Kelowna Voter Turnout

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Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by EdCase »

Based on the number of votes cast for Mayor, roughly 30,000 voters in Kelowna out of over 90,000 eligible bothered to vote yesterday: out participation rate stays mired in the low 30% range. Given the issues facing this city, I wonder why more people don't get involved: is it just apathy and what can we do about it?

EDIT - numbers were actually below 30% turnout!

To be honest, I have no serious ideas right now, but I'd be interested to hear what others think.
Last edited by EdCase on Nov 16th, 2014, 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by fall »

They need to get with the times and have online voting. Most people, myself and partner included think "oh what is two votes, it wont make a difference and it is a pain in the *bleep* to bother going to the polls we are busy and cant be bothered". If they had online voting we would have voted. Either way we really didn't care given the choices but would have voted if it were more convenient.
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by rustled »

I wonder what kind of council would be elected by those whose primary focus is "I don't really care, so you'll have to make it convenient for me or I won't bother"?
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by fall »

rustled wrote:I wonder what kind of council would be elected by those whose primary focus is "I don't really care, so you'll have to make it convenient for me or I won't bother"?
A good mix of councilors with different views where the majority are not on the same page with every issue.
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by sublime »

Part of it is convenience and part of it is there is no trust in the representatives that operate the system no matter what party they represent. Politicians are portrayed as corrupt, have special interests, big corporation in their pockets and never want to take a deduction or freeze in their income no matter the pressure they put on the rest of the public services. Unless something changes once the 50-80 demographic is gone the numbers will drop even more.
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by EdCase »

fall wrote:They need to get with the times and have online voting. Most people, myself and partner included think "oh what is two votes, it wont make a difference and it is a pain in the *bleep* to bother going to the polls we are busy and cant be bothered". If they had online voting we would have voted. Either way we really didn't care given the choices but would have voted if it were more convenient.
To your first point, I agree; the voting process needs to be brought into the 21st century. The process yesterday was a joke: lining up to register & then lining up again for a voting booth is ridiculous. Even this wasn't applied consistently: I was asked to read the declaration aloud, my wife just had to sign which lowers the credibility of the process.

To your second point; the candidates on offer were a pretty dismal bunch across the board. Unfortunately, politics in general and municipal politics in particular doesn't attract bright successful people; they would see this role as a step backwards. In this town particularly, the Council is more for window dressing ; the real power lies within City Hall staff and the Chamber of Commerce. A lot of people feel their vote doesn't matter and stay home.
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by Lady tehMa »

It has to do with a sense of responsibility, I think. I have service members in my family tree, some of which have died. I was raised to believe that it is my responsibility to make use of this privilege bought by blood.

Some people simply don't care, or don't see the point. Researching takes too long and why bother anyway?

Someone in a thread mentioned that they saw voters walk away because of lines. If it was a line for a concert or a game, that wouldn't happen.

People no longer place value on the freedom we have to choose. People have become narcissistic navel-gazers who can't be bothered with the greater good. Society has become "all about me".
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by jamapple »

Very good points, Lady! Very true. It is sad when we have had so many who have fought for these freedoms, and see the way we thank them, and so close to Rememberance Day.
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by George+ »

No advance polls at all in the Rutland area..

Caused a big jam up at Rutland Sr on Saturday.
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by George+ »

So, I assume all who see voting as a responsibility
would be in favour of compulsory voting?
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by Randall T »

Low voter turnout still demonstrates the will of the people that take the time to vote. Non-voters don't value the freedom they have to make their mark, so I suppose their opinion really doesn't matter when choosing governments. Pretty sad actually.
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by HeavyHauler »

I'll tell you exactly why people don't vote anymore. It's because politicians, both municipally and federally have become so out of touch with their constituencies that no matter who you vote for, you're voice will never be heard. Government is no longer what it used to be, and people simply don't give two craps about it anymore.

If the people in power don't give us, the ordinary people, 10 minutes of their time, so why in god's name should we give them 10 minutes of OUR time?
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Re: Kelowna Voter Turnout

Post by EdCase »

HeavyHauler wrote:I'll tell you exactly why people don't vote anymore. It's because politicians, both municipally and federally have become so out of touch with their constituencies that no matter who you vote for, you're voice will never be heard. Government is no longer what it used to be, and people simply don't give two craps about it anymore.

If the people in power don't give us, the ordinary people, 10 minutes of their time, so why in god's name should we give them 10 minutes of OUR time?
HH: I think that a lot of people do feel the way you do and with good reason: the only time today's politicians pay us any attention is when they want our vote; the rest of the time we are just a nuisance to them.

The big problem is that instead of a true democracy, we end up living in a plutocracy, where an influential few dictate how things will be run. This is certainly what we have in Kelowna and have had for years regardless of who is Mayor & Council and this is increasingly true at all levels of government. History teaches us that the end to this type of government is often violent although today's level of apathy and disengagement makes this less likely.

Until ordinary people across the socio-economic spectrum become involved and demand that our politicians serve the greater good of the community, we will get precisely what we deserve - to be ignored.
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