What is REAL Leadership?

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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by grammafreddy »

If she was my mom, I would be exceedingly proud of her.
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by canadman »

I don't doubt that.
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by richardtaylor1973 »

Thanks F23 for the big list of council business from the last 6 years. Andre Blanliel, Robert Hobson & Michelle Rule could lay claim to 90% of those too. How many were instigated by Mayor Shepherd?
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by kalidgh »

Walter never instigated those either. He was part of a team that did that. I really feel sorry for Kelowna if Wally gets re-elected.

If he is so pro business, why did he just sell his?

Spend a day with Walter, and you will soon realize that his elevator is not going all the way to the top floor anymore. Age thing

He has done great things, but if he gets re elected, you may as well say ' Kelowna is going nowhere" for 3 years.
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by richardtaylor1973 »

kalidgh wrote:Spend a day with Walter, and you will soon realize that his elevator is not going all the way to the top floor anymore. Age thing
So... have you spent a day with him? I've spent a good couple of hours talking with him 1 on 1 and he seemed pretty on top of his game, as he has done at the mayoral forums.

You'll have to do better than throwing the age card out there.
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by hereiamagain »

See here is the thing -

Someone comes on here, and posts up a list of accomplishments all claimed by a "person" they support, and says they do not "attack"...

yet when someone else comes on here, countering with a list of accomplishments - **by a "person" who always maintained they led a team** -

the first person's response is "You must be proud of your mom."

What is that all about?

Who would I want for mayor... someone who is focused only on their own little group and what can *I* do to help them, or someone who says what can *we* do to help the entire community.... I will always choose the latter.

F23 wrote:Mayor Accomplishments and Support of Projects in recent term of office - 2008-2011

Three new social housing projects worth $30M including NOW (New Opportunities for Women) on Tutt Street, Willowbridge, and New Gate Apartments in Rutland

Participated in promoting National Housing Plan with Mayors across the country

Member of the Mayor's Climate Action Coalition for BC

Over $200 M of construction projects through matching funds in 2010 which included bike lane extensions from 11 km to 261km

Transit expansion of the Bus Rapid Transit with shelters extending to 75 from 48

Expansion to YMCA/YWCA of $6.9 M in partnership with Federal Government

Glenmore Bypass completed in partnership with other levels of government at $11M

Seven new green spaces added to city inventory through partnership with Federal and Provincial government (Gertsmar, Mugford, Birkdale, Powerline, and three in Wilden)

Collaboration with Mayors from larger cities (West Kelowna, Vernon, and Penticton) with first provincial Inter-municipal Bylaw Agreement

One of top ten cities in Canada to adopt sustainable transportation practices

Automated collection waste implemented

Adoption of Official Community Plan to 2030 "Greening Our Future"

16 member integrated provincial unit to deal with gangs and guns began

Community Court initiated

Extended Abbott Street corridor past the hospital

Connected Gyro and Rotary Beach with a linear corridor

Multi-use trail along Houghton Road was built

Extension of rail with trail project down Cawston to connect to the downtown

Opening of Stuart Park and the Outdoor Ice Rink

International Kelowna Airport long-term planning and flights expansion

Gordon Drive over Mission Creek improved with new bridge (pedestrian and equestrian) and 4-laning ($6M partnership with provincial and federal government)

Opening of H20 Aquatic Facility and first 50 meter pool in our city-received the BC Recreation and Parks Association 2010 Facility Excellence Award

Hosted first Winter International Children's Games in Canada

Annual Mayor's Environmental Awards, Mayor's Environmental Expo, Climate Action Dessert Evenings, Energy Efficiency Workshops, Pesticide Free Workshops, and Airshed programs developed.

Biannual Youth forums for grade 8-12 (topics: Healthy Living, Sustainability, Climate Change)

Policies for new housing to be "Solar Hot Water Ready"

Olympic Flame community celebration

Breakfasts with Businesses held resulting in City Front Window staff participating in a Business Start Up Guide, concentration on Talent, Technology, Tolerance and Territory with focus as a result of Richard Florida speaking to our community

Sustainability Roundtables discussions -resulted in UBCO-Glenmore projects

Liquor Control review committee

Housing strategy developed with 28 initiatives to be prioritized

Member of Wood First for BC

Bicycle/pedestrian connections along Gordon Drive and Barrera/Casorso

Water Street Senior relocation design to Parkinson Recreation Centre

Council by-election

Sports Tourism accomplishments with Detroit Redwings practice, pre-Olympic training for Curling, Sledge Hockey, Women's Hockey (Sweden and Germany)

