Repeat after me

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Re: Repeat after ME

Post by MAPearce »

Gilchy wrote:It was a new rule to read the declaration out loud this year. Not sure why it was taken personally...

Never made me do anything like that at Parkinson Rec when I voted ....

I'd be confused as to why also . Don't I look that I know how to vote ?? And asking why should be explained.

WITHOUT any "snerkyness"..It's a valid question that shouldn't be "taken personally" ..
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by A_Britishcolumbian »

it seems to fly in the face of the idea that one has the 'right' to vote.

making someone jump through hoops is very questionable.
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by Tacklewasher »

Reading and signing the declaration should be enough. Saying it out loud is just silly. Had no idea I would be asked to do that.
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Re: Repeat after ME

Post by Gilchy »

MAPearce wrote:
Never made me do anything like that at Parkinson Rec when I voted ....

I'd be confused as to why also . Don't I look that I know how to vote ?? And asking why should be explained.

WITHOUT any "snerkyness"..It's a valid question that shouldn't be "taken personally" ..

Weird, I voted at Parkinson Rec at the Advance poll and they were making everyone read it out. *i dunno smiley*
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by George+ »

Why is there not a city voter's list?
They have all the tax info and could just add as needed.

Current registration can be easily manipulated if no checking.
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by Lunerose »

There's no voter list because it's too costly to maintain and too unwieldy a task. As a result of no voter registration, we need to read aloud the declaration that we aren't breaking any rules, etc.

I voted at City Hall on Friday night, and gladly read the declaration aloud as asked, and so did my husband. What's the big deal? It's better than swearing on a bible. Took thirty seconds of my time.
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by George+ »

40 people waited behind me.

Perhaps why we are not getting much of a turn out?
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by BelieveNothing »

This inconsistency is no surprise, all voting is an illusion of choice anyway.
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by Glacier »

I don't understand the OP's attitude. Why not simply read out the script and be done with it?
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by Partmanpartfish »

Um, because with barely a 30% turnout, they should be making it easier to vote, not harder.
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by rustled »

Partmanpartfish wrote:Um, because with barely a 30% turnout, they should be making it easier to vote, not harder.

A surprising number of adults have difficulty reading aloud. A surprising number of adults have difficulty reading at all. And although a few of them have developmental disabilities, this isn't the case for most.

Why should people who have every right to vote have to first do something they find difficult or embarrassing? It's an unnecessary barrier.

The woman who signed us up rattled off the declaration, we agreed, and we were handed our ballots. Quicker and much more sensible than asking every voter to read it aloud.
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by SmokeOnTheWater »

rustled wrote: The woman who signed us up rattled off the declaration, we agreed, and we were handed our ballots.
Same here.
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Re: Repeat after ME

Post by mexi cali »

Gilchy wrote:It was a new rule to read the declaration out loud this year. Not sure why it was taken personally...
Because we aren't living in the Jim Crow era.
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by Glacier »

Partmanpartfish wrote:Um, because with barely a 30% turnout, they should be making it easier to vote, not harder.
I agree. But if someone had asked me to read something, I'd do it if I could read it. I would then vote, and then complain, not just walk away.
Last edited by Glacier on Nov 20th, 2014, 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Repeat after me

Post by rustled »

Partmanpartfish wrote:Um, because with barely a 30% turnout, they should be making it easier to vote, not harder.
Glacier wrote:I agree. But if someone had asked me to read something, I'd so it if I could read it. I would then vote, and then complain, not just walk away.
People who do not read well or who do not read well aloud are quite likely to be very embarrassed when asked to do so. Their embarrassment will make it even more difficult for them to perform what so many others see as a simple task.

If you showed up to vote as usual and discovered you would first have to humiliate yourself, how would you react?

Would you humiliate yourself in order to vote?
Most academics operate in a rarified world where their highfalutin pontification is decoupled from reality. However, ideas have real consequences. Products, political systems, and policies that are incongruent with human nature always fail... Gad Saad

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