Should Dix pay back his severance?

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Re: Should Dix pay back his severance?

Post by Its_Like_That »

twobits wrote:Yes but in those 12 years, who, including yourself, could have possibly foreseen Dix showing up minutes before deadline with paper bags full of 20 dollar bills without matching membership forms to buy the leadership. Did anyone think the morally corrupt weasel would have trumped Farnsworth? He was just a bad piece of history that everyone preferred to just forget about. Who would have thunk he would ever get close to the big chair? That's why it's important to remind people about it again.
Great post.

Sadly, yet to the people that think his way, Dix is their hero, bags of cash and all.
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Re: Should Dix pay back his severance?

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Urbane wrote:There is no way Dix will pay back the money. He accepted it at a time when he was telling everyone that he had done nothing wrong. Now he admits that he "owns the mistake" and acknowledges that he did wrong. He could show that he's sincere (if he actually was) by repaying the money but we all know that he isn't sincere and that he won't pay it back.

Yes, he "owns" his mistake, but we bought and paid for it to the tune of $70,000.

It tells me something about his intelligence level. He was stupid enough to leave his computer dated 3 months later when he typed it up, which was easily found by the RCMP when they investigated his malfeasance. Even a low-tech codger like me would find that.

Dix lied for 2 years on this. Outright lied and denied, to us, the taxpayers and voters of BC. There's no way he can be Premier of this province with a record like that.

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Re: Should Dix pay back his severance?

Post by Urbane »

^^ It's too bad that the NDP supporters on here think it's okay that Dix is still lying about this story. He did NOT take responsibility for his actions from the beginning as he now claims. Of course there's a political side to this story but Dix is asking people to trust him and allow him to serve as Premier. That's why the backdating of the document and his lying about taking responsibility are up for discussion.
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Re: Should Dix pay back his severance?

Post by Captain Awesome »

I don't think bringing up ancient history into debate does anybody any good.
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Re: Should Dix pay back his severance?

Post by fluffy »

Yes, in a perfect world that would be true, but in today's political arena morals and ethics take a back seat to winning. Will having this issue on the table at this stage of the campaign be likely to lose votes for the Liberals for "playing dirty" or likely to lose votes for the NDP by portraying their provincial leader in a less than flattering light?
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Re: Should Dix pay back his severance?

Post by Urbane »

  • Captain Awesome wrote:I don't think bringing up ancient history into debate does anybody any good.
Dix could have made it harder to bring up the issue if he were telling the truth about it today but he isn't. I do agree that it's not the principal issue in the campaign and certainly the main reason I didn't vote NDP was the economy.
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Re: Should Dix pay back his severance?

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

Captain Awesome wrote:I don't think bringing up ancient history into debate does anybody any good.
You mean like the BC Rail thing that the rabid left can't let go of?
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Re: Should Dix pay back his severance?

Post by flamingfingers »

The BC Rail thing...
Only happened 2 1/2 years ago. Prior to that it was "before the courts". October 2010 is hardly "ancient history".

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