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Re: ForKelowna

Post by Anonymous123 »

Anonymous123 wrote:Not at all surprised that there is another Gray in the list.
Rwede wrote:She has her own garden and cans tomatoes. I like down to earth gals.
I like them too, but I don't like the fact that she's connected to the last Gray.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by kompili »

Do we need some business men telling us how to vote. Are we that far gone that we can't think for our self's.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by LANDM »

Anonymous123 wrote:
I like them too, but I don't like the fact that she's connected to the last Gray.
And do you know what the "connection" is?
And how that connection would have anything to do with her doing a good or poor job as a councillor for the city?
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by Anonymous123 »

Anonymous123 wrote:
I like them too, but I don't like the fact that she's connected to the last Gray.
LANDM wrote:And do you know what the "connection" is?
And how that connection would have anything to do with her doing a good or poor job as a councillor for the city?
Actually I do know the connection, and that's what makes me apprehensive. She is put forward as a candidate by the same group that put Walter forward.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by Captain Awesome »

Anonymous123 wrote:Actually I do know the connection, and that's what makes me apprehensive. She is put forward as a candidate by the same group that put Walter forward.
So, what is the connection?
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by John500 »

So what has T Gray to contribute to Kelowna besides the fact she is related to W Gray.
The For Kelowna group, imo, by putting her into the group of 4 has lost total credibility. To me its a dumb move.
Hope the eloctorate will see thru this.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by exFarmerS »

Captain Awesome wrote: So, what is the connection?
Tracy Gray is married to Walter Gray's nephew, Larry Gray.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by Panzer130 »

KelownaResid wrote: These 6 individuals seem to be very experienced business professionals in their related fields.
What I'm trying to understand is why they are endorsing a candidate for mayor that has less than five years of relevant experience in municipal politics and leadership. The mayor is the chief executive officer of the municipality according to the Community Charter (Section 116). <snip>
I think this is the most important question we should be asking. In my opinion, we should stop insulting their decision and start asking why they made the decision. Why did six very successful, high contributors to our society make this decision?

If we assume for a moment that these successful people are not stupid. If we acknowledge for a moment that these people have contributed largely to our community in the form of public service and charity ( check their backgrounds). If we acknowledge that 5 of these people are NOT developers and one of them might be legal council for a developer.

Lets speculate just for a moment and say "Yes" they want Basaran to be their puppet. Just for arguments sake, lets say that is the case. Lets say "yes" it will become the "old boys club".
So the question is, what would be wrong with that? What agenda could these very intelligent contributing members of our community have that could be such a determent to our community? Would they do it wrong? Would they drive our city into the stone age of poverty and dis pare?

I don't know guys. We have 6 very successful, intelligent people that contribute to charities and social service in our community. These 6 people have families that use our schools, use are parks, and walk our streets. These 6 people are willing to risk their business and families environment on a few candidates. Perhaps it's worth taking a look ay why wiser men than most of us are making that decision.

I think it is also fair to say we should knock it off with the "old boys club" remarks. If Sheppard is re-elected with the same group of councilors that have supported her, would that not just make it the "old girls club" ?

Insulting one group in an effort to make another group look better is just a sign of weakness. If you are unable to find enough strength in the platform of your favorite candidate to sell them, than you need to reevaluate you candidate; not insult their competitor.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by LANDM »

exFarmerS wrote:
Tracy Gray is married to Walter Gray's nephew, Larry Gray.
Exactly. And some people are attempting to say that this distant connection somehow deems her unfit and unworthy of your vote? Wow. Good logical and critical thinking!
She has started and maintained at least one successful business in the city and has a great personal skill set for the job. However, sharing a last name by marriage is enough to deem her unworthy. Being supported by a group of people who vet a persons qualifications deems her unworthy.
But dismissing a candidate simply because someone else supports them makes sense? Or because of their last name?

Wow. Some people's kids.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by George+ »

What is wrong here is the crass manipulation of local politics by what amounts to a political group. Many council
Candidates just refused to play maybe For Kelownas game and did not return their questionnaire. Does this make them
any less qualified? Or able to lead? Some of them have vastly more political experience than the selected candidates.
Do the select four feel beholden to Maybe ForKelowna? Or to just business or developers. Do they lose their independence?

Walter's nephew ran last time. He did not win. Is it wise for a sitting mayor to endorse candidates? Does he have a conflict of interests while he is still sitting? Mr. Basran is a realtor with obvious connections to developers.

Sharon Shepherd has taken the high road and refused to take developer's contributions. Will Mr. Basran have to declare his obvious conflict of interests? Maybe he could answer?
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by Partmanpartfish »

LANDM wrote:[
But dismissing a candidate simply because someone else supports them makes sense? Or because of their last name?

Wow. Some people's kids.
Not supporting someone because they are backed by a group one strongly disagrees with makes a lot of sense. It's called sending a message.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by Captain Awesome »

LANDM wrote:She has started and maintained at least one successful business in the city and has a great personal skill set for the job.
Personally, I prefer to look at this person's accomplishments.

This speaks volumes to me:

- Best of Kelowna, Kelowna Now 2014– Bronze Medal
- Okanagan Life Magazine 2009 – Best Wine Store in the Okanagan
- Chosen as one of the 100 New Women Pioneers in BC 2008
- Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist 2007, Vancouver Awards
- RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur of the Year 2006, Toronto Awards – Congratulatory letter by Canadian Prime Minister.
- One of only 4.3 % of Canadian women-owned businesses that grosses over $1 million in sales per annum.
- Kelowna Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award 2005

Her last name and distant relation to someone else in politics on the other hand...meh.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by Retrosnap »

Partmanpartfish wrote:Not supporting someone because they are backed by a group one strongly disagrees with makes a lot of sense. It's called sending a message.
Sometimes it's also called cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.

Read the bios, the platforms, and the responses to the questions, and make your decision based on that. There are 31 candidates for council. 4 are incumbent, and backed by ForKelowna, which suggests to me that you won't be voting for them either. Combined with the 4 candidates just endorsed by ForKelowna, that leaves 23 candidates to fill 8 council seats. Do you REALLY think that there are 8 people in that group who have the maturity, experience and do NOT share the philosophy espoused by the ForKelowna group that you hate so much?
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by Rwede »

Partmanpartfish wrote:Not supporting someone because they are backed by a group one strongly disagrees with makes a lot of sense. It's called sending a message.

The only message you're sending is that you're green with envy at some people's accomplishments.
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Re: ForKelowna

Post by The Green Barbarian »

kompili wrote:Do we need some business men telling us how to vote. Are we that far gone that we can't think for our self's.
just because some people get endorsed that means "we" can't think for ourselves? What?
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