Whose Islam?

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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by logicalview »

» 10/21/2013 12:47
Coptic Church attacked in Cairo, 8-year-old girl among the dead
So far, four people are known to have died and 18 wounded when, yesterday afternoon, two men on a motorcycle fired on a crowd in front of the Virgin Mary Coptic Church in Warraq, a Christian neighbourhood in the Egyptian capital. For a spokesman of the Egyptian Catholic Church, "Christians are the main target of religious hatred."

Cairo (AsiaNews) - Four people are dead and 18 wounded following an attack against the Virgin Mary Coptic Church yesterday afternoon during wedding celebrations in the Cairo neighbourhood of Warraq. An 8-year-old girl is among the killed. This is the first deliberate attack on a church in the capital since 3 July, the day when Islamist President Mohamed Morsi was ousted.

"Two men on a motorcycle approached the building entrance and one of them opened fire with a machine gun aiming at the crowd standing in front of the churchyard waiting to welcome the two newly-wed," Fr Rafik Greiche, a spokesman for the Egyptian Catholic Church, told AsiaNews.

The clergyman stressed that the death toll could rise in the coming hours. "The attackers, he said, "fired from a few metres away. All the people who were injured are in serious condition."

At present, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but suspicions run towards terrorist groups close to the more violent wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.

A few minutes before the shooting, some Islamist leaders, jailed a few months ago for incitement to violence, posted messages on Twitter threating such attacks.

Since July, Islamists have organised demonstrations and protests every week, in Cairo and other cities, that often turned violent, Fr Greiche said. "Christians," he added," have been the main target of such religious hatred-filled actions."

After President Morsi's ouster and the establishment of a transitional government by General al-Sisi, the Christian minority has been continuously attacked by Islamist groups and other groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The worst cases occurred between on 14-17 August, when thousands of Islamic extremists carried out simultaneous attacks across the country, storming 58 churches and more than 200 buildings owned by Christians.

In the following months, groups of Salafists and members of the Jamaa al-Islamiya were holed up in a number of villages in Upper Egypt, where they imposed Sharia.

Delga is one example. The town, which is Minya province (Upper Egypt), remained the hands of Islamic extremists for over two weeks.

During that time, Islamists seized dozens of homes from local Copts, forcing 5,000 of them to flee. Only when the army moved in were they were able to return. (S.C.)
http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Coptic-C ... 29329.html
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by GordonH »

GordonH wrote: Yep, the *blank* is about to hit the fan. Interesting part is which *blank* and which fan will be first.
What could be the catalyst, for *_____* to hit the fan. That's anyones best guess <<shrug>>.
Could happen at anytime I'm sure
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by logicalview »

This week's body-count in the name of the religion of peace:

108 dead, 226 injured. One week.

2013.10.27 India Patna 6 102 The Indian Mujahideen place several bombs at a Hindu political rally which take the lives of six.
2013.10.27 Afghanistan Ghazni 18 5 Woman and children are among seventeen civilians slaughtered by a roadside bomb.
2013.10.27 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 A young girl is killed when Muslim fundamentalists set off a bomb in the street.
2013.10.25 Iran Sistan 14 7 A Sunni group, Jaish-ul Adl, claims an attack that left fourteen dead.
2013.10.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Four people at a cafe are taken out in mid-bite by Religion of Peace bombers.
2013.10.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite near a college.
2013.10.24 Iraq Anbar 1 1 A woman is killed and her child injured by a suspected al-Qaeda bomb planted at her home.
2013.10.23 Iraq Mosul 7 12 al-Qaeda militants set off a bomb at a shopping mall that leaves five women and two children dead.
2013.10.23 Iraq Ramadi 14 0 Mujahideen kidnap fourteen local cops, then slit their throats.
2013.10.23 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 8 A Mujahid bomb blast at a market sends two shoppers to Allah.
2013.10.23 Iraq Musayyab 4 2 Four local cops are disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.10.23 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 Two policemen are cut down by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2013.10.23 Mali Tessalit 3 0 Three people are killed during a suicide assault by Jihadists.
2013.10.22 Egypt Sinai 2 5 Two Egyptians are incinerated by Islamic bombers.
2013.10.22 Iraq Ramadi 7 43 Mujahideen spray machine-gun fire into vehicles along a highway, killing at least seven.
2013.10.22 Iraq Rutba 10 6 Ten Iraqis are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.10.22 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 7 9 A young girl is among seven murdered in a series of Jihad attack, including a suicide bombing.
2013.10.22 Iraq Mosul 2 1 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two Iraqis.
2013.10.22 Iraq Hit 3 4 al-Qaeda members shoot a mortar into a house, killing three family members including a child.
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by logicalview »

