2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Board

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2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Board

Post by grammafreddy »

http://www.castanet.net/edition/news-st ... .htm#63994
Election nomination forms available
by Castanet Staff - Story: 63994
Aug 24, 2011 / 11:00 am

The City of Kelowna has put out the call for candidates for the 2011 General Election.

“Anyone interested in running for mayor, councillor or school trustee is invited to come in and pick up a nomination package,” says Chief Election Officer Karen Needham.

“The election office is now up and running out of the Office of the City Clerk and we’re here to answer any questions potential candidates or voters may have.”

The general election is set for Saturday, November 19, to elect a mayor and eight councilllors to the City of Kelowna City Council, and four trustees to the Board of School District No. 23.

Those interesting in running can download more information from the City’s webpage or pick up a nomination package available at the Office of City Clerk at City Hall beginning August 24 at 8 a.m.

The period to file nomination papers is October 4 to 14.

An information meeting for candidates is planned for September 21.

Candidate and voter information is available on the City’s election website, kelowna.ca/election, which includes links to social media and an e-subscription service.

Residents can e-subscribe to receive election updates emailed directly to their inbox.

Social media users can get involved with the election by “liking” the Kelowna 2011 Election Facebook page, following @cityofkelowna or tweeting posts using the election’s official Twitter hashtag, #kelownavotes.

“The City is no stranger to social media, and, more and more, Kelowna residents are accessing news through the Internet or mobile phones,” says Needham.

“We want to provide residents easy access to election information.”

Links provided by candidates to their campaign webpages as well Twitter and Facebook pages will be posted online once nomination papers have been filed.

Residents of Kelowna 18 years of age and older can check their eligibility to vote at kelowna.ca/election. The election office can be reached at 250-469-8763.
So there ya have it, folks! Don't like how the city or the school board is run? Unhappy about how the city spends money and what they spend it on? Want to see changes made to how schools operate? Think you can do better?

Being elected to a municipal council is one of the best things I ever did in my life. You sure do get your eyes opened in a hurry. I would encourage anyone to take a stab at it. You learn so much and gain so much insight into how these things work.

Go for it!
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by BoyWondering »

The rumour mill has it that Rev. Tim Schroeder of Trinity Baptist is thinking of taking a run for Mayor.
Last edited by BoyWondering on Aug 25th, 2011, 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by Lady tehMa »

BoyWondering wrote:The rumour mil has it that Rev. Tim Schroeder of Trinity Baptist is thinking of taking a run for Mayor.
Really? I'd vote for him.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by John500 »

Yeah, let the church run the city.

Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by BoyWondering »

grammafreddy wrote:
So there ya have it, folks! Don't like how the city or the school board is run? Unhappy about how the city spends money and what they spend it on? Want to see changes made to how schools operate? Think you can do better?

Being elected to a municipal council is one of the best things I ever did in my life. You sure do get your eyes opened in a hurry. I would encourage anyone to take a stab at it. You learn so much and gain so much insight into how these things work.

Go for it!
GF - did you find you could really effect change? My impression is that the Mayor & Council in Kelowna are very much run by the City and not vice versa. I'm not sure if this is true elsewhere & would appreciate your perspective.

Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by BoyWondering »

Lady tehMa wrote:
BoyWondering wrote:The rumour mil has it that Rev. Tim Schroeder of Trinity Baptist is thinking of taking a run for Mayor.
Really? I'd vote for him.
Lady - I have a great deal of respect for Rev. Schroeder: his record of service to this community is exceptional.

However, I have a concern about the intermingling of church and state, particularly if it is part of a theosophy know as Dominionism.

"Dominionism is therefore a tendency among Protestant Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists that encourages them to not only be active political participants in civic society, but also seek to dominate the political process as part of a mandate from God.

This highly politicized concept of dominionism is based on the Bible's text in Genesis 1:26:

• "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." (King James Version).

• "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'" (New International Version).

The vast majority of Christians read this text and conclude that God has appointed them stewards and caretakers of Earth. As Sara Diamond explains, however, some Christian read the text and believe, "that Christians alone are Biblically mandated to occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns--and there is no consensus on when that might be." That, in a nutshell, is the idea of "dominionism."