Hosted National Wheelchair Curling and National College Basketball

Water Sustainability Action Plan with Bylaw for Landscape and Irrigation Standards

Design for DeHart Community Park

New pedestrian and cycling times for Knox Mountain Drive

First community for Junior Ambassador volunteer program at our Kelowna International Airport

Adopted wood first resolution

Sale of 256 Acres of land to UBC to become Endowment lands

Restoration Laurel Packinghouse in partnership with Federal government

Wastewater Treatment Plant completed upgrading to take our community to 2030

Pre-feasibility studies for district energy in an agreement with Terasen Gas to decrease green house gases (GHG) by 33% below 2007 levels. The two areas being considered is the City Centre and South Pandosy

Construction of a new landfill entrance which eventually will extend from Glenmore to Highway 97 next to UBCO

Yacht Club negotiations to relocate their club so that Stuart Park can be expanded and support of the addition of 296 new moorage slips

3.5 acre properties purchased for Emergency/policing services building in north end of city on Clement for $4.332 M

Final plans presented for Revitalization of Bernard Avenue

Preliminary design for new cycle/pedestrian bridge from Highway 97 to UBCO

Dayton Street overpass connecting Landmark to Parkinson and multi-purpose pathways

Finalization of design for the Rutland Town Centre for pedestrian and transit improvements and opportunity for new development

Application for properties to come out of the Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR) for a future Glenmore Recreation park site

Participation in Central Okanagan Agriculture Tour

Downtown Charrette with collaborative vision completed

First Gran Fondo of over 100km out of Kelowna

e-Subscribe introduced into City Hall as well as a Customer Feedback Card

Central Green (old KSS site) park plan designed and site rezoned with affordability housing units

Changes to both the Downtown and Rutland Urban Centres Revitalization Tax

Exemption Bylaws to provide broader opportunities for business owners and developers

Reviewed taxi stands locations and changes were made re nightclub business

For eight consecutive years received the Canadian Award for Financial Planning

Ongoing support for Professional Arts including Okanagan Symphony, Alternator Gallery, and Ballet Kelowna.

BC Dragoons 100th year re-proclaimed Freedom of the City

Supported Breakout West Music Festival

Local artists in partnership with Community in Bloom beautified Leon with banners

More community gardens introduced to city by Mission Sportsfields

Domestic Violence officer supported with recognition of victims of violence in naming of "Angel Way" by Parkinson

Highway 33 upgrades with provincial improvements including a pedestrian underpass at Gopher trail

First Mountain Bike Skills Park

Accessible play areas built at Parkinson Recreation Centre

Accessibility Committee continues to provide input in policies and changes in city infrastructure

Changes made to parks and Public Spaces Bylaw to regulate smoking

Support a BC Regional Innovation Chair in Water Resources for UBCO

Memorandum of Understanding signed between the 5 water purveyors in our city

Participating in RCMP contract review provincial committee with priority of accountability, cost containment and partnerships

Mayor Accomplishments and Support of Projects in first term of office - 2005-2008

New William R.Bennet Bridge

Myra Canyon Kettle Valley trestles reopened

Swamp Road reconstructed

Airport runway expanded

Wastewaster Treatment Plant began updating ($60 M)

Corporate management and staff model changed

Began biannual Youth forums for grade 10-12 (topics: Transit, recycling, social issues, park planning, culture, and water)

Social Housing project Cardington on St.Paul

Began the Committee for People with Disabilities

Introduced the monthly reporting of the RCMP Superintendent to Council meetings

Participated in Community Court ideas

Held a Crystal Meth forum

Aquatic Facility planning

Began regular visits to Businesses in city with Economic Development staff

Housing Task Force reviews affordability issue

Brought representatives from Portland to discuss "continuum of care" for homeless and supported the Four Pillar Drug and Alcohol Coordinator position and implementation of the 28 strategies

Hosted Special Olympics Winter Games

Governance of the Westside discussion and evaluation of the impacts on the city for amalgamation and forming alliances with new Mayor and Council for West Kelowna

Pine Beetle infestation plan developed with regional district

Comprehensive Development Plan process

Premier Climate Change Charter as second city to sign on

Ongoing meetings with student reps from OC and UBCO, CEO's and Presidents of OC and UBCO, Mayors from other Okanagan communities, CEO of Interior Health, Tourism Kelowna, Uptown Rutland Resident Association, Chamber of Commerce, and First Nations

Hosted BC Summer Games

Representative of the 100,000 Solar Roofs Committee of BC

Welcomed delegates from Sister Cities
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by hereiamagain »

I have quoted this post one more time to ask you to look at what Sharon has done in the past six years that is community based, community interactive and community supportive.... what has she done to encourage the focus of council on the community? She has never claimed rights to these accomplishments, knowing full well the hearts of the other council members (well most of them anyway) are in the right place. In all things, I believe given the opportunity, people will choose to do the right thing.... Sharon encourages that.... that is leadership of the highest form.

