Whose Islam?
- Guru
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Re: Whose Islam?
September 1tth was about the US funding Israel with billions of dollars per year and weapons. Osama Bin Laden attacked key economic and military targets and (tried) to take out a key command center (White House).
You'd think the biggest event of or times would be understood a little more clearly by some who profess to understand "the problem".
Osama Bin Laden attacked the US because they fund Israel's war machine. He said so himself. It was no more a religious attack than a WWII Spirtfire pilot praying to a Christian god before a flight over Germany. Churchill constantly invoked god btw - did Christianity defeat the Nazi's?
You'd think the biggest event of or times would be understood a little more clearly by some who profess to understand "the problem".
Osama Bin Laden attacked the US because they fund Israel's war machine. He said so himself. It was no more a religious attack than a WWII Spirtfire pilot praying to a Christian god before a flight over Germany. Churchill constantly invoked god btw - did Christianity defeat the Nazi's?
The true business of people should be to go back to
school and think about whatever it was they were
thinking about before somebody came along and told
them they had to earn a living.
- Buckminster Fuller
school and think about whatever it was they were
thinking about before somebody came along and told
them they had to earn a living.
- Buckminster Fuller
- The Pilgrim
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Re: Whose Islam?
I agree with you that American society is becoming quite rude and disgusting in many respects, and I've noticed that Americans (Canadians, etc.) do lay some nasty and despicable attacks at Muslims in the comments sections of articles and videos involving Islam. This is not right, but should not take away from the fact that there are ways to criticize Islam without resorting to such behavior. Even if we take a face value your assertion that Muslims are more decent and polite, there is a difference between beheading someone and calling Muslims goat @#$@ (as Theo van Gogh did before he was bumped off by a radical Muslim).Thinktank wrote: And I noticed the Muslims are polite and decent, with no obscenities allowed on the forum, and some of the Americans were close to being animals with rude, disgusting filthy obscene behaviour.
Personally, I don't have a problem with Muslims on a personal or even religious level, and think that some of their ideas around charity and community are good for society. The problem is with the political teachings of the Hadith and the Qur'an that ultimately sets the stage for WW3.
In Islamic eschatology the Mahdi, or the 12th Imam, will come in the last days. This can only happen with the re-establishment of the Caliphate which was voluntarily disbanded in 1924 when Turkey went secular. After 700 years of rule the head of the Islamic world was fatally wounded in 1924, but now that Turkey has gone Islamic again, there is great hope once again in the Islamic world that the Caliphate will come back to life.
As it stands today, any Muslim who is achieving committing Jihad is not acting according to the teachings of Islam because global Jihad can only be declared once the Caliph has been re-established (the Caliph is essentially the Vicar of Muhammad as the Pope is the Vicar of Christ to Catholics worldwide).
In Islam Jesus (Isa-Almasseh) comes back as a Muslim to lead the Muslim armies, to abolish Christianity and slaughter the Jews, but he can only come once the Caliph has been brought back to life. The difference between a radical Muslim and moderate Muslim is that the radical Muslim is not waiting Isa to come back before slaughtering the Jews, so when you hear someone tell you that the bin Laden is not acting according to Islamic teachings, they are correct in a sense.
Of course, the Bible may also be guilty of inciting Muslim violence and ushering in WW3 because it lambasts Islam at every turn. For example, all the nations named in Ezekiel involved in Armageddon when Jesus returns are Muslim nations (Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Turkey, Arabia, Syria, etc). The attacks on the Religion of Peace doesn’t stop there as the Bible goes on Islamophobic tirades one after another in the prophetic sections. One example would be the attributes that the Bible gives Satan and the Antichrist. They are the same ones that Islam gives to Allah and the Mahdi. The Bible calls Satan the deceiver (Gen 3:31/2 John 1:7); Islam calls Allah the Greatest of all Deceivers or Khayrul-Makireen (Qur’an 3:54). The Bible makes note of lots of beheadings in the end times, which is another slap in the face to Muslims who feel it is their Allah given right to behead infidels.
According to the Bible the Antichrist (also called Beast) comes to power, and confirms a 7 year peace treaty with the Jews, but then breaks it half way through once he figures that his power is strong enough to wipe them out. This sort of religious intolerance towards Islam in an old book written some 2500 years ago is likely stirring Muslims to hate Christians and westerners in general because according to Islam such a treaty does get broken, but the person the Christians call the Antichrist or Beast is actually the Mahdi or final Imam who is not an enemy of God, but fighting on God's side against those who Allah hates.