The Desert of Islamization
Religion can exist on a personal level and a public level. Religion on a personal level can be accommodated in a public space so long as it does not change the nature of that public space. For example, a group of people can pray in a school cafeteria. Secularists may object, but their objection is groundless unless the praying people then announce that no one is allowed to do anything in the cafeteria except pray… and only in their approved way.

That is Islamization in a nutshell. It begins with accommodation and ends with theocracy.

When a Muslim imposes his religious identity on someone else, he is engaging in Islamization. That is the difference between Mark, the Mormon taxi driver who refuses to drink alcohol and Mohammed, the Muslim taxi driver who refuses to drive a passenger carrying alcohol.

Mark is practicing his religion in a public space. Mohammed is imposing his religion in a public space. Mark’s religion can be accommodated because his choices extend to his own body. Mohammed’s religion cannot be accommodated because it hijacks any public space that he exercises influence over by attempting to Islamize it. Islamization causes conflict, terrorism and war.

Every devout Muslim is an “Islamist”. Islam is not a personal religion. It is a religion of the public space. A “moderate” Muslim would have to reject Islam as a religion of the public space, as theocracy, and that secularism would be a rejection of Islam.

Nothing in Islam exists apart from anything else. While liberals view culture and religion as a buffet that they can pick and choose from, it is a single integrated system. If you accept one part, you must accept the whole. Once you accept any aspect of Islam, you must accept its legal system and once you accept that, you must accept its governance and once you accept that, you lose your rights.

If it were not for Islamization, Islam might be personally objectionable, but not publicly objectionable. Some of its tenets might be disapproved of, its behavior in its home countries might be disagreeable, but it would not lead to a zero sum war in which Islamic expansionism leads to endless conflict.

Islam has been imported under the guise of multiculturalism, but it does not recognize the idea that there can be room for multiple religions and ways of doing things in the same space. While Muslims exploit multiculturalism, the outcome of injecting Islam into a system is an Islamic space in which alternatives are either eliminated or marginalized. Islam is not a multi anything. It is a single uni.

Islam does not integrate. It disintegrates. It’s hazardous to any culture or political system that comes into contact with it. It colonizes public spaces and pushes out anything that is not it. Or as the arsonists of the Library of Alexandria said, “If it is in the Koran, it is redundant and ought to be burned. If it disagrees with the Koran, then it especially ought to be burned.”

What goes for the Library of Alexandria, also goes for all knowledge, ideas, culture and thought. Islamization measures them all against the Koran and finds them either redundant or incompatible. Like a virus, Islam destroys anything that isn’t it so it never has to compete against anything, because, as its societies demonstrate, it is not capable of competing.

Islam reproduces incestuously. inbreeding its ideology until it has copied it over itself so many times that there is no room for anything else. Wahhabism or anything that is associated with “extremism” is simply Islam copied over itself even more times. It’s not extremism, it’s simply undiluted. It is what happens when you take out as much as possible of everything that isn’t Islam.

The Islamist, like the virus, attempts to destroy what is non-Islamic to Islamize it

That is the objective of Islamization. It copies itself over until Hijabs become Burkas, until everyone is illiterate and killing each other over minor points of doctrine so their chief gang leader can become Emir. When it runs out of non-Islamic things to copy over and destroy, it copies over its own form, introducing errors, schisms, conflicts and religious wars.

The Islamist, like the virus, attempts to destroy what is non-Islamic to Islamize it. His tactics may be small, but his goals are big. And his success leads to a wasteland in which there is only the endless nothingness of Islam, a religion built on the endless conquests of Islamization, and which in the absence of external conflict must turn on itself.
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by Thinktank »

Glacier wrote:...Islam is a violent ideology..... Islam continues to grow like cancer, and wherever Islam dominates, chaos rules.
Funny - USA dominates the wr industry - spends more on wars than all other countries on earth.

in 03-03-03 just when the American-British-Israeli *bleep* hit the Iraqi fan, and the two murderous maniacs, Bush and Bliar decided to go berzerk, spending $4 trillion on the war, I was following the discussions on Omanforum.com - a Muslim
forum, in a Muslim country. And I noticed the Muslims are polite and decent, with no obscenities allowed on the forum, and some of the Americans were close to being animals with rude, disgusting filthy obscene behaviour.