Walter.... well, let's just say I don't believe his heart is in the right place.
F23 wrote:Mayor Accomplishments and Support of Projects in recent term of office - 2008-2011

Three new social housing projects worth $30M including NOW (New Opportunities for Women) on Tutt Street, Willowbridge, and New Gate Apartments in Rutland

Participated in promoting National Housing Plan with Mayors across the country

Member of the Mayor's Climate Action Coalition for BC

Over $200 M of construction projects through matching funds in 2010 which included bike lane extensions from 11 km to 261km

Transit expansion of the Bus Rapid Transit with shelters extending to 75 from 48

Expansion to YMCA/YWCA of $6.9 M in partnership with Federal Government

Glenmore Bypass completed in partnership with other levels of government at $11M

Seven new green spaces added to city inventory through partnership with Federal and Provincial government (Gertsmar, Mugford, Birkdale, Powerline, and three in Wilden)

Collaboration with Mayors from larger cities (West Kelowna, Vernon, and Penticton) with first provincial Inter-municipal Bylaw Agreement

One of top ten cities in Canada to adopt sustainable transportation practices

Automated collection waste implemented

Adoption of Official Community Plan to 2030 "Greening Our Future"

16 member integrated provincial unit to deal with gangs and guns began

Community Court initiated

Extended Abbott Street corridor past the hospital

Connected Gyro and Rotary Beach with a linear corridor

Multi-use trail along Houghton Road was built

Extension of rail with trail project down Cawston to connect to the downtown

Opening of Stuart Park and the Outdoor Ice Rink

International Kelowna Airport long-term planning and flights expansion

Gordon Drive over Mission Creek improved with new bridge (pedestrian and equestrian) and 4-laning ($6M partnership with provincial and federal government)

Opening of H20 Aquatic Facility and first 50 meter pool in our city-received the BC Recreation and Parks Association 2010 Facility Excellence Award

Hosted first Winter International Children's Games in Canada

Annual Mayor's Environmental Awards, Mayor's Environmental Expo, Climate Action Dessert Evenings, Energy Efficiency Workshops, Pesticide Free Workshops, and Airshed programs developed.

Biannual Youth forums for grade 8-12 (topics: Healthy Living, Sustainability, Climate Change)

Policies for new housing to be "Solar Hot Water Ready"

Olympic Flame community celebration

Breakfasts with Businesses held resulting in City Front Window staff participating in a Business Start Up Guide, concentration on Talent, Technology, Tolerance and Territory with focus as a result of Richard Florida speaking to our community

Sustainability Roundtables discussions -resulted in UBCO-Glenmore projects

Liquor Control review committee

Housing strategy developed with 28 initiatives to be prioritized

Member of Wood First for BC

Bicycle/pedestrian connections along Gordon Drive and Barrera/Casorso

Water Street Senior relocation design to Parkinson Recreation Centre

Council by-election

Sports Tourism accomplishments with Detroit Redwings practice, pre-Olympic training for Curling, Sledge Hockey, Women's Hockey (Sweden and Germany)

Hosted National Wheelchair Curling and National College Basketball

Water Sustainability Action Plan with Bylaw for Landscape and Irrigation Standards

Design for DeHart Community Park

New pedestrian and cycling times for Knox Mountain Drive

First community for Junior Ambassador volunteer program at our Kelowna International Airport

Adopted wood first resolution

Sale of 256 Acres of land to UBC to become Endowment lands

Restoration Laurel Packinghouse in partnership with Federal government

Wastewater Treatment Plant completed upgrading to take our community to 2030

Pre-feasibility studies for district energy in an agreement with Terasen Gas to decrease green house gases (GHG) by 33% below 2007 levels. The two areas being considered is the City Centre and South Pandosy

Construction of a new landfill entrance which eventually will extend from Glenmore to Highway 97 next to UBCO

Yacht Club negotiations to relocate their club so that Stuart Park can be expanded and support of the addition of 296 new moorage slips

3.5 acre properties purchased for Emergency/policing services building in north end of city on Clement for $4.332 M

