Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

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Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by NotNorthAnymore »

Well folks it looks like in the last week of the civic electiion - small town politics in Lumby are about to get mean - nasty and visceral.

The "NO Prison" side has decided to make what was until now a non issue into a major issue.
The charge is being led by one of the local rabble rousers (a Mr. D-- E----) who did not even let his name stand for the election either as a candidate or council, .
He has managed to whip up 1 candidate for mayor and 2 for council, in order to push the agenda of no prison.

They even suggest that they have a third person running for council that will be a "sheep" and do as he is told by this "no" group.

**EDIT** I am not a great wordsmith, and do not mean to imply that the person referenced to above, is a sheep - I know for a fact that this is an intelligent and well spoken person, that has my vote and will be a huge positive for Lumby. The people in the email suggest that they think they have sway over him. I do not agree with that perception.**

As any intelligent voter will know - Lumby did not really have a snowball chance in hell of getting the new prison, but it did raise the profile of Lumby and in the end we get the new 46 bed extended care unit built here in the spring.
(It was supposed to be started last week, but soil samples showed a bit of engineering needed to be done on the foundation so it is delayed until March.)

How you may ask do I know this for certain?

One of the no people happened to send out an email and forgot to check whom it was going to. It ended up going to a council candidate that does not agree with the no people - they sent it to someone else and now it has gone "viral" thru Lumby.
I along with many others have this email - and it is a fun read to say the least!

(Good form on my part precludes posting it here for all to see, but if you are a member of the press - PM me and we will talk.)

The comments made by the candidate for mayor about one of the people running for council are not in "good form" so to speak.
I am sure that many people have changed who they are voting for because of all of this.

Small town politics are like the old saying - "It is a tempest in a teapot"...
But fun>>>>>
Last edited by NotNorthAnymore on Nov 14th, 2011, 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by Lumbyite »

Thank you for the information.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by nhodge »

For those Lumby voters who have been following the viral email that found its way into the public domain, I would like to let you know that the mayoral candidate has apologized to me for his personal comment. I am satisfied that he regrets his remarks and that we can put this behind us. Two other authors in the email string have also apologized, explaining to me their roles in the saga, and I believe we will continue to remain friends regardless.

With only two candidates living in Area D, residency is not an issue in this election. The majority of council will be from the Village no matter who wins this election, which is all I have ever campaigned for.

Vote for who will best represent your interests on council. There is more than one issue to consider.

Thanks, Nick Hodge

Candidate for Lumby Council
Last edited by nhodge on Nov 13th, 2011, 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by Glacier »

No offence, Nick, but I think this "majority of councillors should live in Lumby" business stinks of red herring. On a more positive note, you don't strike me as one of those bitter "No Prison" candidates.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by nhodge »

It's weird how no one seems to care about my position on parking meters. Maybe I need to rethink that one.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by NotNorthAnymore »

nhodge wrote:It's weird how no one seems to care about my position on parking meters. Maybe I need to rethink that one.
Hello Nick:
Parking meters seem to be a non-issue - I would agree that maybe you need to re-think that one.

Glad to hear that the apolgies have been made and accepted, but "The Crew" :skippingsheep: in the background are not going to give up (IMO) and will continue to push the fear factor of the big ugly jail in the virginal lands of Lumby. I will not be voting for the people that are backed by "The Crew" and is led by "The one whom we must never speak of" :anonymous: .

I do think that you have a very decent chance to get elected to Lumby council.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by Sue Denim »

OK Nick. Nice that you accepted the apology. Can you please confirm the candidate was not Kevin or Janet? I would hate for the wrong candidate to get mared with this slur.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by NotNorthAnymore »

Sue Denim wrote:OK Nick. Nice that you accepted the apology. Can you please confirm the candidate was not Kevin or Janet? I would hate for the wrong candidate to get mared with this slur.
Hi Sue:
Send me a PM on this forum and I will pass on any and all info you may need - and no it was not the 2 that you mentioned - and that person has given Nick (as he states earlier in this forum) an apology.

This forum is not a slur against any candidate - it is a statement of actual facts as presented by those involved.
Proof is in hand and available on a private basis - but will not be posted here.

IMO having this public forum may have helped lead to the apologies to Nick from those involved.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by sharperinlumby »

time for Lumby candidates, we pay the civic taxes. Only one choice for mayor she has it right.
The Jim camp thinks they can win with the split vote between the other 2 candidates but after his abysmal performance by Jim at the all candidates forum which was closely followed by THE E MAIL who is going to vote for Jim?
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by RandalO »

NotNorthAnymore wrote:They even suggest that they have a third person running for council that will be a "sheep" and do as he is told by this "no" group.