In Islam, peace treaties with the enemy are only made to deceive the enemy into thinking that you want peace, and as soon as you build your strength up enough, you break the treaty and defeat the infidels. The word for this is taqiyya which means you are allowed to break the rules (like no drinking alcohol or no making peace treaties with the infidels) if it advances the cause of Islam.
So there you have it, you are right about one thing – the Bible is most definitely Islamophobic, preaching hatred against Islam. Therefore, they have every right to hate us while fighting for their survival in a world that is out to get them. Remember, if a radical Muslim bombs a school or commits rape against infidels, it is the fault of the Islamophobic writings of the Bible, the fault of the rude things said about Islam by Westerners in Youtube videos, or even more likely, the Jew’s fault.
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- Douglas Murray
- Douglas Murray
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Re: Whose Islam?
LOL. Yet another dhimmi speaks, trying to justify Sept 11th, and Islamic violence. "It's everyone else's fault but theirs". To the radical leftists, it always Israel's fault in the end. Yup.Atomoa wrote:September 1tth was about the US funding Israel with billions of dollars per year and weapons. Osama Bin Laden attacked key economic and military targets and (tried) to take out a key command center (White House).

In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10
countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.
And if you can't trust the word of Osama Bin Laden, then who can you trust? LOL. Hands down the most brain-dead sentence yet in this thread from the Dhimmi leftists...Osama Bin Laden attacked the US because they fund Israel's war machine. He said so himself.
Not afraid to say "It".
- Guru
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Re: Whose Islam?
Forced Islamization of northern Cyprus continues unabated
by NAT da Polis
by NAT da Polis
http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Forced-I ... 29409.htmlSince the 1974 invasion, the 200 thousand Greek Cypriots forced to leave the area have been replaced by 300 thousand settlers from Anatolia, who lack education, but are devout Muslims. And even the original Turkish Cypriots are victims of discrimination at the hands of the Turkish occupiers and their settlers.
Istanbul (AsiaNews) - News of an exchange of visits between Metropolitan Christoforos of Karpasia and the Grand Mufti of Cyprus after 18 months has met with positive reactions worldwide.
But the good intentions and the good will of groups and individuals aside, the small but vital world of Greek and Turkish Cypriots remains divided 40 years (1974) after Turkey's invasion. The continued occupation by 40 thousand Turkish soldiers of the northern part of the island, accounting for 37 % of the territory, has also had serious consequence, such as the forced Islamization of the north.
Following the invasion by the Turkish Kemalist army - whose leader always described himself as a guarantor of secularism - 200 thousand Greek Cypriots were displaced to the south side of the island and 300 thousand of settlers from Anatolia with scarce education but devout Muslims settled in the north.
This forced Islamization has resulted in the destruction or conversion into mosques of dozens of monuments, churches and monasteries that attested to the continued presence of the ancient Greek -Hellenistic -Roman civilization, who embraced the message of Christ, founded the first churches after Palestine and created a bridge to the West.
Another very serious fact, as evidenced by the British historian and diplomat William Mallinson, who has a deep knowledge of the Cypriot universe, is that it all happened with the tacit consent of then U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the British government. Kissinger's now renowned statement is an example of this, when he claimed that with the Turkish invasion of 1974 and the partition of the island, the Cyprus issue was resolved.
It is the classic, cynical statement of someone who believes in and supports the geo-political and geo-strategic interests of the usual so-called Western powers. And Cyprus has always wet their appetites because of its geographical location. In total disregard for its cultural traditions and its Christian roots.
Thus, in the meantime, Erdogan's neo- Ottoman party, the AKP , assisted by the Saudis is carrying forward, with meticulous expertise, the policy of forced Islamization of the northern part of the ' island. Furthermore, the ideologue of the dogma of neo-Ottoman foreign policy , Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, considers Cyprus an important player for Turkey's geopolitical games "even if there were no Muslims on the island" , let alone now .
Let us not neglect another fact , that even the original Turkish Cypriots are victims of discrimination at the hands of their Turkish occupants and settlers. Besides the fact that they have become the new minority (there are 150 thousand compared to 350 thousand settlers) they have deep rooted cultural differences with the settlers and military.
From their settlement on the island in 1572 , the long coexistence with the Christian community, despite periodic clashes (Christian populations in the Ottoman period served to fill the coffers of the empire , because only non-Muslims were taxed) fostered within their community a more open mindset and a deep respect for the religious beliefs of others. And if something Christian survives in the north of Cyprus is also thanks to them, as well as the 500 Greek Cypriots stranded in the region. Some refer to them as modern day crypto-Christians.
