Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by nikonfan »

At the forum tonight according to Findlater his greatest achievements were the new road structure on Boucherie, Brown and Elliott and he wants to continue "this type of development" God Help us if he thinks those 3 streets are any better after the amount of money they spent. Boucherie has ZERO increased capacity, Brown has ZERO increased capacity, Elliot has LESS capacity than before. Elliott and Brown lead to nothing but abandoned empty derelict buildings. He wants to develop the downtown core yet has done ZERO to offer any incentives for people to develop it in the past 7 years The big white elephant that nobody talked about was the WFN. Until the West Kelowna district offers the same incentives, less red tape, less DDC charges than the WFN nobody will do anything downtown. Why would they? Dealing with the town and all the red tape and rules, bylaws and restrictions if they can go 2 blocks west and have cheaper land, less red tape, new infrastructure, mass parking and not having to deal with crazy rules, bylaws and less taxes. This is not rocket science yet nobody even mentioned it at the forum. According to Findlater he has only had a few meetings with the WFN in 7 years and he admitted tonight that the relationship is not great. We have to work together with the WFN. Time for Findlater to go onto other things, we need some new and fresh ideas.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by TreeGuy »

Sorry but you must have dozed off or left early. Stephen Johnston addressed the WFN issue and talked about how to reduce the red tape to help get business back into West Kelowna.

I really enjoyed the forum, I left feeling quite informed. Sad to think only 1/3 of qualified voters will vote and even less were at the forum. How will other voters make an informed decision?
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by nextimeround »

Randall T wrote:
Well then, lets get someone in there that will fix that. Rampant deficit spending should speed things up a bit, and as a bonus the big fat tax increase should make everyone ecstatic.
Tax increases are coming. Failing infrastructure and delaying needed capital expenditures to make it "look" like you're saving money can only last so long. Also, don't look now but water rates are about to go up some 30% or more over the next two - three years. Oh yeah, did the mayor and council forget to tell you? No, actually they told us but in a way that most people didn't really catch it - not until it's too late that is.

guxcon is completely correct. The so called number 1 priority has not moved forward but the dollars have been spent never-the-less. We don't need to spend more money Ranall T, we need to spend what money we do have more smartly. What's more we need to see some focus on real priorities and get something done. I'll pay good money to see just one councilor disagree with the group for a change. Way too much in camera coercing going on. Whoever makes it through this time I hope like crazy that they'll have a mind of their own.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by nextimeround »

TreeGuy wrote:Sorry but you must have dozed off or left early. Stephen Johnston addressed the WFN issue and talked about how to reduce the red tape to help get business back into West Kelowna.

I really enjoyed the forum, I left feeling quite informed. Sad to think only 1/3 of qualified voters will vote and even less were at the forum. How will other voters make an informed decision?
Talk is cheap. I'd be curious how the young mister Johnston will solve these issues without ever involving himself in local affairs of this nature? It's unfortunate because I would like to see change as well but let's be realistic, doing the mayor's job without having any real idea of what's going on is a recipe for a very expensive disaster and we'll have 4 years to suffer through and who knows how long to undo any rookie mistakes. Seems like a nice guy. Hope he gets involved with some politically active civic groups so next time around he'll have some real knowledge and experience.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by A_Britishcolumbian »

rookie mistakes.
a fresh mayor/leader is still merely the focal of the results of council. a mayor that is not leading might be refreshing.
I'm not worried what I say, if they see it now or they see it later, I said it. If you don't know maybe that would hurt you, I don't know. You should know though, so you don't get hurt, so you know what side to be on when it happens.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by occasional thoughts »

Just for the record, no one had experience to claim when we first elected a mayor was it 7 years ago? That said, it was commented on, pro and con, earlier in this thread about the job that Rosalyn Neis did as our first mayor. She is a flake in part, but I'm supporting her for council this time because (1) she is a smart flake, (2) she is not of the comfortable political class that oozes into taking control of our affairs, and (3) prior public office has not corrupted her so far as I can tell.

