Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Donald G
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Donald G »

To jamapple ...

I completely agree. Laws are only necessary to control the exceptions. Not the vast majority.

But they ARE necessary to control the exceptions for the well being of the majority.
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 22nd, 2024, 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by jamapple »

Wow. (shaking my head) Okay, so someone convicted of a crime definitely doesn't have the same rights as yourself, unless of course, you spend your days in a jail cell, answer to a probation officer and walk your days with the stigma of a criminal record attached to your name.

In my world, yes. If I lived in your world, criminals like the 2 a$$hats that escaped prison would have, (in your eyes), the same rights as yourself. Kinda sounds stupid, doesn't it?
And yes, if they did their time for their crime, and even had a criminal record with no arrest warrants, etc, I would be the bigger person, and say yes, they have the same rights as I do. If they're currently serving, than I say no, they don't/shouldn't have the same rights as you and I.
That's just the way I see it, and you don't. If you're ok with them having clear sailing on the lam without being caught because some people don't want to be inconvenienced, that's ok. I won't mock you, I just won't agree with you.
So, go celebrate Canada Day, a country you and a small minority say is constantly stepping on your civil liberties, and right to free movement.
Enjoy your birthday cake. You can't have the cake and eat it, too.
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by jamapple »

You know, the dirty people, the artists that don't colour within the lines, those freaky people that don't see things the way you do. I love this thread, been watching it for days. What an absolute hoot!

Donald G
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Donald G »

Right again jamapple. Very "Canadian" way of thinking.

Drip_torch, not so much.
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 22nd, 2024, 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 22nd, 2024, 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
Donald G
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Donald G »

To drip_torch ...

Yep and police traffic checks across Canada that result in identifying or dealing with more than half of the 50,000 to 100,000 people for whom there are warrants, parole restrictions, probation restrictions and interim release orders in effect at any given time are a significant element in that checks and balance system.

The offences range from very minor offenses to murder, manslaughter, child abuse and other violent acts. Your comment regarding only two of such people belittles reality.
Last edited by Donald G on Jun 30th, 2015, 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by XT225 »

I can appreciate how twobits would be upset that he was out of pocket $300 due to the long delays but I also am happy that 15 or more people were nailed for being under the influence and taken off the roads that weekend. Makes it much safer for the rest of us. I don't like the fact, however that "the time that it takes to do the paperwork and process folks" is too often the reason that "suspensions" are given out, rather than full "impaired driving charges". A suspension is more like a slap on the wrist, whereas an impaired charge can and does lead to a criminal record (a real deterrent).
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by jamapple »

Considering how much you know about my world, yeah, I might even go a little further than that.

While contemplating my list of things that keep me awake at night, I yawned and fell asleep long, long, before I got to two criminals that escaped from an American prison, but I'll play along...

Two bad dudes escaped from a prison as wanted fugitives, hmm, nope - in my eyes they are wanted fugitives and there should be resources tasked to bringing them back in. I'm not a wanted fugitive, so there is nothing the same there.

Let's cut to chase here. There's bad people in this world, if you read the prison escape story, you hear tell that some of them wear nice shoes and appear to be good people. There has always been bad people, there's even good people that do bad things, nothing new going on, that's why we hire police and pay them enough to carry around 20 lbs of intervention equipment.

That's also why we instituted a series of checks and balances.

I knew you wouldn't see past the 2 escapees, and not see the bigger picture of all the other Canadian escapees from halfway houses, which is a bigger number than you or I think, and not to mention the number of fellons,parole violaters, and everyone else Donald G mentioned.
And I don't need to know about your world. You came on here and openly told all of us on here that :" Wow. (shaking my head) Okay, so someone convicted of a crime definitely doesn't have the same rights as yourself, unless of course, you spend your days in a jail cell, answer to a probation officer and walk your days with the stigma of a criminal record attached to your name".
Sums it up!
Also answers the question about Canadian Club. Might be a little early in the morning for that.
Last edited by oneh2obabe on Jun 30th, 2015, 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Drip_Torch »

Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 22nd, 2024, 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by twobits »

Drip_Torch wrote:

I'm not going to spar with you Jamapple. I'm sure you and Donald have a hold of the big picture and where we differ is merely in the framing.
Of course not. Why come to a gun fight with a mitre saw?
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 22nd, 2024, 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
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Re: Huge RCMP Roadcheck

Post by jamapple »

Happy Canada Day to all of you's. Sparring is good, as is differing opinions. No hard feelings!!

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