News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by SurplusElect »

Off topic. If you have an issue contact Castanet directly. Trip
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by mexi cali »

These are sensitive subjects, and ranting on like she did is racism.
No it's not. It's no more racist than saying that the french language laws are harsh and one sided. They are and it doesn't make you a racist by vocalizing it.

definition of Racism;a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Based on her comments, which part of what she said is racist?

You really should brush up on the reality versus the fantasy and stop being overly sensitive.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Logitack »

Castanet is calling it official, Dayleen Van Ryswyk will run as an independent.

"The support has been phenomenal all across the country! People really want a true independent voice. Stay tuned #Kelowna."

Those words from Van Ryswyk in a tweet to Castanet News about running as an independent in the Kelowna-Mission riding in the May 14 provincial election.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Logitack wrote:
i see that the ndp have not filled that position yet

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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by samsquench07 »

mexicalidreamer wrote:
Based on her comments, which part of what she said is racist?

You really should brush up on the reality versus the fantasy and stop being overly sensitive.
--------Saying that natives are riding a gravy train?
-------If their ancestors sold out too cheap it’s not my fault
--------Seems the only group of people universally hated around the world other than the Americans are the french and FRENCH CANADIANS
--------“I’m getting so sick of having french stuffed down my throat

These are all her comments, Apparently there are more. And that's whats online, Not from what she speaks at home or a friends house. I don't think this type of person should even enter foot in politics. Exactly how do we make the world better, thinking people are any less than us?
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by norton123 »

you know , was just thinking about the up comming election and was really pondering an ndp vote even though i never liked them much in sask,But one thing for sure i do know and that is our current govt. sure has'nt helped this province much if any,Then when i read about this lady's post i had already casted my vote for her.Finally a someone that will say it like it is.But no! not aloud to be real. Say the proper things get elected and join the others at the cash cow and do nothing then get your golden pension, Meanwhile i will continue to struggle everyday in this provice trying to find employment without having to travel back and forth to sask. and alberta.I really hope she runs as an indepentant because i don't care what party she totes i just want a real person for once!!!
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by grammafreddy »

Those aren't racist. Most Canadians think the same way she does, I suspect.

This thread has lots of it ... ... tawapiskat
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Phoenix Within »

Easiest way to know you've beaten a Liberal in an argument is when they call you a racist.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Anonymous123 »

Word has it that Tish Lakes will be the replacement NDP candidate.

Edited to add: she ran in the last election (2009). Her old campaign Facebook page can be found here. ... 1171826584
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by A_Britishcolumbian »

i find it amusing that 2 years ago the people of kelowna didn't feel the aspiring fuhrer, van ryswyk, was not even worthy of 1% of the vote when she sought a city council seat, but now, when her war mongering views are brought to the fore as over 50% of you participating in the online poll on this website, would choose to put her in legislature as an independent.
this seems quite telling of the sentiments of the kelowna population.
van ryswyk struck out against first nations, and for some odd reason french nationals, as well as all french speaking "canadians", not to mention folks in the west here that are native speakers of anything other than english.
i do not believe there is any room in legislature for a person this ignorant of the facts and prejudiced against so many peoples, many of whom are integral to our society in british columbia.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by flavorflav »

The best move possible for Adrian Dix would be to reinstate her and then watch the NDP win in perhaps a landslide.We all know it wouldn't be POLITICALLY CORRECT but it certainly would be interesting to observe what the votings masses actually believed.
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by Phoenix Within »

flavorflav wrote:The best move possible for Adrian Dix would be to reinstate her and then watch the NDP win in perhaps a landslide.We all know it wouldn't be POLITICALLY CORRECT but it certainly would be interesting to observe what the votings masses actually believed.
Won't happen. If Dix reinstated her, the opposition would eat him alive. He'd look like he'd do anything for the win (I mean, we all KNOW that, they'd just have proof now).
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by T. Rawlin »

Tish Lakes? Oh, this is going to be good. So since everyone was so quick to throw the racism label around for the previous NDP candidate, let's dissect Ms. Lakes, shall we?

Her twitter feed shows several examples of religious intolerance and hatred towards an identifiable religious group:

Retweet on March 13:
Keith Baldrey ‏@keithbaldrey 13 Mar Now that they've elected a new pope I assume the Cardinals will return to spring training.
Retweeted by Tish Lakes

Retweet on January 3:
God ‏@TheTweetOfGod 3 Jan People, I can't just "damn" any "it" you happen to be mad at. There's a procedure. Fill out the forms.
Retweeted by Tish Lakes

There is nobody who can meet the impossible standard set by Adrian Dix when he removed the first NDP candidate for the 2013 election. Who will be NDP candidate number 3 for Kelowna-Mission?
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by flavorflav »

Good point Phoenix within. They would eat Dix alive. Isn't there someone here on the forums that would run as an NDP?
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Re: News release - Adrian Dix must fire NDP candidate

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

flavorflav wrote:Good point Phoenix within. They would eat Dix alive.Isn't there someone here on the forums that would run as an NDP?
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