Whether the new challenger for mayor is of the comfortable political class, previous experience or not, I do not know at this point, but I've had it with these people who so comfortably ease into political office and love the trappings and especially all the graft and secrecy they can stomach. And that's what our current mayor and council are. I know from when I was more active in the community that developers make major presentations to council members on the q-t way over and above what is provided to council through staff. It all stinks.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by Dollars + sense »

Years ago, when incorporation was talked about......chickens ran about squawking "What a great idea! Our Town Westbank"
And they voted for this.

Funds from the Province helped us on our way. BUT we always knew that big bills would follow when this seed money ran out.

Time has run out. We are on our own now. Big Kids with bills to pay. As has been said, there are higher bills ahead.

Now to get back to the thread of this topic.
Why re elect Doug Findlater?

There is NO REASON to do this. He wants to borrow big bucks to pay for a City Hall to plant on the "new and improved" Elliot Road. A monument to the Municipality's second mayor.

Many Canadians are just a paycheque away from financial problems. Maxing credit cards and constantly playing the game of trying to balance monthly credit payments. Once we fall into that trap, it is very difficult to escape.

Why should we support a mayor with skewed spending priorities? There are so many other things that need to be done before we build a City Hall. So many basic needs to address before considering falling into that money pit (remember the arena costs fiasco? What was the final total $$$$? )

I agree with the poster who said that when Findlater became mayor, experience was not mentioned.
Well, I would rather face the next four years without Mr Findlater leading the pack. New, young blood or an experienced Businesswoman need to win the opportunity to lead us forward.

They can't do much worse than Mr Findlater. Plus, remember they have to have the support of council for change - protection for those who are worried about this.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by Randall T »

Obviously all the anti-Findlater posters are either Johnston or Mandarino supporters. How will things be different with either one? Or will it just be a vote to remove the current mayor? I'm all for considering change, but I personally fail to see a viable option here. Anyone who jumps into the politics of guiding a city's operation and future will have a bit of a surprise when they find out it's not that easy to simply make everything fit their vision and deliver their platform. In order to be fully involved and fulfill the platform promise to the taxpayers, it's a full time job and then some. It requires a sacrifice to other commitments and family life, and still there will be roadblocks and snags to overcome that can thwart the vision. A savvy business owner would like to see a resume that includes experience in a related business or position, work history and proof of commitment before hiring a new manager to guide their company. So what is it folks, a protest vote or ??
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by guxcon »

Randall T wrote:Obviously all the anti-Findlater posters are either Johnston or Mandarino supporters. How will things be different with either one? Or will it just be a vote to remove the current mayor? I'm all for considering change, but I personally fail to see a viable option here. Anyone who jumps into the politics of guiding a city's operation and future will have a bit of a surprise when they find out it's not that easy to simply make everything fit their vision and deliver their platform. In order to be fully involved and fulfill the platform promise to the taxpayers, it's a full time job and then some. It requires a sacrifice to other commitments and family life, and still there will be roadblocks and snags to overcome that can thwart the vision. A savvy business owner would like to see a resume that includes experience in a related business or position, work history and proof of commitment before hiring a new manager to guide their company. So what is it folks, a protest vote or ??
First I hope to see a mayor Independent not part of a group like the current council. (If you are not part of a certain service club your outside the inner circle on today's council) True representation requires independence. After interviewing one of the contenders I found out that they have spent the past year attending council meetings, getting to know city staff, and learning about the current issues affecting our district. How many private citizens do you know that are that committed?
Secondly I do consider myself somewhat of a "savvy" business owner and have found that young, hungry, and energetic people make the best employees. Lack of experience does not deter me at all as I find that finding someone who is faithful available and teachable makes the best employee.
I would encourage anyone who is questioning the contenders to get to know them before jumping to conclusions.
Like most I had to be convinced, but I now believe that we have a serious contender this time around.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by nikonfan »

TreeGuy wrote:Sorry but you must have dozed off or left early. Stephen Johnston addressed the WFN issue and talked about how to reduce the red tape to help get business back into West Kelowna.