In short, what is happening in Cyprus, shows that , in spite of those who thought and still think the Greek roman and Christian roots of our civilization are important, what matters is the geopolitical strategy of the powerful of the earth. And Cyprus is only a hop, skip and jump from the Middle Eastern chessboard .
Not afraid to say "It".
- Buddha of the Board
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Re: Whose Islam?
everytime a american soldier kills someone it is in the name of christianity , no diff from a muslim
- Walks on Forum Water
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Re: Whose Islam?
"I don't even disagree with the bulk of what's in the Leap Manifesto. I'll put forward my Leap Manifesto in the next election." - John Horgan, 2017.
- Walks on Forum Water
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Re: Whose Islam?
it was the Christians that helped another Christian George Monkeyboy bush
get elected and America is a Christian nation.
get elected and America is a Christian nation.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
- Guru
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Re: Whose Islam?
Why don't you go to Somalia and tell them how much you sympathize with their cause, and how they are no different than American soldiers. Please take Thinktank with you.lakevixen wrote:everytime a american soldier kills someone it is in the name of christianity , no diff from a muslim
Canadian Woman Abducted and Raped by Muslim Captors in Somalia -

- See more at: http://www.atheistrepublic.com/news/can ... 4D1NB.dpufAfter she was starved, beaten and sexually abused for almost a year, Amanda Lindhout decided to kill herself. Amanda was abducted in Somalia in August 2008 and believes that she reached her breaking point over a period of three days when her hands and feet were tied so tightly behind her back that she could not even breathe. In her memoir titled A House in The Sky that was released recently, the Canadian woman recollects her experience as a hostage.
Robert Draper, a journalist with National Geographic recalls a meeting with Amanda at the Shamo Hotel in Mogadishu just before she was taken hostage. As she discovered later, the abductors had initially planned to abduct the whole crew from National Geographic but they had to eventually settle for Amanda and her colleague, Nigel Brennan from Australia after the National Geographic crew beefed up its security. On August 23 that year, the duo set out for Somalia’s Wild West where even their bodyguards refused to accompany them. After driving a few miles beyond the checkpoint, the two were confronted by a blue Suzuki and twelve gunmen who barged into Amanda and Nigel’s SUV and drove them away. The duo were taken to a house 45 minutes away and put away in a room with two mattresses. The abductors introduced themselves as jihadis, snatched away all their belongings before taking Amanda to a different room to molest her. The following day, the commander introduced himself as Adan and told the duo that Allah would want them to be sent back home if their respective countries agreed to pay a ransom of $3 million. Nigel belongs to a middle class family that has several mortgages and only $25000 in savings while Amanda’s parents are divorced – her mother working for minimum wage and her father living on disability. Despite the fact that governments refuse to pay ransom, the jihadis seemed convinced that both hostages would find a way to pay. In the initial days of their captivity, Amanda and Nigel decided to convert to Islam in order to survive. The jihadis agree and handed them a Quran. However, the jihadists argued that even though the Quran forbids Muslims to take money from one another, rape another Muslim woman and kill a fellow Muslim, this is a special scenario and the captives could be subjected to anything the abductors deemed fit. As soon as they converted, life for both Amanda and Nigel worsened. Since the religion does not allow unmarried Muslim men and women to share the same space, they were immediately moved to separate rooms. They were instructed to eat with their right hand and wipe with their left.
And even though both prayed five times a day, they were starved and beaten on several occasions. They were repeatedly threatened to be sold to the Somali offshoot of Al Qaeda called Al Shabaab and despite the duos’ attempt to befriend the jihadis during the day, Amanda was raped every night. After being forced to clean her lenses with dirty water, Amanda developed an eye infection while a fungus grew its way from her mouth to her cheek. Nigel on the other hand, acquired dysentery and started bleeding regularly. When Amanda needed sanitary napkins, her captors refused to get her any. In November however, both captives received packages carrying necessities like medicine, eye glasses, sanitary napkins, fresh underwear and reading material other than the Quran, from their respective consulates. After the first hundred nights, Amanda was forced from her bed and driven to the desert where she was made to kneel while one of the jihadis held a knife to her throat. She begged for her life as they fought over whether to kill her before finally throwing her to the ground. Then they handed her a phone and asked her to call her mother saying that if the jihadis did not receive a million dollars within a week, she would have to pay with her life. Together, Amanda and Nigel decided to escape the next day after they realized that they could shimmy their way out from between the loose bars on the bathroom window. After wriggling out, the two ran towards a nearby mosque screaming for help in broken Somali. By the time they got there, their captors were already waiting for them with AK-47s. The two were beaten savagely in front of locals before being dragged away to a new home – one that had rooms like coffins, measuring three feet by seven feet, pitch dark and also home to rats. Here Amanda was gang-raped everyday despite her bleeding from bruises – she was gagged, hogtied and beaten repeatedly. On one occasion she found a razor with which she attempted to kill herself only for good sense to kick in before it was too late. Both Amanda and Nigel were clueless as to what was going on behind the scenes and neither was asked to make calls back home. Eventually both Amanda and Nigel’s families decided to bypass their respective governments and hire the services of a private security firm that specializes in kidnapping and ransom.