As the "sheep" you are referring to, I feel I must jump in and correct your opinion on the subject as you have not attempted to contact me for the truth.

I would have hoped you would have more of an ethical standpoint of your own than to perpetuate this e-mail by not talking to me directly as to my involvement. This group that has marked me as a person of interest is not a group I have any affiliation with. Their agenda and mine are two totally separate things, and I have not - and will not - be bullied by them to do their bidding. Your assumption that I am not capable of dealing with this group on my own cannot be farther from the truth. The reason they do not have me as an ally in their cause is that I have a brain of my own, and I am capable of independant thought. Before you cast me as a simple brianless follower (a sheep), please do your due diligence and contact me for MY point of view before categorizing me.

I have been in contact with the authors of that chain e-mail, and have explicitly asked that they not include my name in any of their dealings. I do not want my campaign and my efforts to be judged based on their actions and indescretions. They are entitled to their opinion, as well they are entitled to vote for any candidate they so choose (for the few of the authors that live in Lumby and are able to vote), but I do not want anyone thinking in any way shape or form that I am involved with this group, or their efforts to hand pick candidates based on their willingness "to push the agenda of no prison" as you put it.

As as side note, you may notice that I do not specifically state whether I am for or against a prison in this reply. Aside from the fact that I don't believe the prison should be the only issue in this election, I want to be able to speak to people directly about my opinion on the prison. I feel people and candidates are being unfairly judged based on the words YES and NO. There is far more depth to the issue, just as there is more depth to each of the candidates.

In future, please contact me directly if you have questions or concerns.

Randal Ostafichuk
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by NotNorthAnymore »

sharperinlumby wrote:In future, please contact me directly if you have questions or concerns.

Randal Ostafichuk
Hello Randal:

I am sorry that my comments have cast you in an unfavourable light - that was not my intention.

I have heard you speak and read your handout - and was only commenting on the fact that the people in the email seem to imply that they had you "in thier pocket" so to speak.

I know that this is not the fact - and apoligize that my comments in my original post do not reflect that I and many others support you in your bid for council. Many of us in Lumby think that you will be a fresh perspective in our small town.

I look forward to your time on council and we will meet and discuss my lack of being able to express my comments over a flavoured coffee (my treat).

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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by sharperinlumby »

On Remembrance Day I recalled my uncles that fought in the second world war one cousin who died, my father and uncles that fought in the first world war and my sister and I in the peacetime force. I wonder what they would think of the people that are stomping on the rights that they fought for in those 2 horrific wars. What about all those that died in those past wars and the war our troops are fighting today, they fought for the rights we enjoy today. I consider the right to a free vote a great priviledge yet the NO people are stomping all over that right by not honouring the vote of the Village of Lumby residents. Shame. The comments made by a couple of those NO people should not be sluffed off. It is easy to apologize with your tongue in cheek to the individual but to do so publicly is much harder. I believe it should be a public apologie.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by sharperinlumby »

On Remembrance Day I recalled my uncles that fought in the second world war one cousin who died, my father and uncles that fought in the first world war and my sister and I in the peacetime force. I wonder what they would think of the people that are stomping on the rights that they fought for in those 2 horrific wars. What about all those that died in those past wars and the war our troops are fighting today, they fought for the rights we enjoy today. I consider the right to a free vote a great priviledge yet the NO people are stomping all over that right by not honouring the vote of the Village of Lumby residents. Shame. The comments made by a couple of those NO people should not be sluffed off. It is easy to apologize with your tongue in cheek to the individual but to do so publicly is much harder. I believe it should be a public apology.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by Glacier »

nhodge wrote:It's weird how no one seems to care about my position on parking meters. Maybe I need to rethink that one.
Do some candidates want to install parking meters? If so, I think your position would be a popular one.
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Re: Lumby Civic Election gets to be fun

Post by sharperinlumby »

Oh my gosh, it gets more and more ridiculous. One of the mayoralty candidates that got caught with foot in mouth syndrome is now trying to tell one and all saying that two other candidates running for Council are ganging up on him manipulating e mails.
Oh you poor sod, you already apologized for one of your vitriolic statements to another candidate which he confirms on this site. Hard to say your message was manipulated now. If you wish people to trust what you say I think you blew it. Man up and take responsibility for your actions. You have just demonstrated why you are not mayoralty material.

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