I really enjoyed the forum, I left feeling quite informed. Sad to think only 1/3 of qualified voters will vote and even less were at the forum. How will other voters make an informed decision?
Dozing off at the forum was not very difficult especially after all the fluffy questions. I did like what Johnston said about the WFN and it sounds like he has had just as many meetings with them as Findlater in seven years. My OP was the fact that Findlater and his council have had seven years to come up with some kind of incentive, less red tape, less tax or something to compete with the WFN because right now we have two new fancy roads and benches downtown that lead to an empty rundown area. ( with Elliott having less car capacity movement than before, typical town planning like Boucherie new zero increased capacity)
I have been in meetings with Findlater and he droans on and on about how he has a better way or is comeplety uninformed while others in the room who have far more experience than he will ever have roll their eyes deep in their head. He has a gruff personality with other local councils, with the WFN and even his own town staff. Enquire about the high staff turn over at the district and the reasons. There will be no tears shed in Kelowna, Lake Country, RDCO , WFN a or Peachland if Findlater is no longer at the monthly meetings. Just go to some meetings and see for yourself, the tension caused by Doug at times thick! Ask around to city staff, ask other councillors or other city councillors or WFN a members, Mr Jonhston would be a welcome sight!
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by A_Britishcolumbian »

Obviously all the anti-Findlater posters are either Johnston or Mandarino supporters.
randallt brings up a very important point.

we need to make our decision before going to the polls. splitting our vote will see findlater win most likely.

if the choice is to remove findlater, a decision between the other two candidates must be made in advance, to unify those that would choose to remove findlater.
I'm not worried what I say, if they see it now or they see it later, I said it. If you don't know maybe that would hurt you, I don't know. You should know though, so you don't get hurt, so you know what side to be on when it happens.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by playhard2010 »

A quick answer to some of the problems here people! It is time for a change, complacency isn't working and we need a new fresh face that is geared towards the community and what the people have to say. A lot of you may not know, but the mayor is really there to listen to the people in the community and pass on (departments) and support those in the community in having things accomplished. The council are the big deciding factor in decisions that are to be made and they need a fresh face at the head of the table that will offer positive input (not constant negative). I for one will be voting for A CHANGE in our community! Make sure to VOTE!!!
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by nikonfan »

playhard2010 wrote:A quick answer to some of the problems here people! It is time for a change, complacency isn't working and we need a new fresh face that is geared towards the community and what the people have to say. A lot of you may not know, but the mayor is really there to listen to the people in the community and pass on (departments) and support those in the community in having things accomplished. The council are the big deciding factor in decisions that are to be made and they need a fresh face at the head of the table that will offer positive input (not constant negative). I for one will be voting for A CHANGE in our community! Make sure to VOTE!!!

You are right and unfortunately we have a mayor now who is grumpy, frumpy, rude, not a bridge builder, arrogant, whiney, and does not like others playing with his toys in the big sandbox. A leader needs to be firm yes but still approachable, like people, needs to compromise and have a better personality than that of a doorknob. He is detested with his own staff and public works, WFN, RDCO, City of Kelowna and others. I have seen it and experienced personally. When he leaves a room after a meeting you can here a collective sigh and everybody thinks "Thank God" he's gone or finally shut up. He is embarrassing us very often in meetings by his sour puss attitude and his way is aways better.
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by mystica »

Playhard2010 s comments on the job of a mayor are simple and clear.
"A lot of you may not know, but the mayor is really there to listen to the people in the community and pass on (departments) and support those in the community in having things accomplished. The council are the big deciding factor in decisions that are to be made and they need a fresh face at the head of the table that will offer positive input (not constant negative). I for one will be voting for A CHANGE in our community! Make sure to VOTE!!!"

Nikonfans reply is insightful.

You are right and unfortunately we have a mayor now who is grumpy, frumpy, rude, not a bridge builder, arrogant, whiney, and does not like others playing with his toys in the big sandbox. A leader needs to be firm yes but still approachable, like people, needs to compromise and have a better personality than that of a doorknob. He is detested with his own staff and public works, WFN, RDCO, City of Kelowna and others. I have seen it and experienced personally. When he leaves a room after a meeting you can here a collective sigh and everybody thinks "Thank God" he's gone or finally shut up. He is embarrassing us very often in meetings by his sour puss attitude and his way is aways better.

