UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange.org

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mr barrymor
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by mr barrymor »

EdCase, I see we agree somewhat however, I like my choices and will only vote for 4 NEW councilors. This keeps me from diminishing the vote count for those I believe are certain to be re-elected.
My choices are:
Simon Shaw...High Tech professional with abundant around the world Business experience.
Shayne Herrington...Professional Engineer and Kelowna Hospital Executive
Peter McFadden...A Maters Degree in accounting.
These candidates are highly qualified professionals with close ties to not only Kelowna but World Wide contacts which will be very valuable in developing Kelowna and promoting us to all interested prospects.
To see more of our thoughts, click on the upper left picture and follow the link inside.
We are all about getting control of Harvey Avenue and developing it along with Bernard Avenue, CD 21, and the old High School property. To efficiently succeed with this development, we must rid ourselves of Victoria's MOT control.
Let's develop Down Town Kelowna in a complete package. Bernard Avenue and Harvey Avenue included.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Black Daisies »

Anyone else get the Fourchange propaganda in the mail today? I guess since this is the last week before the election, they will be stepping up the campaign....

What a waste of paper...
Takin it easy !
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Takin it easy ! »

Black Daisies wrote:Anyone else get the Fourchange propaganda in the mail today? I guess since this is the last week before the election, they will be stepping up the campaign....

What a waste of paper...
Yep came with the mail carrier today you aint seen nnnnnnooooooothin yet the big push is coming thats why those that care about Kelowna must call this gang on every self serving rant and sleezy tactic they present.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Queen K »

I like the newspaper cutouts they created, it helps me remember who EXACTLY to avoid when voting.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Carmencat »

I got not one but two pamphlets in my mailbox today from them. One was a waste - two is downright annoying. They obviously have money to burn but can't even be bothered to use recycled paper for their pamphlets. Obviously being 'green' isn't on their list of priorities. But then, we already know that.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Carmencat wrote:I got not one but two pamphlets in my mailbox today from them. One was a waste - two is downright annoying. They obviously have money to burn but can't even be bothered to use recycled paper for their pamphlets. Obviously being 'green' isn't on their list of priorities. But then, we already know that.
I don't think their target demographic cares about the recycled paper issue. Besides, if everyone used recycled paper, the paper mills would go broke.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by grammafreddy »

Black Daisies wrote:Anyone else get the Fourchange propaganda in the mail today? I guess since this is the last week before the election, they will be stepping up the campaign....

What a waste of paper...
Nah ... they don't send me that garbage. Guess they already know I just burn it.

Here's some fun spin stuff I picked up off their website ...
Why Change is Needed
The past 6 years have seen delay and dysfunction at City Hall. Decisions are postponed, plans delayed, the talk goes on... while a slow economy affects us all.

Yuppers - it sure does. Don't know why you folks think anyone is gonna come beating on Kelowna's door while the rest of the world is suffering the same slow fate at the moment.

I guess you'd like to overlook the fact that some "plans were delayed" because the developers asked to have them delayed due to the fact they hadn't been able to pre-sell enough units to proceed with construction.

There are many examples of this lack of leadership to be found in every corner of Kelowna. Here are just 10 of them...

"Lack of leadership" is your way of sulking about things that didn't go your way. What's the matter? Didn't you get enough henchmen elected last time and need to stack your deck better this time around? Let's debunk some of your claims, okay? Read on ...

Much work, great support, then this Council reverses the Downtown Redevelopment Plan

You mean the CD21 Plan? It was not buildable in the first place. Even you know that but still you keep harping on it. Hard to believe one man's dream plan could knot yer knickers in such a twist. With nobody buying Kelowna condos right now, who do you expect to sell the dream to even if you could get your precious towers built (which you and I know you can't)?

Rapid Transit to Rutland sees 5 years of talk, but the watered-down plan is still not done

As much as you'd like to pin this one on the city alone, you know transit is not just a city function. You know land needs to be acquired, other agencies need to "buy in", public consultation needed to happen, transit subsidy money has to be found or created (yes, the taxpayers subsidize transit) ...

New Kelowna logo not so original or popular; but city spends $80,000 on "extensive" research

Now, now ... spin it some more there, folks ... even if it does look like a spirograph, it wasn't $80,000 spent on research alone. Included in the $80,000 was the design plus all the changes to city stationery, vehicles, website and all the things the city logo appears on. But hey, nice try at manipulating facts.

City seeks proposals for KSS site, but rejects them all, site now sits empty, as city invents...

...the Central Green plan, loaded with costly demands, no takers, could cost us $10 million

This one I'll let you have. Green is dumb and what the city is asking for is dumb, too. Far in excess of what is necessary and it's time to move off the "green bandwagon". A little is good, but this one project is over the top and beyond reasonable. It needs rethinking.

City buys waterfront lots at Cedar Avenue; then rejects project; now back for more study

The lots were purchased for park, they should remain park. Nice to see the "people's voice" has made an impact and the city is revisiting this issue. Sorry, you just might not get your way on this one.

Salary task force says freeze salaries, but this Council delays 4 months, grudgingly agrees

"Grudgingly" I guess is your sensationalizing operative word. The real point is that they did freeze salaries but of course, that doesn't fit your agenda, does it?

