Dix campaign team roughs up heckler

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Dix campaign team roughs up heckler

Post by logicalview »

Sounds like the wheels are rapidly falling off the Dix bus, no surprise there. The babbler was asked a direct question about coal exports by someone in the crowd, and when the sniveling coward did his usual routine of circular argument and bibble-babble, the questioner became more insistent, and finally was treated roughly by members of Yellow-Belly's campaign team. What a joke! The NDP is falling apart, and I love it!!!
The New Democrat was asked to clarify his views on coal export by someone in the crowd, who grew more unruly as time passed.

Dix was rapidly ushered back to his campaign bus by members of his election team after the rally, briefly pausing to answer reporters' questions as the bus' engine was fired up.

However, the heckler drifted over to the media gathering to ask Dix's stance on coal exports and traffic from Deltaport, Metro Vancouver's largest container terminal.

His efforts were blocked by the 49-year-old candidate's campaign team.

"This isn't a movie set," the man told Dix's staff, giving one the middle finger. "It's a public park. I can be wherever I want."
http://www.edmontonjournal.com/technolo ... story.html
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by flamingfingers »

So be in a public park but when he
grew more unruly as time passed.
giving one the middle finger.
he needed to be reminded not to act like a typical Liberal.
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by Veovis »

Tutt tutt, twisting already FF, the article says the finger came after he was already being pushed around, do you always rewrite events?

Perhaps Dix could have actually answered a question instead of mumbling a non reply for once. In fact proper media would be doing it for us as reporters are supposed to, but Dix seems to get a free pass on being "open and transparent government"
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by flamingfingers »

Dix seems to get a free pass on being "open and transparent government"
Now he is the government? Thought that didn't happen until May 14.
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by Smurf »

I cannot see any information saying that he was roughed up or for that matter even touched. Please point it out otherwise I and probably many others will just assume it is a lie.
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by Veovis »

He is a member of parliament and wants to be premier, and has stated in the past that his NDP government is open, honest transparent. (then lied and hid things a lot)

So nice dodge on your lies again, but the fact stands he was asked a real question and inevitable went and literally hid in his bus.

Bold leader you like there, I can understand your actions better with those idolized role models.

Smurf wrote:I cannot see any information saying that he was roughed up or for that matter even touched. Please point it out otherwise I and probably many others will just assume it is a lie.
I'll grant that but stating that "he was blocked by the campaign team" implies a physical event occurred at the least

None the less, doesn't ever happen if he simply had answers to provide. How can he lead when he has nothing to say about everything?
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by Gone_Fishin »

"His efforts were blocked by the 49-year-old candidate's campaign team."

Yeah. Belly-butting ring of union thugs protecting their hero, I bet. Union thugs are the topic of the day, aren't they?

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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by logicalview »

Smurf wrote:I cannot see any information saying that he was roughed up or for that matter even touched. Please point it out otherwise I and probably many others will just assume it is a lie.
Oh good grief. Is there no end you will go to defend the actions of the morally bankrupt Dix and his gang of thugs? Unbelievable.
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by Gone_Fishin »

And, of course, Dix has said NO to more good jobs for BCers:
The Greased Weasel wrote: "What's really important is that, in the last few days, the NDP has outlined a vision for our region and province, and where we're going to go. It's clear that building a coal port in Surrey isn't part of that vision either."

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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by maple leaf »

Typical Liberals,making up facts about what happened,with no proof.No where in the story is there mention of anyone being ruffed up.And if he was being unruly as it does say in the story ,then anyone ,no matter who they are has the right to walk away.I would do the same thing.Everyone no matter who they are deserves to be respected,when spoken to,regardless if you agree with them or not.
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by Smurf »

So there is absolutely no truth to your topic statement then am I right.

They can block him without ever touching him. If he in turn touches them, pushes or shoves, then they have every right to touch him. They did absolutely nothing wrong. As far as him answering questions he probably took lessons from Christy. Do you happen to remember her answer to the question on marijuana during the leadership debate (and most other questions for that matter). The little(insert some of logical's usual slang) didn't even so much as refer to marijuana in her reply. You shouldn't throw stones when you live in a glass house.
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by flamingfingers »

Maybe the headline should read, "Dix chews into polls that show him leading Christy Clark by a (g)astronomic margin."
Media representative Mike Lowe said the team would be dining on the Adrian Dix burger, which according to the restaurant's website leads the polls with 446 orders over only 164 orders of the Christy Clark burger.
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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by NAB »

...time to tune out the Liberals and their apologists... Like the title of this thread, they work overtime translating anything with a even a smidgen of truth into something that is anything but the truth. People who habitually tell lies don't warrant anyone's trust, and it eventually gets to the point with this party where one should just automatically assume anything they say is in part or in whole a lie, .....and just move on...

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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by Rwede »

Body guards from the union?

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Re: Dix Campaign Team roughs up heckler

Post by Gone_Fishin »

LOL those are some belly-butters if I ever seen one! Dix must want to turn BC into another Montreal, rife with union corruption, payoffs, and thugs feasting on taxpayers' dollars. We were there in the 1990s, who the hell wants to go back to that?

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