Final plans presented for Revitalization of Bernard Avenue

Preliminary design for new cycle/pedestrian bridge from Highway 97 to UBCO

Dayton Street overpass connecting Landmark to Parkinson and multi-purpose pathways

Finalization of design for the Rutland Town Centre for pedestrian and transit improvements and opportunity for new development

Application for properties to come out of the Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR) for a future Glenmore Recreation park site

Participation in Central Okanagan Agriculture Tour

Downtown Charrette with collaborative vision completed

First Gran Fondo of over 100km out of Kelowna

e-Subscribe introduced into City Hall as well as a Customer Feedback Card

Central Green (old KSS site) park plan designed and site rezoned with affordability housing units

Changes to both the Downtown and Rutland Urban Centres Revitalization Tax

Exemption Bylaws to provide broader opportunities for business owners and developers

Reviewed taxi stands locations and changes were made re nightclub business

For eight consecutive years received the Canadian Award for Financial Planning

Ongoing support for Professional Arts including Okanagan Symphony, Alternator Gallery, and Ballet Kelowna.

BC Dragoons 100th year re-proclaimed Freedom of the City

Supported Breakout West Music Festival

Local artists in partnership with Community in Bloom beautified Leon with banners

More community gardens introduced to city by Mission Sportsfields

Domestic Violence officer supported with recognition of victims of violence in naming of "Angel Way" by Parkinson

Highway 33 upgrades with provincial improvements including a pedestrian underpass at Gopher trail

First Mountain Bike Skills Park

Accessible play areas built at Parkinson Recreation Centre

Accessibility Committee continues to provide input in policies and changes in city infrastructure

Changes made to parks and Public Spaces Bylaw to regulate smoking

Support a BC Regional Innovation Chair in Water Resources for UBCO

Memorandum of Understanding signed between the 5 water purveyors in our city

Participating in RCMP contract review provincial committee with priority of accountability, cost containment and partnerships

Mayor Accomplishments and Support of Projects in first term of office - 2005-2008

New William R.Bennet Bridge

Myra Canyon Kettle Valley trestles reopened

Swamp Road reconstructed

Airport runway expanded

Wastewaster Treatment Plant began updating ($60 M)

Corporate management and staff model changed

Began biannual Youth forums for grade 10-12 (topics: Transit, recycling, social issues, park planning, culture, and water)

Social Housing project Cardington on St.Paul

Began the Committee for People with Disabilities

Introduced the monthly reporting of the RCMP Superintendent to Council meetings

Participated in Community Court ideas

Held a Crystal Meth forum

Aquatic Facility planning

Began regular visits to Businesses in city with Economic Development staff

Housing Task Force reviews affordability issue

Brought representatives from Portland to discuss "continuum of care" for homeless and supported the Four Pillar Drug and Alcohol Coordinator position and implementation of the 28 strategies

Hosted Special Olympics Winter Games

Governance of the Westside discussion and evaluation of the impacts on the city for amalgamation and forming alliances with new Mayor and Council for West Kelowna

Pine Beetle infestation plan developed with regional district

Comprehensive Development Plan process

Premier Climate Change Charter as second city to sign on

Ongoing meetings with student reps from OC and UBCO, CEO's and Presidents of OC and UBCO, Mayors from other Okanagan communities, CEO of Interior Health, Tourism Kelowna, Uptown Rutland Resident Association, Chamber of Commerce, and First Nations

Hosted BC Summer Games

Representative of the 100,000 Solar Roofs Committee of BC

Welcomed delegates from Sister Cities
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by beachday »

This is a true leader! Take the time to get out and vote today!
thefacts wrote:
canadman wrote:So this was in the Kelowna Daily Courier today and because I couldn't figure out any other way to do it, I retyped this myself here.

This to me is what REAL Leadership is! I know the Sharon rabble will immediately discredit every word of this and continue their campaign of casting dispersions, insults and everything else. But this is not intended for them. For those of you who are still undecided, I think this published piece this morning addresses why I think Walter Gray is the best candidate, especially in the times we face right now.

Hopefully you'll read it (it took long enough for me to type it out lol, I hope you do) and give it consideration.

What is Leadership?

by Walter Gray Your Candidate for Mayor of Kelowna

Leadership is the ability to achieve results.

Leadership is the ability to make decisions and ensure progress.

Leadership is being open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.

