Konanz and Cavallo

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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by twobits »

XT225 wrote:
hoot wrote:Quick question ;

Can a person that owns property elsewhere have more than one vote in municipal elections?
Can our mayor, for example , vote in Summerland as well as Penticton , just because he owns property here ?.
In fact, could a person run for election in both areas, and sit in a dual capacity if elected in both ?

Just wondering.....

Supplementary question , is there a conflict of interest if a teacher runs for school trustee?.
Very good questions, hoot. I believe that D.A. could indeed vote in Summerland and in Penticton but RUNNING for positions in both cities? I don't think so. Maybe the resident expert on everything could comment. 2bits? What is interesting, however is that if D.A. loses the mayors chair, he is automatically out of the RDOS. Now..how good is that! ps: I dont think a teacher could run for trustee as they would be an employee of the district. Perry only did this after he retired. Kinda getting off subject here; this is supposed to be a thread about Konanz and Cavallo.
Geeez, and after you were so nice the day before! I can speculate but no, I don't know. I could care less if an individual can vote or run in two communities as long as they have a vested interest there and declare beforehand that is what they are doing but you can google the Provincial Act governing municipal elections and read it if you are really interested.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by XT225 »

Two bits, you know that I can only be nice for a day or so; no longer...lol. Plus I know now, how to yank your chain and you don't know if I'm kidding or not..thats the fun part. Ok...this likely deserves its own thread but what about the latest candidate for mayor to step forward...Julius Bloomfield? Whats with that? Isn't he from Nevermata? Isn't he the "Realtor" (uh oh..another one) who lives in a house that one of the three little pigs built? (straw house). Guess he must own property in Penticton to be eligible but I don't see him as a serious threat to anyone; maybe not even Benny the wolfman. :spinball:
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by beam-me-up-morrison »

Just goes to show how getting your signs up early can create a buzz.
Both appear to be nice ladies.
Konanz has drawn criticsm about living in Kaleden (Julius and Dan Ashton both live outside of Penticton so that might be irrelevant to most) but she's active with the Yacht Club and their contract for lease is up. Yacht Club has been getting a sweetheart deal for over 50 years but Mike Pearce and Co. want them to pay their share.
This of course couldn't involve Konanz because she'd have to declare conflict of interest.
Best thing to do is call these people or come to the candidate forums and speak to them for five minutes. You'll get a better feel that way.
First impressions are often the best.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by twobits »

beam-me-up-morrison wrote:Just goes to show how getting your signs up early can create a buzz.
Both appear to be nice ladies.
Konanz has drawn criticsm about living in Kaleden (Julius and Dan Ashton both live outside of Penticton so that might be irrelevant to most) but she's active with the Yacht Club and their contract for lease is up. Yacht Club has been getting a sweetheart deal for over 50 years but Mike Pearce and Co. want them to pay their share.
This of course couldn't involve Konanz because she'd have to declare conflict of interest.
Best thing to do is call these people or come to the candidate forums and speak to them for five minutes. You'll get a better feel that way.
First impressions are often the best.
Ya know what? I posed a number of questions in direct response to platform positions of both of these ladies. Half effort from Cavallo with a promise to share more later and absolutely squat for response from Konanz. They chose to come onto this forum to promote themselves and then simply disappear when some direct questions are posed. Seems to be typical electioneering with nothing but catch phrase rhetoric and a race to plaster as many election signs on public property as possible in some hope that subliminally name recognition on the ballot will earn an X. Both have prooved prolific in that activity. I am disappointed in both of you ladies. Yes sir, let the candidate with the most signs win!
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by XT225 »

twobits wrote:
beam-me-up-morrison wrote:Just goes to show how getting your signs up early can create a buzz.
Both appear to be nice ladies.
Konanz has drawn criticsm about living in Kaleden (Julius and Dan Ashton both live outside of Penticton so that might be irrelevant to most) but she's active with the Yacht Club and their contract for lease is up. Yacht Club has been getting a sweetheart deal for over 50 years but Mike Pearce and Co. want them to pay their share.
This of course couldn't involve Konanz because she'd have to declare conflict of interest.
Best thing to do is call these people or come to the candidate forums and speak to them for five minutes. You'll get a better feel that way.
First impressions are often the best.
Ya know what? I posed a number of questions in direct response to platform positions of both of these ladies. Half effort from Cavallo with a promise to share more later and absolutely squat for response from Konanz. They chose to come onto this forum to promote themselves and then simply disappear when some direct questions are posed. Seems to be typical electioneering with nothing but catch phrase rhetoric and a race to plaster as many election signs on public property as possible in some hope that subliminally name recognition on the ballot will earn an X. Both have prooved prolific in that activity. I am disappointed in both of you ladies. Yes sir, let the candidate with the most signs win!
Good points, twobits. The lack of a response from Konanz is interesting. Isn't she one of the "out of towners?" Won't be getting my vote. I also find it interesting that Julius hasn't officially put in his papers; an anchor dragger also isn't going to see an X from me. I was pleased to see (it got very little publicity) that Frank Conci is running. He is from the Industrial area; something that I've wanted to see for a long time, rather than just more realtors or downtown business owners. I'm looking forward to hearing his platform.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by hoot »

Ya know what? I posed a number of questions in direct response to platform positions of both of these ladies. Half effort from Cavallo with a promise to share more later and absolutely squat for response from Konanz.

