Why do religions have to convert people?

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Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by alexoliversen »

If there is only one god, then what does it matter what religion or culture your from? It's all just the same *bleep* anyways - otherwise it's not one god.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by steven lloyd »

alexoliversen wrote:If there is only one God, then what does it matter what religion or culture you arefrom? It's all just the same *bleep* anyways - otherwise it's not one God.
Same God (or something might as well call God), different understanding on the parts of humans – which be expected by something that is far beyond human understanding. The Baha’i believe it is the responsibility of each individual to seek out their own understanding and develop their own relationship with God. I believe in something that for lack of a better term I will call God. I have, during a couple of times in my life engaged in both prayer and meditation and I have literally felt His physical presence and comforting reassurance. I wasn’t asking for any type of person gain for myself or another – just peace, and it washed over me completely in a profound and inexplicable. Since that last day I have never worried for what my future might hold. I don’t need to know my purpose. I now simply trust that I have one. For people like myself who have come to accept that we don’t need to be able to understand how or why God exists, we know what we know because we have known it experientially and are secure enough in our own beliefs to accept it is of no importance to convince someone else.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by cliffy1 »

alexoliversen wrote:If there is only one god, then what does it matter what religion or culture your from? It's all just the same *bleep* anyways - otherwise it's not one god.
Personally, I think it has to do with insecurity. If a person is secure in their beliefs, they do not need to convince others of its validity. Religion is more about the social and political aspects of human interaction and not really about spirituality. They seem to think there is truth in numbers, kinda like the Monkey Tribe in Jungle Book where they all chant "we all say it is so, so it must be." (or something like that).
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by coffeeFreak »

Each religion believes it is the "true" one. Having many friends who are Christian, I have come to understand that the "enthusiasm" or IMO annoying need to convince others about the "truth" really comes from good intentions, as they truly believe that if your soul is not saved you will end up in Hell. I don't know about other religions, but I think many have a similar bottom line.

Having come to understand this, as long as I see religious people's push for others to "believe" as a positive intent on their part, I can almost feel compassion for the underlying fear/mission they must have to convert as many as possible in order to save us from what to them is an eternally horrific after-life.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by OREZ »

cliffy1 wrote: I think it has to do with insecurity. If a person is secure in their beliefs, they do not need to convince others of its validity.
I agree, and this would certainly apply to atheists as well.
cliffy1 wrote:
Religion is more about the social and political aspects of human interaction and not really about spirituality. They seem to think there is truth in numbers, kinda like the Monkey Tribe in Jungle Book where they all chant "we all say it is so, so it must be." (or something like that).
Again I agree 100%

A person can certainly have faith or belief or seek spiritual truth and not be religious or have some compulsion to try and convert others. However, to a person of faith what is a little annoying is to be pressed to more clearly define his or her beliefs and then after attempting to do so, withstand: A/ complaints that he or she is pushing said beliefs, or B/ ridicule about not having all the answers at the drop of a hat. I see seeking spiritual truth as a work in progress and I am always skeptical of anyone who wants to come across as a person who has it all figured out.

(Edited for punctuation.)
Last edited by OREZ on Nov 17th, 2013, 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by Thinktank »

The better Christians usually live more 'carefully.' So I used to think telling
people to be a Christian would help them avoid disasters. It's better to prevent
something bad from happening than to cry after it happens. Now - I realize
it's a waste of my time to tell people anything.

these people are remembering three drunk driving teens who were killed. Christians don't believe
in getting drunk, so if those dumb teens were 'converted' there might not have been a need to 'remember' them now.