After several conflicts, both families worked together to have Amanda and Nigel freed. Nigel’s sister flew to Somalia after putting her own life at stake for transferring a large amount of money to fund terrorists. Eventually on November 25, 2009 both Amanda and Nigel were freed in an off-road exchange. They were escorted to the most secure hotel in Somalia so that they could be flown out of the country the next day itself. It is believed that while in captivity, Amanda gave birth to a boy named Osama. Amanda and Nigel no longer speak. Nigel published his own memoir titled Price of Life in 2011.
Last edited by logicalview on Oct 29th, 2013, 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Not afraid to say "It".
- Guru
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Re: Whose Islam?
Would you rather it be an Islamic nation, with an Islamic religious figure as our head of state (unelected)? Is that what you want? At any rate, you seem to be stuck in the past, still ranting like a loon about a president who left office five years ago. Meanwhile, this just happened YESTERDAY...no where near Iraq or Afghanistan, so you and your cadre of apologists can't blame "Monkey-boy", the US Military, (inappropriate content removed - fluffy)Thinktank wrote:it was the Christians that helped another Christian George Monkeyboy bush
get elected and America is a Christian nation.
Bombing in India may be related to religious, sectarian divisions
http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/gl ... m-religionIn Bihar state, several bombs went off at a rally for the Hindu nationalist party on Sunday. Though a suspect has been arrested, it may take more investigation to get to the bottom of the crime.
PATNA, India — Bihar state in India is a land of faith and murder, belief and bombs. The most recent went off yesterday at a massive rally here for the BJP, the Hindu nationalist party.
Six people were killed and 83 injured.
The first bomb exploded at Patna's railroad station several hours before the rally, and six others detonated at the edges of the crowd. Another went off downtown.
Today police arrested a suspect. One news agency named him as a Muslim who is believed to be part of Indian Mujahideen, a radical terror group. Early reports say he confessed that he had organized a couple of teams to set off a series of small explosions in the hopes of causing a stampede.
Last edited by logicalview on Oct 29th, 2013, 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Not afraid to say "It".
- Buddha of the Board
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Re: Whose Islam?
All religions are insane but you do have to admit Islam is more insane. Very few Christians would strap a bomb on. Hell, most of them don't even follow the teaching of serving the poor and loving everyone equally. That Jesus guy would be written off as a crazy hippy these days if he was around. If you don't agree with me try to find a form of media willing to publish a picture of Mohammed.
"Every dollar you spend is a vote for what you believe in."
"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good."
"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good."
- Guru
- Posts: 9792
- Joined: Feb 6th, 2006, 3:59 pm
Re: Whose Islam?
People would probably not write him off he started healing sick people. It would be hard to ignore that. :)jennylives wrote: That Jesus guy would be written off as a crazy hippy these days if he was around. .
Not afraid to say "It".
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Re: Whose Islam?
Muslims get killed all the time. Israel probably killed more people in Lebanon recently than what you're bellyaching about.
Even the Buddhists in Myanmar are killing Muslims.
Even the Buddhists in Myanmar are killing Muslims.
Last edited by Thinktank on Oct 30th, 2013, 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
- Walks on Forum Water
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Re: Whose Islam?
*off topic remark removed*/ferri
Last edited by Thinktank on Oct 30th, 2013, 4:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 23560
- Joined: Nov 27th, 2004, 10:53 am
Re: Whose Islam?
That is a good point. I seem to recall reports on the military using weapons with bible references on them recently. It's as if Easterners are reacting impulsively and violently out of a rage of being blown up from the sky on a regular basis. I'd probably be pretty mad too.
The Mohammed comment stands though. There is no comparison.
The Mohammed comment stands though. There is no comparison.
"Every dollar you spend is a vote for what you believe in."
"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good."
"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good."