If you read their posts both ladies listed their websites where you can ask them questions, or do you expect them to visit every forum giving the same answers. ?

Ever notice that those that contribute the least are those that gripe the most on forums.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by jcavallo »

Sorry for my absence from this forum. My platform is now available on www.electjeannie.com as well as on my Facebook page.

Here are some answers to the questions that were asked of me....

Would that include being in favour of raising user fee's for the pool? At least closer to the actual cost of service? And what are your thoughts on higher fee's to people living outside city boundaries paying more as they contribute nothing in taxes towards the operating costs of city facilities?

As I have said in previous posts, we need all City facilities to break even or turn a profit. Raising user fees should only be done after a complete audit determines that to be the only solution. So the first step is to audit these facilities and create a plan.

Would that include unpopular tasks such as arguing for the replacement of some staff that erect unreasonable roadblocks for no other reason than laziness or butt covering? I am not sure you have been here long enough to realize how ingrained this philosophy is with some personalities on the second floor.

Obviously there are some issues with how processes and systems run on the development side of City Hall.I am well aware of some of these issues. I will argue that we need to streamline these processes and improve how we deal with the paper flow. It would premature to assume that staff need to be replaced at this point and I think that should be a last resort.

XT225: I understand your concerns regarding conflict for Realtors on City Council. I have a very weak stomach when it comes to being in a position where I feel my integrity is compromised. I would excuse myself from any vote that would put me in that position, just like any other Councilor should with their business.

Hoot: You asked a question about the The people of Penticton have already addressed this. We are not a prison town. We are the jewel of the Okanagan and we need to start acting like it. That starts with creating economic momentum and getting people to work!
Lord of the Board
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by XT225 »

jcavallo wrote:Sorry for my absence from this forum. My platform is now available on http://www.electjeannie.com as well as on my Facebook page.

Here are some answers to the questions that were asked of me....

Would that include being in favour of raising user fee's for the pool? At least closer to the actual cost of service? And what are your thoughts on higher fee's to people living outside city boundaries paying more as they contribute nothing in taxes towards the operating costs of city facilities?

As I have said in previous posts, we need all City facilities to break even or turn a profit. Raising user fees should only be done after a complete audit determines that to be the only solution. So the first step is to audit these facilities and create a plan.

Would that include unpopular tasks such as arguing for the replacement of some staff that erect unreasonable roadblocks for no other reason than laziness or butt covering? I am not sure you have been here long enough to realize how ingrained this philosophy is with some personalities on the second floor.

Obviously there are some issues with how processes and systems run on the development side of City Hall.I am well aware of some of these issues. I will argue that we need to streamline these processes and improve how we deal with the paper flow. It would premature to assume that staff need to be replaced at this point and I think that should be a last resort.

XT225: I understand your concerns regarding conflict for Realtors on City Council. I have a very weak stomach when it comes to being in a position where I feel my integrity is compromised. I would excuse myself from any vote that would put me in that position, just like any other Councilor should with their business.

Hoot: You asked a question about the The people of Penticton have already addressed this. We are not a prison town. We are the jewel of the Okanagan and we need to start acting like it. That starts with creating economic momentum and getting people to work!
Thank you for replying Jeannie. I do not believe what is highlighted above in red, however, is possible. Even the Deer Hunter who oversees the SOEC would not suggest it could even break even or make a profit. Please explain which facilities you are referring to. That is very wishfull thinking but totally unrealistic. Im sure that even twobits would agree with me there. I would like to see user rates for NON-residents increased, however OR instead of that raise the rates overall and give Penticton taxpayers a break at the ticket counter IF they can prove residency. I'm somewhat with "Slump" on the RDOS issues (hurts me to agree with her...lol) but if they won't pay more, then we need to break away. I would love to hear your opinion on opting out of the RDOS. thank you.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by twobits »

hoot wrote:
Ya know what? I posed a number of questions in direct response to platform positions of both of these ladies. Half effort from Cavallo with a promise to share more later and absolutely squat for response from Konanz.

If you read their posts both ladies listed their websites where you can ask them questions, or do you expect them to visit every forum giving the same answers. ?