Should Rev. Schroeder run, my support would be very contingent on his motives for wanting the big chair. I get very concerned when I see the like of Perry & Bachmann seeking to become POTUS with their toxic brew of Old Testament fundamentalism and politics and feel we need to be on guard against similar attempts in Canada. From what I know of Rev. Schroeder I do not think he is anything like these US examples; but I would need reassurance this is so.
Last edited by BoyWondering on Aug 25th, 2011, 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by grammafreddy »

Lady tehMa wrote:
BoyWondering wrote:The rumour mil has it that Rev. Tim Schroeder of Trinity Baptist is thinking of taking a run for Mayor.
Really? I'd vote for him.
I would not. God has no place in politics or government. I never vote for anyone who says they are religious or states any connection to a church or religious organization. They are too biased and will always vote according to their church's doctrine.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by The_Cheap_Seats80 »

grammafreddy wrote:
Lady tehMa wrote: Really? I'd vote for him.
I would not. God has no place in politics or government. I never vote for anyone who says they are religious or states any connection to a church or religious organization. They are too biased and will always vote according to their church's doctrine.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by grammafreddy »

BoyWondering wrote:
GF - did you find you could really effect change? My impression is that the Mayor & Council in Kelowna are very much run by the City and not vice versa. I'm not sure if this is true elsewhere & would appreciate your perspective.
In some things, yes. You win some, you lose some. I was the first female elected in my former city and was the only female on an "old boys network" council. It was a huge challenge and needed to be tackled head on or be walked on.

For the most part, I would concur with your assessment of this city council. When I see some of the reports and study results staff gives to council, I can see there is a definite slant to certain biases and leanings toward a certain result. That tells me somebody is pulling some strings behind the scenes or directing issues along certain lines and in directions only from one perspective. In very few cases, individual councillors do any of their own homework. They rely on staff or consultants who work with staff and not council. Findings are presented to council after the work is done and for some reason, they seem to accept those for the most part. Some may question bits of them but seldom has an elected person actually done any research or talked to the public about issues on their own. If they do, it sure is not obvious.

I would also be wary of "one issue" candidates. If elected, they will work on their issue to try to get the changes they want but all other issues will have them voting with the crowd because they just don't care about anything else. There's a few of them on council now.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by CJT84 »

BoyWondering wrote:
Lady tehMa wrote: Really? I'd vote for him.
Lady - I have a great deal of respect for Rev. Schroeder: his record of service to this community is exceptional.

However, I have a concern about the intermingling of church and state, particularly if it is part of a theosophy know as Dominionism.

"Dominionism is therefore a tendency among Protestant Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists that encourages them to not only be active political participants in civic society, but also seek to dominate the political process as part of a mandate from God.

This highly politicized concept of dominionism is based on the Bible's text in Genesis 1:26:

• "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." (King James Version).

• "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'" (New International Version).

The vast majority of Christians read this text and conclude that God has appointed them stewards and caretakers of Earth. As Sara Diamond explains, however, some Christian read the text and believe, "that Christians alone are Biblically mandated to occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns--and there is no consensus on when that might be." That, in a nutshell, is the idea of "dominionism."

Should Rev. Schroeder run, my support would be very contingent on his motives for wanting the big chair. I get very concerned when I see the like of Perry & Bachmann seeking to become POTUS with their toxic brew of Old Testament fundamentalism and politics and feel we need to be on guard against similar attempts in Canada. From what I know of Rev. Schroeder I do not think he is anything like these US examples; but I would need reassurance this is so.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by Theorem »

Gray mulls return to politics
by Wayne Moore - Story: 64032
Aug 25, 2011 / 9:30 am

It would be a battle for the ages - one UFC President Dana White would surely like to promote.

Walter Gray is contemplating a return to politics and another crack at the Kelowna mayor's chair.

Gray, 70, was a Kelowna alderman for four years (1986-1990) before serving as mayor for nine years (1996-2005).

His bid for a fourth term was derailed by Sharon Shepherd, who upset Gray in 2005 by nearly 2,300 votes.

Gray says he is being encouraged to run for mayor but admits he has not made a decision one way or another.

"Pressure isn't the right word for it. I'm getting enthusiastic encouragement," says Gray.