- Guru
- Posts: 9792
- Joined: Feb 6th, 2006, 3:59 pm
Re: Whose Islam?
LOL. Then what I am "belly-aching" about? How many people did Israel "kill" in Lebanon, and more importantly, why did they do it? If you have a number not supplied by the loser/liar George Galloway that would be great. Israel going into Lebanon wouldn't have anything to do with the rockets being launched at them by the scum in Hezbollah eh? No, you would never admit any culpability on behalf of the true criminals in that story.Thinktank wrote: Israel probably killed more people in Lebanon recently than what you're bellyaching about.
Anyway - I am not "belly-aching". I am just showing people what the media refuses to report, and why they don't report it. You are doing an excellent job of showing exactly the mentality of those who just want to ignore the issue or even worse, try and equate other religions and actions of other governments to the constant violence being perpetrated worldwide by fundamental Islamists to obfuscate the issue. Shame on you.
Karachi: Christian family faced with blasphemy and forced conversion threats
by Jibran Khan
http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Karachi: ... 29407.htmlIn September, the head of the family, Boota Masih, a 58-yeaer-old goldsmith, was killed, falsely accused of blasphemy. In fact, a business rival was behind the murder, and he is still free and unpunished. Meanwhile, armed men have threatened the victim's family, telling them to convert to Islam or face death. Police however have arrested these men.
Karachi ( AsiaNews) - A Pakistani court has indicted three people for proffering death threats against the family of Boota Masih, 58, a Christian man killed in mid-September in an incident involving accusations of blasphemy. Siding with the dead man's family, activists with Life for All and the Masihi Foundation, along with Church and civil society leaders, have called on the authorities to arrest the murderer and do something to stop the persecution of the Masihs' who are only guilty of being Christian. Unfortunately, they are up against the usual reticence (if not the connivance) of police and prosecutors in such cases.
Everything began for the Masih family on 16 September when Muhammad Asif killed their main breadwinner after accusing him of blasphemy. The Muslim businessman attacked his victim at the Liaqatabad Gold Market in Karachi in broad daylight. Using a knife, he cut his throat, finishing him off with a dozen stabs, all this in the plain view of other workers and some police officers, who did not intervene and left the murderer all the time he needed to escape unmolested.
The next day, a member of the Liaqatabad Jewellers Association belatedly came to the dead man's defence, saying that he "had never seen or heard him speaking against anyone, ever." The victim had worked at the market for 30 years.
For his family, the accusation of blasphemy was but an excuse to kill him, a way to remove a business rival. When they reported the murder, police initially refused to start an investigation.
The story took a turn for the worse when, on 24 October, a group of armed men broke into the Masih home, threatening to kill its members if they did not withdraw their complaint and convert to Islam.
Instead of complying with the threats, the Masihs went to police the next day to file another complaint. Last Sunday, law enforcement authorities took into custody Muhammad Nadeem and two accomplices, for carrying out the punitive raid against the bereaved family. Yesterday, their case went before a judge. Still, the murderer Muhammad Asif is still a fugitive.
Fr Arshad Gill, a priest in Karachi, spoke to AsiaNews about this "sad story" in which the victim is "an innocent man" and his family is told to convert to Islam or die. For him, the case epitomises the situation of Pakistan's minorities, forced to live "in conditions of profound insecurity" in which events such as this one tend to exacerbate the situation.
This is all due to the "black law". For years, Pakistan's Catholic and Protestant Churches have called for its repeal because, among other things, it is increasingly used in personal vendettas.
Found in Article 295, B and C of the Pakistan Penal Code, the "law" punishes with death or life in prison anyone who desecrates the Qur'an or defames the name of the Prophet Muhammad.
However, no political party or government has had the courage to change it. Those who have proposed amendments - Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, a Muslim, and Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, a Catholic - have been murdered.
According to data collected by the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of Pakistan (NCJP), at least 964 people have been charged under the law from 1986 to August 2009. They include 479 Muslims, 119 Christians, 340 Ahmadis, 14 Hindus and 10 of unknown religion.
Since the law was adopted, more than 40 extra-judicial killings have been carried out in individual attacks or by mobs, against innocent people, all in its name.
Last year for example, a person suffering from mental disorders was burnt to death on false charges, with his killers going scot-free.
Another case involves Rimsha Masih, a Christian teenager who was saved from false charges after an international campaign led to her release from prison.
Even entire groups have not been spared. In fact, one community was attacked in Lahore in March 2013 with another suffering the same fate in Gojra in the summer of 2009.
Not afraid to say "It".