City wants rebuild of Bernard Avenue, but gives no promise of faster winter construction

Truth time ... the city needs to replace the infrastructure under the street (old sewer and water lines) and offered the merchants/landowners the opportunity to have input into a redesign of the streetscape if they wanted it while the rest of the work was being done. The opportunity to say "no" was there and on the table. It probably still is and the businesses and landowners took quite some time to come to some conclusions about what they wanted it all to look like after they agreed they wanted to partner with the city for a redesign. "Faster winter construction" is a misnomer and a "hook" when nobody really knows what winter will really be like. We do get severe winters and we get nice mild ones, too. But I guess when you are spouting nasties, it's convenient to hang your hat on any "hook" you can muster up.

Council bounces around about Enterprise Bunnies, then debates Backyard Chickens

Close to my heart on this one and I do thank you most sincerely for making it a hot topic during this election. You haven't figured it out, though, have you? It's not really about chickens (or bunnies - LOL) it's about separating the people-people from the snooty-people. The snooty ones will brush off the chicken issue while the people ones will know that council represents ALL citizens, not just the ones with the big pockets and their noses in the sir. I drew the line in the dirt but you guys fell all over yourselves trying to wipe it out. And the harder you wipe, the more distinct that line becomes. Thank you for marketing and promoting backyard chickens (urban hens) for us.

City changes its mind on HOV lanes

Now, c'mon, 4changers ... we all know the MoT holds the cards here. The city can make suggestions and have input but MoT will do what they want in the end. Consulting the city is just a courtesy gesture on their part. Why treat it like it was a city decision when you know differently? Oh - right - it's the spin thing again. Your bafflety-goop stuff you spew to misrepresent the real truth so you can hoodwink some of the voters - blaming the city for something that was not their decision in the first place.

We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.

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mr barrymor
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by mr barrymor »

Absolutely great stuff, Gramma. Thank You!
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Let's develop Down Town Kelowna in a complete package. Bernard Avenue and Harvey Avenue included.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by EdCase »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
Carmencat wrote:I got not one but two pamphlets in my mailbox today from them. One was a waste - two is downright annoying. They obviously have money to burn but can't even be bothered to use recycled paper for their pamphlets. Obviously being 'green' isn't on their list of priorities. But then, we already know that.
I don't think their target demographic cares about the recycled paper issue. Besides, if everyone used recycled paper, the paper mills would go broke.
Too true; their target demographic is the 'Me Generation' that thinks first of itself rather then the good of the whole community.
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Black Daisies »

Takin it easy ! wrote:
Black Daisies wrote:Anyone else get the Fourchange propaganda in the mail today? I guess since this is the last week before the election, they will be stepping up the campaign....

What a waste of paper...
Yep came with the mail carrier today you aint seen nnnnnnooooooothin yet the big push is coming thats why those that care about Kelowna must call this gang on every self serving rant and sleezy tactic they present.
If you look at other threads, I think the attacks have begun....
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by George+ »

Well stated above gramma.

Okey, here goes:


Mary Ann Graham

How's that for gender balance!?
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Logitack »

out of curiosity george, why are you posting the same thing in multiple threads?
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by grammafreddy »

I'm not too concerned with gender balance. I am looking for a mix of experienced and new, people-people and fiscally prudent people.

Negative campaigns don't impress me. Promising things for the downtown core that are undeliverable really don't impress me. Religious affiliation is a no-no for me. Having money or rich friends and family does not impress me. Telling me what's wrong with Kelowna does not impress me. Attacking the opponents is sleazy and tacky. Being a strong supporter of "green" initiatives and always trying to be the first "green" or the best "green" does not make me vote for you. Running a slate of candidates to get the deck stacked in anyone's favour is a downer.

Team attitude and working together and realizing one person does not make all the decisions impresses me. A positive, friendly attitude impresses me. Being approachable impresses me. Honesty in all things is essential. Answering questions and not sidestepping issues is demanded if you want my vote. Knowing the value of long-range planning is essential. Thinking outside the box and seeking alternate solutions is desirable.

Supporting urban hens is where my line gets drawn and decides who gets looked at and who doesn't. Pass that and I look at your other platforms. Fail and you are written off entirely.
We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.

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mr barrymor
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by mr barrymor »

George, it is impossible to support Zimmerman. My needs focus on a long past community involvement. As opposed to being popular because of one notable action. O yes, and how, rightly so, the community was concerned about his health. That is popularity not experience. A couple of times my inquiry to Gerry about a very important concept was answered by a smooth political no commitment. City Council would get another "let's ask Staff" person. That is what so many are complaining about! Likely even you.
Let's develop Down Town Kelowna in a complete package. Bernard Avenue and Harvey Avenue included.
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Lady tehMa
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Re: UPDATE An (Un)Official Campaign Organization: FourChange

Post by Lady tehMa »

grammafreddy wrote:I'm not too concerned with gender balance. I am looking for a mix of experienced and new, people-people and fiscally prudent people.

Supporting urban hens is where my line gets drawn and decides who gets looked at and who doesn't. Pass that and I look at your other platforms. Fail and you are written off entirely.
I understand that, I have similar criteria. However Urban Hens (while desirable) are not a deal breaker for me. I prefer fiscal responsibility, business acumen, and the ability to make decisions. I also make decisions based on inside information. One candidate who seemed a good choice (to me) was disqualified in my view because of something I learned in confidence. (Don't ask, not telling.)
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