"People are telling me they hope I run, they wish I would run, or 'please consider it'. I guess I'm being influenced by that to the extent that I am saying I better give this one some final thought."

"I will have done that, I would think, in the next week."

Gray says he is not leaning one way or another.

"I'm just analyzing the opportunity. You make a list: 'what are the reasons not to do it' would be personal, and the reasons to do it would be because I think I could do a job."

Over the past six years, Gray says some things council has done he would have done differently, but adds he's not passing judgement on the job done by Shepherd.

"That doesn't mean I would be right and she would be wrong," says Gray.

"We have a different style of leadership. I'm probably more about the process. That's not to say I'm good and she's bad or I'm bad and she's good, we're just different."

Gray was a supporter of downtown revitalization and the CD21 Zone. Prior to final debate, Gray implored council to give fourth and final reading to the document in an open letter to council.

Council instead rescinded first three readings.

Gray says former Councillor Carol Gran, who has recently returned to Kelowna after spending several years with her family in Arizona, is also contemplating a return to civic politics.

If Gray decides against running, Gray says Gran will consider making a run.

Gray says if he does decide to run against Shepherd, Gran is expected to run again for council.

Prospective candidates for mayor, council or school board can pick up nomination packages at City Hall.

Nomination forms must be returned to City Hall between October 4 and 14.
, Castanet News Article

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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by hereiamagain »

Walter Gray is considering running for Mayor again.
Over the past six years, Gray says some things council has done he would have done differently, but adds he's not passing judgement on the job done by Shepherd.
I hope not. SS was an excellent change. If I could vote in Kelowna, I would vote for her again if the choice was
Gray, Shepard and the Baptist preacher.

Church does not belong in politics - I don't care how good of a guy and how much he helped the community. The preacher does good things where he is. Gray was forced out because people were fed up with his methods. SS listens and really does appear to do her best.

I suspect anyone who goes right for the mayor's chair without doing a stint on council. That experience I believe is important.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by BoyWondering »

hereiamagain wrote:
I suspect anyone who goes right for the mayor's chair without doing a stint on council. That experience I believe is important.
Tend to agree. I watched in horror what Larry O'Brien did as Mayor in Ottawa: elected because of his supposed business background, he was a disaster as Mayor and set the city back several years. He had no concept as to how a council & city run and his bull-headed tactics antagonized all sides.

Some experience on a council is necessary although no guarantee; witness Ford in Toronto!
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by bornhere63 »

Whoever we elect is going to have a personal value system, be it humanism, secularism, or faith-based. Each candidate is the sum of his/her experiences.

To prejudge a pastor with a solid record of leading and inspiring people across the community is to waste a proven resource. He has a record of public service, period. Unless he deliberately expresses a desire to use the office as an evanglelistic platform, it is unbecoming to load him with our baggage. He runs an effective non-profit organization. He has a skill set. If he were president of something like UNICEF, I suspect you would have no problem accepting his candidacy. The pastor has served this city with candour and integrity for a long time. It is unlikely he will run with a secret agenda at this stage, so you will be able to make an informed decision with the same weight as other voters.

To prejudge the pastor is also to be a pot calling a kettle black. Hold off on your assumptions and wait for evidence. You sound as alarmist as the right wing Christian population afraid to elect an asian because Seikhs, Muslims, Buddists, etc. also want to take over the world. Prejudice is prejudice.

Marginalizing the man for what he might do is immature and irresponsible. Wait and ask him, then decide.
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Re: 2011 Municipal Election for City Council and School Boar

Post by grammafreddy »

bornhere63 wrote: If he were president of something like UNICEF, I suspect you would have no problem accepting his candidacy.
You would be wrong - if he was president of UNICEF I would actively campaign against him. As it is, right now I am only just stating my opinion that religions and politics shouldn't climb into bed together - married or not!

That's how we end up with oppressing women's rights, anti-abortion legislation, denying equality to gays and lesbians and spending too much money on warm and cozy feel-good social programs.

I'm not against the pastor running - he has that right if he meets the requirements - but there is no way I would ever vote for a candidate who listed a religious affiliation amongst his/her credentials for holding public office, just as I would not vote for a zealot of any cause.
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