SORCO Break-In

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Grand Pooh-bah
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SORCO Break-In

Post by Treblehook »

What kind of demented cretin would break into a rescue center like this and poison the food for the recovering birds? It is impossible to fathom the stupidity and ignorance of some who live amongst us. I hope they are identified and prosecuted for their vile crimes.
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Joined: Nov 25th, 2010, 8:44 am

Re: SORCO Break-In

Post by twobits »

Treblehook wrote:What kind of demented cretin would break into a rescue center like this and poison the food for the recovering birds? It is impossible to fathom the stupidity and ignorance of some who live amongst us. I hope they are identified and prosecuted for their vile crimes.
What actually boggles my mind is trying to think of a possible motive for such an individual!!!!! Is it someone that has a hate on for raptors because their free range chickens get culled or a neighbor that thinks their rodent population comes from escapee's of the SORCO?
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

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