How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Rwede »

George+ wrote:No signs sounds good to me. Find them on the good 'old' computer or other media.

The City site covers all mayor/council/trustee candidates.

Sometimes civic elections ARE humorous.... and a little bizarre!

What about school trustees? Same criterion?

Maybe we need to start throwing out some specific names to discuss?
e.g. Gerry Zimmerman for council? ( honest and competent)

Hey issueGeorge, are you going to start a thread to discuss what you will do if you're elected for the position of school trustee? Better than cluttering Joe RichE with a bunch of election signs, that's for sure! I'd like to know what issues you think are important so that we the electorate can make an informed decision on your appropriateness as a trustee.

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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by grammafreddy »

George+ wrote:
Maybe we need to start throwing out some specific names to discuss?
Let's not do that. There are plenty of other threads here already to discuss the merits of each candidate.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Black Daisies »

I divided the candidates into groups - young, green, business, professional, grass-roots (not the fourchange kind), seniors and cultural . Each of these groups will get 1 vote from me. I think a community needs representation from all these groups in order to thrive. I eliminated anyone who I thought would be in the or a puppet of the "Old Boy's Network" and I thought would re-open CD-21 instead of moving on. I also eliminated anyone who has a Human Rights Tribunal Ruling against them.

The younger people seem to be creative and can think ouside the box. I think we need at least one of them on council to "shake things up" and help Kelowna become a more vibrant community.

I haven't picked all the names but that's is my criteria for who I will vote for.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Captain Awesome »

I'm ignoring anybody who overuses slogans and buzz words like "sustainability", "vision", "execution", etc.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Nom_de_Plume »

I haven't had the time to read through all the posts in all the threads in the election forum so I'm not sure if this is disseminated elsewhere. If so I apologise in advance.
One of my acquaintances and a group of associates put together this website
"Quality of Life" Candidates for the Kelowna 2011 Municipal Election

Not all candidates have responded to the questions posed by the group but a good number have.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by damngrumpy »

First of all I do not vote for candidates who are endorsed by special interest groups such as
four change. These people are not developers but they are in league with them. Four Change
is a special interest group with its loyalties to those who ran the city in a cloak of silence for
years. The four change group, two are tied to a church group another is a former right wing
socred MLA and one is a young real estate person who I might have voted for except they are
part of the four change endorsement and accepted the honour.
While there are some on the present council who I would like to see gone, I do support a couple
Kevin Craig gets my vote, he is young and brings a youth interest in civic politics and we need
that. I will support one person on the right of center because we need the spectrum of debate.
I will also support some one from the moderate left.
I will not vote for all eight people who would want my vote, I am supporting three and by not
voting for all the choices I secure a better chance of getting my candidates elected.
Oh and the last one I would vote for Mayor is Walter the Developers friend. He has no other
allegiances in my view.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by exFarmerS »

I'm starting to find that the more the council candidates talk, the less I want to vote for any of them.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by damngrumpy »

Actually its a good point, I too listened to some of the statements by
candidates and decided not to cast my fourth vote for them. I don't
vote a full slate of candidates as it weakens the people I want to see
win the seat on council. I limit my choices. I didn't get to vote the
way I really wanted to as there are so many unthinking people out there
that will just vote for one side of the equation. I therefore voted for
those I wanted to see provide and alternative voice.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by George+ »

Any hints as to WHO???

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