Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by Carmencat »

Thank goodness Sharon is running again. If I had to choose between Old Gray Mayor and Kim Who, I might have to stick my head in the oven.

How can anyone take Kim Oulette seriously? If she was really interested in getting into politics, why go for the mayor's job right out of the gate? Does she have any type of experience in ANYTHING? What is her background? Who knows? In her 2005 bio she stated that her husband and kids supported her. Apparently that means I should too. No mention of education, backgound, career(s). Yikes.

Even when she did run for Brian Given's seat in the byelection she finished pretty much last. Hardly someone who the city has embraced as having the the stuff to be even an councillor, let alone mayor.

I might add that when I heard her interviewed on the radio a month or so ago, she still had a hard time stringing two intelligent sentences together. Apparently she hasn't worked on her speaking abilities in the last 6 years.

Sorry, but I have no need for a 'change' from Sharon. And certainly not a 'change' to someone who had no experience, other than wanting the job. Look how that turned out for the U.S. with Obama.
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by Phoenix Within »

Carmencat wrote:And certainly not a 'change' to someone who had no experience, other than wanting the job. Look how that turned out for the U.S. with Obama.
Right... because all other Presidents had experience being the President, before becoming President. :127:
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by rockn »

Serached for Kims website but it is not there.
I did find,maybe I will vote for him
little angel 34
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by little angel 34 »

rockn wrote:Serached for Kims website but it is not there.
I did find,maybe I will vote for him

I've talked to Kim she informed me that the site will be up by the end of next week,
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by little angel 34 »

In the mean time she sent me her platform, here it is.
I like it.

Kim Ouellette for Mayor

Inclusive and Access

Have you ever asked yourself “Why did the mayor and council do that”.

To maintain the confidence in local government Kelowna is entitled to a government that is inclusive and provides information that council uses to make decisions. By better understanding “why” and “how” decisions are made you will be able to become more pro-active in local government.

As Mayor I would host “One on One with the Mayor” sessions to discuss with individuals or groups concerns or comments on the business of Kelowna.

These sessions will ensure as Mayor that I will be meeting the number one role as mayor “Representing the residents of Kelowna”.

I have supported a ward system for council since 2005 and continue this support, because it will provide you with better representation and accountability at council.

In keeping with an “Inclusive and Access” theme I will ensure that you will be provided with many communication points of access, using technology and being accessible to you as mayor.

This is what “Inclusive and Access” means.

The City of Kelowna is a community of diversity, both economically and socially.

Kelowna has a unique culture developed over time with the participation of all citizens. Supporting, not changing the unique cultural aspects of Kelowna should be the mandate of the mayor and council.

Our community values their range of educational institutions, lifestyles that are unique to Kelowna,and a long history of quality economic and social development.

I'm distinctly aware that our community will change, and as development is broadly defined to include social as well as economic indicators of progress, sustainable development and planned growth
initiatives will continue as council's priority.

It will be my role as Mayor to provide an environment for the local economy to grow and prosper in the way that recognizes the importance of improving the quality of life and income levels.

Economic Development Strategy for Kelowna

1) Attract a diverse economic base, Retail, Business, and Technology
2) Choice at all levels, through maximizing Educational Opportunity
3) Work with technology companies to understand their needs for expansion
4) Encourage high quality development

Nine Strategies for Economic Development

1) Retain and Expand the Existing Business Sector in all Community Areas
2) Increase the Marketability and success in attracting Technology companies and Technical business now based in Kelowna.
3) Use Kelowna's airport as a key asset to the community
4) Promote economic viability of existing airport-area Industrial/Business district
5) Protect natural resources and promote sustainability
6) Ensure Community Inclusive and Access
7) Promote local agriculture and other economics uses of green space
8) Expand educational opportunities of technology
9) Implement an eight Seat Ward System

I believe these Systems with your input will work on the ground.

Thank you

On November 19th “I will vote Kim Ouellette”
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by erinmore3775 »

Thank you for getting Kim's platform out. I sincerely hope that current "internet website" problems do not indicate her overall commitment to "inclusion and access."

What I specifically want to know is her position on the OCP 2030, in particular development/redevelopment on the downtown and Rutland core areas.I would also like to know what specific proposal she has to promote/accomplish:

1) Retain and Expand the Existing Business Sector in all Community Areas
2) Increase the Marketability and success in attracting Technology companies and Technical business now based in Kelowna.
3) Use Kelowna's airport as a key asset to the community

While Sahron and Walter may have some "proven" qualities, neither of them has shown leadership in the redevelopment/development of the downtown or Rutland core areas. Perhaps its time to give someone else a chance. A newcomer could not foul up the system more than it is now!
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little angel 34
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by little angel 34 »

rockn wrote:Serached for Kims website but it is not there.
I did find,maybe I will vote for him
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by FunkyBunch »

Just checked out the website.
If she can't be bothered to use proper grammar, I can't be bothered to vote for her.
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by mr barrymor »

If Sharon Sheherd wants to coninue she is going to have to act like a Tiger and be very decisive in her actions. BUT, Sharon has had a lot of years and influence on what happens in Kelowna. We should have a limit as to how long a person can keep their position. Also, there needs to be some kind of a gentlemens agreement that restricts an old previous councilor or mayor from running again.
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by tumbledry »

I'm with FunkyBunch on this one. I want my Mayor to form coherent sentences.
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by beachwear »

Kenyo wrote:
grammafreddy wrote: You won't see a leader in anybody if you don't get rid of some of those councillors who have built empires at City Hall.

Do you think if, saying if someone who is a real leader, knows how to operate a business, and is sharp would not be able to lead the group to use our money in the best interest of all?

Currently, it appears a majority of the group says yes and that is the end of it. I feel with proper leadership we could see positive change and make all employees and counsel responsible for their actions.

Living here only a short time, I have observed no one is accountable and that is not in the best interest of this City.
Thanks for saying that Keyno,

Everybody who's running wants to do well, they just don't know how to do it, so they just go along with the group. An experienced small business guy will at least (hopefully) have the smarts to see when he' about to be snookered, or, be able to come up with creative ways to make the solution better than the problem. Successful small Business guys are who should be steering this ship.

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mr barrymor
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by mr barrymor »

One thing I noticed about Kim when interviewing her, she was right on top of Council activities and information. Kim also studied and has commented on the Concept personally. Yes, she does struggle with grammar at times but have you read the notes of many political and professional folks before it is edited by their secretaries ? As far as being a Councilor before being a Mayor, you better put the word out that Councilors can not be so until they have studied the needs of Kelowna and attended all meetings regarding City activities and small groups or clubs for the last three years. I know of a mayor in Kelowna's past that moved into Kelowna from the east and was elected immediately. One of the Old Boys club.
Let's develop Down Town Kelowna in a complete package. Bernard Avenue and Harvey Avenue included.
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by FunkyBunch »

I would respond with, does she not have friends who can proof-read?
Seriously, the grammar on the website is atrocious.
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Re: Kim Ouellette is making a third run for mayor

Post by gambler »

From today's Capital News:

"Ouellette, who is running in her third campaign for mayor of Kelowna, announced Wednesday she is too ill to appear at all-candidates’ forums or complete questionnaires submitted to candidates."

"Ouellette said she still has her campaign website up and running and her campaign Facebook page and there is contact information on both if any voters want to talk to her."

Interesting that she's well enough to Facebook but not well enough to answer questionnaires!

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