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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by tincanjam »

Op, why are you trying to convert people? You are here implying that the views and actions of some people are negative and should be abandoned in favor of your more enlightened views.
1. Can you give reasons why it was ok for you to start this discussion in which you are promoting particular beliefs while criticizing others? If you mention any points which are valid you have successfully justified the creation of your post and have given us some reasons as to why it may be good to try to convert people. Perhaps you may have thought your views would be helpful, I think you are wrong on that point but if so I can at least appreciate your attempt at converting me to your flock.
2. Some people do try to imply that it is bad to try to convert people. This is a nonsensical position to advocate. If there exists any particular beliefs or actions which are "bad" "negative" or "wrong" then the existence of such entirely justifies attempted conversions. If a particular view is wrong then merely declaring it as such implies both the need for conversion and the implied request. We can debate the accuracy of the label with regards to any particular action or belief but no one can advocate against conversion without hypocrisy.

Therefore it is both nonsensical and hypocritical to make statements which imply that trying to convert people is bad. Telling people to stop trying to convert people is in-itself an attempt at conversion -self contradictory and hypocritical.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by Hmmm »

tincanjam wrote:If a particular view is wrong then merely declaring it as such implies both the need for conversion and the implied request.
I will do my best to help Islamic extremist change from within every chance I get, just as an example. Also, if any atheist would like to know why I Believe in creation, I would do my very best to give convincing examples to them in hopes they abandon thier belief in no god,why? because I am 100% convinced there is a God and thus when one denys his existence they are in fact losing out on something very precious, a relationship with him and I care enough about people to help them see that.

This of course is my opinion. I don't believe in as much converting people as I do sharing with them convincing facts, so that they themselves want to change. No person can actually convert another, this must come from inside.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by Xia33 »

Why can you not just accept others? I just don't get it....and certainly don't appreciate it when approached. I think it is rude and arrogant to think your belief system is the only way.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by grammafreddy »

Hmmm wrote: I will do my best to help Islamic extremist change from within every chance I get, just as an example. Also, if any atheist would like to know why I Believe in creation, I would do my very best to give convincing examples to them in hopes they abandon thier belief in no god,why? because I am 100% convinced there is a God and thus when one denys his existence they are in fact losing out on something very precious, a relationship with him and I care enough about people to help them see that.

This of course is my opinion. I don't believe in as much converting people as I do sharing with them convincing facts, so that they themselves want to change. No person can actually convert another, this must come from inside.
Why is your religion the only right religion? Your "convincing facts" are only the words of mere men and not the words of your supposed "god". Why would you believe these men?

Which religion would you like all of us to follow with you?
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by 1nick »

It's the Christian mandate to spread the word.They believe jesus won't return until everyone in all four corners of the earth has heard the word of god.
I find when they use words like fact,truth,evidence proof etc it just leads to skeptism because ultimately they just don't have any facts,truths,evidence or proof.All they have are their own personal beliefs and experiences,which IMO should be kept between their ears.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by grammafreddy »

1nick wrote:It's the Christian mandate to spread the word.They believe jesus won't return until everyone in all four corners of the earth has heard the word of god.
If they are still looking for the four corners of the earth, they need to update their geography/history lessons. Its been round for a long time now.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by Hassel99 »

If you honestly thought that others would have major consequence for living there life's a certain way (damnation) would it not be your moral obligation as a human to help others avoid damnation? I think its a reasonable conclusion that if you feel others are in peril you should help them.

Are others in actual peril? that is a whole other thread =D
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by 1nick »

Hassel99 wrote:If you honestly thought that others would have major consequence for living there life's a certain way (damnation) would it not be your moral obligation as a human to help others avoid damnation? I think its a reasonable conclusion that if you feel others are in peril you should help them.

Are others in actual peril? that is a whole other thread =D
Like I said "keep it between your ears" it's bothersome and usually in a condescending tone.(just the thee above post)
"Honest thoughts,their life a certain way,moral obligation,damnation,reasonable conclusion" give me a break.
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Re: Why do religions have to convert people?

Post by Hmmm »

grammafreddy wrote:
Why is your religion the only right religion?
Did I say that somewhere....ever? When someone expresses themselves as FOR God its funny how some people read what they never said. However if I didn't believe, than I would have no right to express this to anyone. Same as your atheist beliefs, you feel as you do and you express it to others. Alot. BTW...hi how are you?
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