up as I predict, we will have a penny pinching mayor (not a bad thing in many ways) with a very narrow focus, closed to new ideas, living in the past; a well balanced council that leans toward growth but not at any cost.
I'd like to see Jakubiet prove my prediction as I see him as the better of the two choices for long term growth and some new direction.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by twobits »

ToddT wrote:This is rich. 320 people voting on a castanet poll surely will mirror the results come election day. I like both guys, and I'm sad one of them has to lose. That said, Vassilaki will win by a landslide. Heard it here first.
Have to agree. While my personal preference for mayor is Vas, I'd give Jak a solid B as a councillor and it is too bad we will lose one of them.
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by madmudder »

ToddT wrote:This is rich. 320 people voting on a castanet poll surely will mirror the results come election day. I like both guys, and I'm sad one of them has to lose. That said, Vassilaki will win by a landslide. Heard it here first.

These polls don't mean jack when you can vote multiple times from different devices with different IP addresses.
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by ToddT »

Also, the polls don't mean jack when less than 10% of voters are polled.

Penticton already has a miserable voter turnout, and here we are talking about the opinions of 10% of 10% of 10%!

Do not underestimate the pull that Big V has in these parts. I'm surprised there are only two people running. (Don't even get started with me on the 3rd.)
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Re: Penticton Election

Post by XT225 »

Link to a story re Vassalaki recusing himself from Oct 20th council vote. If he has nothing to gain and not in conflict, why would he leave the room? Nobody makes this stuff up. He stated that he didn't have much to gain. Define "much". I still do not think that neither he nor Jackebeit should be voting on development changes in areas where they have businesses. I am now leaning towards voting for Jackebeit.

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