Question to Atheists

Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by janalta »

averagejoe wrote:
So how did we get from proof of Jesus the Christ to Abraham Lincoln and vampires?

See how hollywood twist things that are real to believing they are a myth. Good choice you brought up on how things have been twisted. Most young people, because they see that movie will believe that the American Civil War was about the North killing the Southern bad guy vampires.....myth.
You're kidding....right ?
You really don't see the irony of your statement ?

Point being.....just because a man named Abraham Lincoln existed and is documented through historical records does not mean that he really slayed vampires - because we all KNOW that is a myth. Make believe. Not real.
Most young people are intelligent enough to know the difference between real and pretend.

Just because there may or may not have been a real guy named Jesus, who may or may not have been the one mentioned in a few historical accounts does not mean that he was the son of god....or anything but a man.
A myth...a story, a tale...make believe...not real.

See how religion twists things that are real to believing they are a myth ????
Most young people, because people they look up to, trust and respect have told them it's true, will believe that god made a virgin pregnant so he could have a son ( because I guess he lost the assembly instruction manual after he made Adam and Eve ), so that he could kill that son to teach the humans, which he made as well, a lesson about sinning....but then - voila, he brings him back to life ( although he hasn't been spotted again for more than 2000 years)...because he's god after all........MYTH
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by cliffy1 »

janalta wrote: See how religion twists things that are real to believing they are a myth ????
Most young people, because people they look up to, trust and respect have told them it's true, will believe that god made a virgin pregnant so he could have a son ( because I guess he lost the assembly instruction manual after he made Adam and Eve ), so that he could kill that son to teach the humans, which he made as well, a lesson about sinning....but then - voila, he brings him back to life ( although he hasn't been spotted again for more than 2000 years)...because he's god after all........MYTH
And pretty silly myth at that. Makes Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny seem more plausible. You would think that if one is going to believe in a god they would invent one that stands up to some sense of reason.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by Hmmm »

If you cannot "see" the proof that God exists its because you're not opening your eyes. If you walk into a great bakery and see endless amounts of amazing looking baked goods, would you not know there is a master baker? When you see the amazing design in nature thats all around YOU and I, can you not see that there is a designer?

Science claims everything came from nothing and it started with a giant explosion, when did a giant explosion ever create such order? From the tiniest of living cells, atoms, and subparticles to the vast universe, there is precise order. You might as well call it a giant neon sign announcing a creator.

When one recognizes this, then that designer will make himself known to YOU in a way that you will have an unshakeable faith in him.

The biggest reason most don't believe this, is religion, but I'm not talking about religion, I'm talking about the creator.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by JLives »

Just because you don't understand science doesn't mean god did it.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by WhatThe »

Hmmm wrote:
Science claims everything came from nothing and it started with a giant explosion
Religion claims everything came from nothing and it started with a giant god. One theory based on observable science and the other based on fear of the unknown and a bunch of books written by Bronze Age sheep herders.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by zzontar »

WhatThe wrote: Religion claims everything came from nothing and it started with a giant god. One theory based on observable science and the other based on fear of the unknown and a bunch of books written by Bronze Age sheep herders.
Another way to look at it is "A" one theory says everything came from nothing and "B" the other is everything came from God. Just as turning light into matter would seem God-like to primitive tribes yet could be scientifically proven, perhaps God could be scientifically proven as well in which case "B" would be the more scientifically valid explanation.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by 1nick »

"c"science disproves god and discovers the Big Bang didn't come from nothing but,in fact happened in the midst of something.
stay tuned...
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by cliffy1 »

I don't dispute the possibility that some creative force is behind all that exists. I dispute the god of the bible because he acts like a psychopath murdering, exterminating, being jealous, angry, etc. Walking on water, raising the dead, water into wine... adults believing in adulterated fairy tales, insecure egos wanting to be significant. None of it makes sense except to the ego. The spirit/soul laughs at such silliness.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by A_Britishcolumbian »

just to try and hold folks to some sort of truth, neither science nor genesis contend that we came from nothing. i have no idea who might posit such an idea.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by JLives »

I think "nothing" is a man made concept. I don't think it has ever actually existed. Wherever we think there is nothing we always find something.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by averagejoe »

jennylives wrote:I think "nothing" is a man made concept. I don't think it has ever actually existed. Wherever we think there is nothing we always find something.
So the question is....did Jesus ever exist? Right? atheist are all over the board.
So Christianity is a myth because Jesus is a Myth?
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by 1nick »

This was the question.
Quickmansam wrote:I'm not an Atheist. And personally I do not understand people who proclaim themselves Atheist.

My question is, why are you an Atheist? What brought you to this conclusion?
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by SmokeOnTheWater »

Hmmm wrote: Science claims everything came from nothing and it started with a giant explosion, when did a giant explosion ever create such order? From the tiniest of living cells, atoms, and subparticles to the vast universe, there is precise order. You might as well call it a giant neon sign announcing a creator.
What was there before the big bang ?
What was there before the creator ?
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by Hmmm »

Hmmm wrote:
When one recognizes this, then that designer will make himself known to YOU in a way that you will have an unshakeable faith in him.

The biggest reason most don't believe this, is religion, but I'm not talking about religion, I'm talking about the creator.
When this happens to you, if ever, you'll understand, until than you won't. I respect the opinions of atheists however I don't agree with them.

PS, I understand a fair bit of science and I'm friends with some who are rocket scientists who share my beliefs. They work at NASA so they probably know more about science than anyone reading this thread. There are many scientists who are on both sides of this discussion. I also find it a bully technique when some say you don't know science and are uneducated in this regard if you believe what you do. This is very common these days to say it or allude to it. Surely you must be ignorant to believe such a thing they say.

I'm not going to debate this with those whom are Atheists, I just wanted to present the opposing view. I highly doubt anyone here is going to change their minds because of this thread. I am more then willing to discuss it in person.
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Re: Question to Atheists

Post by averagejoe »

1nick wrote:Nope This was the question.
Quickmansam wrote:I'm not an Atheist. And personally I do not understand people who proclaim themselves Atheist.

My question is, why are you an Atheist? What brought you to this conclusion?
Yes we are totally off track.....need another thread.
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