My comments
Do you write for a living Nikonfan?
With the call for transparency, watching meetings would be more fun than any soap opera!

But seriously, your post makes clear the reason Findlater is so determined that we build the City Hall and its immediate surrounds....He hopes to immortalize himself. "Findlater Plaza" perhaps.

Beggar ourselves to promote himself! I hope we get a new Mayor
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Re: Why Re-elect Doug Findlater?

Post by nikonfan »

mystica wrote:Playhard2010 s comments on the job of a mayor are simple and clear.
"A lot of you may not know, but the mayor is really there to listen to the people in the community and pass on (departments) and support those in the community in having things accomplished. The council are the big deciding factor in decisions that are to be made and they need a fresh face at the head of the table that will offer positive input (not constant negative). I for one will be voting for A CHANGE in our community! Make sure to VOTE!!!"

Nikonfans reply is insightful.

You are right and unfortunately we have a mayor now who is grumpy, frumpy, rude, not a bridge builder, arrogant, whiney, and does not like others playing with his toys in the big sandbox. A leader needs to be firm yes but still approachable, like people, needs to compromise and have a better personality than that of a doorknob. He is detested with his own staff and public works, WFN, RDCO, City of Kelowna and others. I have seen it and experienced personally. When he leaves a room after a meeting you can here a collective sigh and everybody thinks "Thank God" he's gone or finally shut up. He is embarrassing us very often in meetings by his sour puss attitude and his way is aways better.

My comments
Do you write for a living Nikonfan?
With the call for transparency, watching meetings would be more fun than any soap opera!

But seriously, your post makes clear the reason Findlater is so determined that we build the City Hall and its immediate surrounds....He hopes to immortalize himself. "Findlater Plaza" perhaps.

Beggar ourselves to promote himself! I hope we get a new Mayor

Actually no I am not a writer, work for any local government nor If am on any comittiees. I am a political junkie , I love politics and have studied it for over 40 years and In my observation Findlater is NOT good for West Kelowna. I sit in meetings as a concerned citizen and I am totally appalled at the pittance of stuff the West Kelowna has accomplished in seven years compared to what the WFN a has accomplished in those 7 years. It is disgraceful! Findlater only had 2 council to council meetings with the WFN and those meetings were forced my his own staff after they were livid with him not getting together with them to at least get a dialog going. Look around the country and you will see where there are younger mayors who are team leaders and builder Things get done when you have an enthusiastic leader that engages, knows when he messes up and is not too proud to admit he was wrong and then carry on. These cities are striving, enthusiastic and positive.
West Kelowna is a dump! It is not much better than the slums of Detroit and we can do so much better but obviously Findlater CANT get it done, he has had 7 years and it is more empty and disgraceful now than ever.
I'm realize the mayor can't do anything on his own but he is the point man, captain of the team, the cheerleader and rah rah man. But like I said before he has the attitude, cheeriness and enthusiasm of a door knob and no people skills. PLEASE, don't take my word for it. Make some calls to the WFN, RDCO, Peachland, and the public works people upper management and ask them what kind of mood rubs off of Findlater and does he treat his staff? In one meeting that I was in the WFN opted to go back to the RDCO to contract them for bylaw enforcement. Doug piped in in his usual gruff voice and said " well we just pulled out" and the WFN leader said "yes we know, that's why we are rejoining because you will not be there. Westbank needs a go getter, an abbassotor that sells our cummuinity to whom ever he comes in contact with. We need a young man who can come up with ideas, incentives, red tape slashing amd tax structures to get people into the slums of downtown. I know some people are against giving big business tax breaks or other incentives but isn"t getting 10% better from a striving development than 50% of nothing? I am not saying Doug does not love West Kelowna, I know he does but a mayor must have a better ptersonananltiy than that of a rock.

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