Ever notice that those that contribute the least are those that gripe the most on forums.
No I do not expect them to visit every forum. They did however choose to make the effort to sign up here and offered to participate. I visited the website listed, copy and pasted the info they provided, and posed questions directly related to the posted platform. I do not think it unreasonable of me at all to expect them to answer.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by Jamesie »

twobits wrote:Jamsie....finally someone else is asking for some substance to be shaken out of the blanket statments coming from the mouth's of the candidates. I swear that many of them have a string you can pull out of their backs that plays the recorded message of creating jobs, attracting clean industry, blah blah blah but nary even a suggestion on how they might work towards accomplishing those ends. Good on you for confronting with some basic questions. I would also point out that it has been what, three weeks since I posted questions directly related to Helena Konanz's platform, and still nothing. She is looking more and more to be just a hollow job seeking figure with a string in her back and the money to put on a flashy campaign.
She may have forgotten, so here is a little reminder for Helena! In her case I also wonder who is actually pulling the string...
Helena Konanz
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by Helena Konanz »

Hello again,

Here are the answers to some of your questions about my platform-

First of all we need to expand the Industrial Area and bring in light, clean industry with a vision for the Industrial Area in 2025. We can do this first by extending services to the Native Land on Carmi and allowing them the opportunity to attract this industry. The prison will not be located there, as the provincial government will not want to put it within a city limits that has turned down the project. Not with an election looming. You may say we get no tax benefits from companies settling on native land, but what we need are high paying jobs in the immediate area. Second we can plan on expanding where the Cantex gravel pit is located. We don't have the funds now, but we can form a plan and start working towards it slowly and deliberately. We need to offer tax breaks and short-term incentives to get business here. And we need to focus more on the industry we already have, and ask them what we can do to help them to grow.

The red tape for anyone trying to build a house (or a garage for that matter) is well known. We must reorganize the processes on the second floor of city hall so that all proposals will be responded to quickly. As an example, if a developer puts in a proposal and is waiting for an answer from the engineering department, then that department will have guidelines that guarantee (in writing) to the developer that he will get a phone call and an update on his project within a week. He doesn’t need to have the final answer by then, just an update. I'm talking about improving our customer service and using our expertise to it’s full potential.

The 4 / 5 star resort I’d like to see in Penticton would have to be located around the Convention Centre, on Okanagan Lake at the Yacht Club, or around Skaha Marina. It will need to be done in an aesthetically and environmentally friendly way that would actually enhance the values of these areas to the locals as well as to the tourists. This will take a lot of planning and public input. We need to look at the long-term vision.

I spoke about putting the brown lots to use in the city by creating community gardens or dog parks on them. Some of these lots have been sitting abandoned for 30 years. These companies are holding Penticton ransom, and we need to do something about it. The answer may be to raise the tax rates on these lots to get their owner's attentions. This will be one of the first things I want to address as a council member.

As for cleaning up the downtown area, I would like to give incentive to businesses who spruce up their property with paint or new awnings. Where it sits right now you are given an extra fee from city hall for putting up a new awning. This needs to change. And bringing back Communities in Bloom will help to set goals for groups, such as the Garden Club, to beautify our streets.

The barriers for MD's to move here are extensive. Specialists in particular have to work much longer hours and make less money then in the big cities. And their spouses typically have a difficult time finding jobs here. The hurdles are huge, and are being faced by every community outside of the major centres. One thing we need to do is to actively lobby the provincial government to drop the barriers that keep foreign doctors out of our province. And we need to be present at all the conventions that are held for MD's interested in coming to BC and Canada.

We need to set up a satellite Visitors Information Centre downtown. I believe the best place to locate it is in or around City Hall. It is something that could be done inexpensively with volunteers. We need a visitor's centre that is more accessible along with the current one we have at the wine centre.

The legitimacy of my running for Penticton City Council lies with my involvement with the community. I'm the tennis coach at Pen Hi, executive for Roof for a Family, member of the Downtown Enhancement Committee, volunteered for the Cancer Society, Raise a Reader, The Soupateria, Seniors Wellness Society, Quota and l'Ecole Entre Lacs PAC. I work in Penticton, and our family business is located here. I also pay city taxes. Most importantly, I care about Penticton and believe I can make a difference.

Again my website is at Helenakonanz.com
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by beam-me-up-morrison »

Jeanie Cavallo and her campaign manager, some fellow relator, are bad-mouthing Julius all over town. Advice to Jeanie, you should worry about your own campaign. As a darkhorse council candidate her attitude should be "I'm willing to work with anyone." And advice to Jeanie, when you're speaking at the forums, take your hands out of your pockets and stop swaying -- highly distracting.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by brentan »

If this is fact, pretty shabby for sure!
Although Id like to see a response from this from Cavallo!
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by fluffy »

Me too. I've always been of the mind that the reason candidates engage in negative campaigning is because their own platform lacks the ability to stand on its ow merits. It's also not indicative of any ability to operate as part of a team, which I also see as an important quality for a councilor.
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Re: Konanz and Cavallo

Post by MRO »

Well if this is true, it's a pretty "rookie" mistake to make. Plus being realtors, they must know each other?
Much like Jamesie on Konanz (earlier post), I find myself wondering if someone's pulling the strings for Ms.Cavallo as she is not a natural fit here. Funny how the (expensive) election signs for both of the candidates of this thread came out simultanously, way ahead of everyone else - coincidence?

Edit: Added a big if...
Last edited by MRO on Nov 4th, 2011, 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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