Leadership While in Office:

• Lobbied for the W.R. Bennett Bridge - construction completed shortly after leaving office
• Prospera Place built as a public private partnership saving tax payer dollars
• Arts District was concept formulated through key partnerships • Major sewer upgrades in Rutland
• Downtown Queensway transit mall
• Rotary Centre for the Arts – worked with Rotary groups to become title sponsor of the project
• All 3 phases of the Greenway were constructed
• Director for BC Transit
• Rails with Trails phase 1 was completed
• In combination with Senator Fitzpatrick achieved Federal funding for building beautification
• Ben Lee Park created
• Accelerated UBC-O campus housing project to meet timelines of opening
• Rebuit/replaced the Chapman Parkade downtown
• Acquired numerous lakeshore properties for future public use
• Kelowna Airport moved from 17th busiest to 9th busiest in Canada
• Mayor during the Firestorm 2003
• Completion of Summit Drive over Dilworth Mountain
• Brought first hybrid buses to Kelowna – only 8 in Canada, we got 2
• On the team that brought the BC Seniors Games to Kelowna
• Member of the Premiers Task Force on Homelessness, Mental Illness & Addictions - Secured funding for addictions treatment in Kelowna ‐ $4.75 million from Province

Leadership Out of Office:

• Founding Director of Kelowna Snowfest Committee
• Past President of Kelowna Chamber of Commerce (2 time President)
• President of the Okanagan Neurological Association ‐ now the Child Development Centre
• Founding member of the Gospel Mission’s 30K Club
• Honorary Chair of Ballet Kelowna’s 2008 Pirouette
• Chair of Bold Horizons Capital campaign – raising $4.1million for Okanagan College
• Fundraising Chair – Hospice House Palliative Care – raised $3.7 million to build facility

This is the most important election in recent years!

Vote for Strong Leadership, Strong Vision, a Strong Economy

Vote Walter Gray for Mayor
You did such a great job typing this post out for us I thought it deserved to be at the top of the forum one more time.
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by Takin it easy ! »

beachday wrote:This is a true leader! Take the time to get out and vote today!
thefacts wrote:
You did such a great job typing this post out for us I thought it deserved to be at the top of the forum one more time.
More :spamcan:
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by hereiamagain »

Something had been bothering about two posts made, one in this particular thread, and one in another...

The one in this thread again was the phrase "you must be proud of your mom"....

Moms are the biggest leaders in this entire world. If she was my mom, you bet your thing-you-sit-on that I would be proud of her.

The second had to do with the idea that the CD21 was stood down, and the inflection that the community stood behind it, and new council had no right to do that...

well here's the thing... that is the reason we have elections... to get out of touch with their community officials out of the office so that the real community thoughts and intentions come forward. Didn't those officials get elected because they said they would get rid of CD21?

If you want a ME mayor, elect Gray... if you want a WE mayor, elect Sharon....

but be warned..... electing Gray will make rename Kelowna to Pottersville... er I mean Grayville.....

Which leader ....?
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by grammafreddy »

richardtaylor1973 wrote:Thanks F23 for the big list of council business from the last 6 years. Andre Blanliel, Robert Hobson & Michelle Rule could lay claim to 90% of those too. How many were instigated by Mayor Shepherd?
Walter's credits could also be said to be part of a group effort - either council or some NFP. If he can claim them as his personal "I did this!" and you're good with that, what's with the negativity when a Shepherd supporter points out the accomplishments Sharon has been a part of? She was also part of some of the things Walter is laying claim to, you know.
We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.

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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by kelownasenior1942 »

hereiamagain wrote:Something had been bothering about two posts made, one in this particular thread, and one in another...

The one in this thread again was the phrase "you must be proud of your mom"....

Moms are the biggest leaders in this entire world. If she was my mom, you bet your thing-you-sit-on that I would be proud of her.

The second had to do with the idea that the CD21 was stood down, and the inflection that the community stood behind it, and new council had no right to do that...

well here's the thing... that is the reason we have elections... to get out of touch with their community officials out of the office so that the real community thoughts and intentions come forward. Didn't those officials get elected because they said they would get rid of CD21?

CD21 was declined to a lack of Shepard taking leadership and fighting for it. In addition she was the deciding swing Vote on the issue. We need someone that can fight and take a stand now someone that sends off all major issues to unproductive committees. I agree her son should be proud, Sharon is a nice lady and its nothing person, but this election will be one because of her lack of leadership.

I Voted for you Walter!

If you want a ME mayor, elect Gray... if you want a WE mayor, elect Sharon....

but be warned..... electing Gray will make rename Kelowna to Pottersville... er I mean Grayville.....

Which leader ....?
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Re: What is REAL Leadership?

Post by kelownasenior1942 »

Kelowna is ready for for Walter Gray again. Sharon needs a much deserved break. So when will Walter officially move his stuff into City Hall?

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