UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange.org

Officer Bimbo
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Officer Bimbo »

Walter Gray is over 70 years old I bet. There will be no fresh ideas just the same old ones with the same supporting cast. Even if Walter won which is highly un likely his age will dictate a new mayor next election...then what.

You want change, change your council, changing mayor is wasting 3 years

Someone should start and organization called "theoldgraymayoristooold".

It is his ego he wants inflated. I am no fan of Sharon, but she has done OK. We change to Gray, kiss 6 years goodbye
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by John500 »

Well said!!! And I like to know his connection with the forchange slate.
3 B's
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by 3 B's »


Who says 70 is too old??? Perhaps the man is very well preserved. Perhaps he has a lot to offer. Do we honestly want to continue with the same??? Guess some do, and I seriously see the desperation on the current Mayor's side. FourChange, I hope, will soon make their FULL intentions known and reveal who they are. They clearly have a plan. And honestly, I read it somewhere today, the slates (Mayor and Council) are getting so full it's rediculous. WHO are these people??? Why? would so many put their name forward??? Makes no sense to me. In fact, they are harming the process. Nobody but nobody could ever know who to vote for in this situation. A lot of folks need to withdraw their "papers" and just vote for the candidate of their choice. I know one person that is running for councillor , ( I believe), :nutzoid: that spends most of her time in a mental institution. Is this getting crazy or what?????
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by John500 »

Gray had his turn on council as councillor and as mayor. He screwed up. Had no time for the common people. He is a developers dream.So why get him back.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by EdCase »

John500 wrote:Well said!!! And I like to know his connection with the forchange slate.
FourChange claim to be agnostic on the Mayoral race but this is just as disingenuous as their overall campaign. Given the candidates they are supporting, it's a reasonable conclusion that The Old Gray Mayor is this their choice.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Mastercraft69 »

FourChange claim to be agnostic on the Mayoral race but this is just as disingenuous as their overall campaign. Given the candidates they are supporting, it's a reasonable conclusion that The Old Gray Mayor is this their choice.

Couldnt agree more, I would think they are not openly putting Gray in their circle as they may think it will hurt their chances of the candidates they are supporting. Im glad they all came forward now though as I wont be spending any money at their businesses. No need there are enough realtors, accountants, lawyers, designers blah blah blah in Kelowna.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Takin it easy ! »

Interesting list !
I am willing to bet its just a short list of players dipicting a more palitable cross section of movers and shakers behind the Fourchange crew.

What I am not seeing on the list is Joe Blow that operates the corner store,Jane Blow that owns the bakery down the street or Fred that works for a tire store on the highway the tax paying average citizen.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by jmac71 »

Well now we know at least a few names that are willing to come out of the closet. Lots of Chamber of Commerce and Jaycee involvement in that group. I suppose that's grassroots then?
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Ub2 »

jmac71 wrote:Well now we know at least a few names that are willing to come out of the closet. Lots of Chamber of Commerce and Jaycee involvement in that group. I suppose that's grassroots then?
Hardly . . .

Can only imagine who their candidate endorsements are.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Takin it easy ! »

Oh goodie now I see there are 2 places on their website that you can click on too donate too the cause !
And that's just on the home page alone how convenient !
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Gilchy »

jmac71 wrote:Well now we know at least a few names that are willing to come out of the closet. Lots of Chamber of Commerce and Jaycee involvement in that group. I suppose that's grassroots then?

So because a group of people is involved in a social group with an emphasis in personal and business development makes their efforts "not grass-roots"? What is grass-roots, then?
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Ub2 »

By definition . . . according to wikipedia, I think the fourchange group has more in common with "Astroturfing" . . . judge for yourself. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Dayleen »

unbiased2 wrote:By definition . . . according to wikipedia, I think the fourchange group has more in common with "Astroturfing" . . . judge for yourself. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing
:smt041 :rate10:
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Gilchy »

unbiased2 wrote:By definition . . . according to wikipedia, I think the fourchange group has more in common with "Astroturfing" . . . judge for yourself. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing

Both are political movements by citizens formed around a specific issue. The group doesn't seem to have misrepresented itself, or make it appear as if there thousands of members, which seems to be the big qualifier according to that Wiki definition. Where is theline drawn from one to the other?
Generalissimo Postalot
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Ub2 »

Both are political movements by citizens formed around a specific issue. The group doesn't seem to have misrepresented itself, or make it appear as if there thousands of members, which seems to be the big qualifier according to that Wiki definition. Where is theline drawn from one to the other?

Your right to a point . . . they both are citizens with a political agenda, but the difference I think, with the fourchange group is that they seem only to represent the business community, or more specifically a small group in the business community, and all seem to be chamber of commerce members. They are a steering committee (by their own admission) with a specific agenda that does not represent the average folk of which the term "grassroots" implies. It appears they are trying to stack the deck so only their views will be represented . . . you can see that by the councilors they have targeted to be replaced with their own yet to be endorsed candidates . . . just my opinion.

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