The Omani Muslims - were ALL a bunch of nice guys. I would trust ALL the Muslims from Oman a lot sooner than I would trust anyone from this forum.

proseprous - english speaking, Muslims.

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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by Bsuds »

Thinktank wrote:
The Omani Muslims - were ALL a bunch of nice guys.
Sure till they chop your head off for violating one of their "Laws"
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by Thinktank »

Yeah - if you drop a bomb on them, and murder thousands of them, then
steal their resources they will chop your head off.

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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by Thinktank »

I would trust any Muslim in Oman a thousand times sooner than I would
trust people on Castanet or other Canadian forums.

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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by baconbits »

So you wouldn't trust Canadian Muslims?
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by steven lloyd »

Thinktank wrote:I would trust any Muslim in Oman a thousand times sooner than I would
trust people on Castanet or other Canadian forums.
What's the deal TT ? Are you hoping people will feel sorry for you or what ?
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by the truth »

Thinktank wrote:I would trust any Muslim in Oman a thousand times sooner than I would
trust people on Castanet or other Canadian forums.

your funny, there may be a lot of truth to that
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by Thinktank »

Although Islam isn't a very good religion in my opinion, I found all of the Muslims
on that particular forum to be reasonable respectable polite and decent. The Americans though, were filthy,
obscene, disgusting jokers (similar to some on Castanet) - they liked to joke a lot, probably learned from the scum
that controls our tv/movie industry.


Warning: Seinfeld was one of the most popular tv shows in history. The producer of Seinfeld
shows us what kind of scum he is. Click at your own risk. Muslims often say "praise be upon him" whenever
they say the name - Jesus. It's not necessary, but they do it.

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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by logicalview »

TT - whenever you post your George Galloway-endorsed blather, I just think of Pat Condell's take on people like you...

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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by logicalview »

'Puppy Bombs' Rescued from Egyptian Violence

Two puppies rescued after nearly being used as living firebombs by Muslim Brotherhood.

Two puppies from Egypt were rescued just moments before they were to be used by the Muslim Brotherhood in their protests as "puppy bombs" dipped in gasoline and set on fire.

The revelation about the Brotherhood's cruel tactic used two weeks ago at Tahrir Square during demonstrations against the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi's was made known by Robyn Urman, a pet rescuer in Tenafly, New Jersey, as reported by CBS 2.

Urman, who works with Pet ResQ Inc., was contacted by Mervat Said, an animal rescue volunteer in Egypt, and flew the puppies to New Jersey to find homes.

This is not the first case of dogs being rescued from animal cruelty in Egypt. On June 14, 2013, NECN reported about a litter of seven orphaned puppies who were rescued by Egyptian movie star Phaedra Al Masri. Al Masri also serves as a spokesperson for PETA, and took the dogs in after hearing their mother was poisoned when the puppies were only two weeks old.

In conjunction with the Egyptian Society of Mercy for Animals, Al Masri posted about the dogs through social media sites, and found homes for them in Canada and America.

Protests have shaken Egypt since Morsi was deposed in July, and clashes between police and Brotherhood members have been a frequent occurrence. Just last Friday saw thousands of protesters take to the streets throughout Egypt.

Cases of politically motivated animal cruelty have become a known phenomenon in the Arab world, the most common victims being accused of 'spying' for Israel. There have been numerous stories of birds being captured with Israeli 'spy' devices which turn out to be tracking devices, the most recent such story being from Lebanon where an eagle was captured two weeks ago by Hezbollah and killed.

Israeli bird researcher Gilad Friedman spoke about how the "spy" animal saga illustrates a lack of awareness within the Arab world towards attempts to protect animals from cruelty or extinction.
Good to see PETA doing something useful for a change! LOL

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/ ... m_ZM6_n_4Y
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Re: Whose Islam?

Post by logicalview »

Weekly Jihad Report
Oct 19 - Oct 25

Jihad Attacks:

Allahu Akbars*:

Dead Bodies:

Critically Injured:

*Suicide Attacks
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