Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by grammafreddy »

hmmm ... it appears the opening post in this thread has been removed by the Mods as well as a couple of others that perhaps quoted the OP which resulted in them getting zapped, too.

My post below was in response to the now-zapped OP :127:


CD21 was merely a "vision" but people were led to believe it was a done deal - and it never was. Other than Milroy's hotel, there were no other high rises planned or ready to be built by other developers. It was a very long range vision of something that perhaps could be done in the future - like in 20-30 years - and certainly was not, and never would be, the solution to the issues facing Lawrence and Leon. The new downtown plan won't get highrises built, either, nor will it solve those L&L problems.

I am not anti-development nor am I against high rise towers. But I sure don't like all the untruths being flung around about the CD21 plan and the "hidden agenda" behind it now.

The council that turned it down did the right thing. There was a fast one being pulled and a railroading job, and the new council members were wise enough to say they needed ALL the information and history before they could approve it. That was denied to them and they were being asked (pressured is more accurate) to approve something that was a major change to the downtown core without being allowed access or the ability to discuss it with landowners, staff or council members who had been part of the original discussion and planning. That was just wrong in my book and should be wrong in everybody's book. It's the same thing as somebody pressuring you to sign some legal document without allowing you to read it or consult with anyone else first.
Last edited by grammafreddy on Nov 19th, 2011, 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by commonsense65 »

After living here 40 plus years and watching what has happened to this City I cannot agree with your choices Richard so here are mine for a growing well thought out city!







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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by richardtaylor1973 »

commonsense65 wrote:After living here 40 plus years and watching what has happened to this City I cannot agree with your choices Richard so here are mine for a growing well thought out city!
How dare you disagree with me... you... you... you... INDEPENDENT THINKER! ;-)

Shepherd - no comment. I've said enough elsewhere.

Rule - Michelle and I are friends and I know she works very hard. We don't agree on policy, but I'd not try to dissuade anyone from voting for her.

Dehart - not been impressed enough at forums to vote for her, but am sure she will do a good job if elected.

Hodge - I don't know Charlie as well as Michelle, but I'd ditto the same comments.

Singh -same as Dehart.

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts - will be an interesting evening :-)
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by econovan64 »

Vote for too many candidates and you may be voting against yourself.

If you really want certain people on council then only vote for 2 or 3.

If you vote for 8 councilors your last choices can cancel out your first choices if others don't vote for your first choices.
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by Logitack »

and what is your prediction on who will get on council? we know who you would like, but who you endorse and who gets on council may not be the same thing.
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by richardtaylor1973 »

grammafreddy wrote:CD21 was merely a "vision"
Everything starts with a vision.
grammafreddy wrote:The council that turned it down did the right thing.
Don't agree, as you know :-)
grammafreddy wrote:There was a fast one being pulled and a railroading job
Again, don't agree. All this was covered at the time, but to remind those that may not have been around for those discussions, there is a generally accepted practice that 3rd reading is considered final by a City Council. That is the spirit of the law. At that point, the Real Estate Marketing Act allows for a planned property to be taken to market!

After 3rd reading the proposal goes to relevent provincial departments for review and approval (e.g. Fisheries, Highways)

Fourth reading is considered a rubber stamp - unless provincial departments come back with concerns. They didn't. Our council should therefore have approved the plan, not undone years and millions of dollars of work.

The merits of the plan, to my mind, are not relevant to this discussion. They were dealt with prior to 2008 through multiple public hearings and consultations. The PROCESS is. They screwed up in process and broke the spirit of the law while just staying on the right side of the letter of it.

On another note GrammaFreddy. (May I call u that?) Did u pin down your 9?
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by richardtaylor1973 »

Logitack wrote:and what is your prediction on who will get on council? we know who you would like, but who you endorse and who gets on council may not be the same thing.
Hmm. Let me see.

Mayor - Condy (That song, so powerful - "If you want a better Mayor vote for Cal...").

Council - Rathwell and Uitvlugt. beyond that I struggle. OH! Powell! His website is very persuasive.

Give me a little time and I'll have a think. I also reserve my right to change the above 4 ;-)
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by chrismonroe »

I only voted for 2 councillors Charlie Hodge and Dayleen Van Ryswyk. I've been to all the forums and watched and listened very carefully. Some of the candidates that seemed good at first, turned into a train wreck. Simon Shaw who i thought might be good fell apart and then was caught running a poll that he altered. So, not honest, lost my vote. A few others turned arrogant and i won't vote for any of the 4greed 8! Getting through 40 wasn't actually that hard if you pay attention.

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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by normaM »

I was there so long I nearly forgot WHY I was there ( terrible wait time)
I voted for the 4 I had said I would, and voted for the Mayor I wanted :)
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by Bsuds »

I feel that it is no one's business but my own who I vote for. I just hope people get out and vote for who "They" think will do a good job. The more of us that vote the better the chance the best people get in!
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by motorhomebabe »

Was at the Y at about 10 am seemed to ge a pretty steady flow of people.
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by SimonShaw »

chrismonroe wrote:Simon Shaw who i thought might be good fell apart and then was caught running a poll that he altered. So, not honest, lost my vote.
not honest? I was the only one honest in the system... If I named names of those who cheated in my polls, nobody would get a vote except me.

I only deleted votes outside the relevant cities. No one in Penticton is complaining.
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by Bpeep »

I was at the Y and waited 45 minutes to get into the voting room.
Then waited another 15 minutes to get to the booth.

Nice to see the big turnout though.
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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by grammafreddy »

We are a generation of idiots - smart phones and dumb people.

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Re: Kelowna Votes – My 9 Choices

Post by Carmencat »

We voted this morning at PRC and waited in line half an hour. When we left the line up was even longer - right out the door and outside. Awesome to see!

After we voted we met relatives for lunch. They hadn't voted yet so showed us their picks which included the 4Change picks of Given, Gran, Basrin and Blanliel. I gave them my reasons why none of them were on my list. They listened and then decided to scratch them off their list and go with 4 of my picks.

Two less votes each for 4 4Change candidates. :sunshine:

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