Adidas Sportsplex

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Adidas Sportsplex

Post by ToddT »

Can anyone explain to me why the roof has not been fixed yet? As I understand it started as a small tear that the city neglected to fix, then turned into a huge gaping hole in the roof, and now anytime it rains the track and turf are being damaged.

With the fall soccer season right around the corner, I'm concerned no money is going to be directed to fix this while the city is throwing around cash at other useless endeavours.

Here is a link to an old article about it: ... 7fc08.html
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Re: Adidas Sportsplex

Post by XT225 »

ToddT wrote:Can anyone explain to me why the roof has not been fixed yet? As I understand it started as a small tear that the city neglected to fix, then turned into a huge gaping hole in the roof, and now anytime it rains the track and turf are being damaged.

With the fall soccer season right around the corner, I'm concerned no money is going to be directed to fix this while the city is throwing around cash at other useless endeavours.

Here is a link to an old article about it: ... 7fc08.html
Very good question, ToddT. You could ask Annette. Ooops..nope she bailed. How about Chucky? Nope, he followed her up North. Who really knows who is in charge these days. The city seems to be running on Autopilot but the compass heading is skewed. Lets hope it doesn't run out of fuel and drop into the ocean. ETA: it is a critical repair job that needs fixing and fast before the fall rains come. Glad to see that the city took the money from the Power st bike lane idea and putting it into fixing the creek. Infrastructure work should come before glory monuments.
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Re: Adidas Sportsplex

Post by ToddT »

Why did this get bumped into the sports/outdoors forum? This is a city issue.

Anyways, there will be a lot of grumpy tax payers come fall if a facility we are all paying for isn't useable because of incompetence.
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Re: Adidas Sportsplex

Post by Jo »

There, I put it back for you.
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Re: Adidas Sportsplex

Post by Bunnyhop »

When did the Adidas Sportsplex move to Kelowna?
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Re: Adidas Sportsplex

Post by jamapple »

Bunnyhop wrote:When did the Adidas Sportsplex move to Kelowna?
Thought the same, should be in North and South Okanagan. I could be wrong. My ex wife says I was always wrong!
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Re: Adidas Sportsplex

Post by XT225 »

The complex that the OP refers to IS in Penticton. Perhaps if the city stalls repairing it long enough (and once the Fall rains come), it will be condemmed and they can close it down for a while; thus saving taxpayers Reminds me of the slippery tile situation at the Penticton Rec Centre pool; that's another joke.
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Re: Adidas Sportsplex

Post by madmudder »

Hasn't been repaired yet because its not about hockey.
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Re: Adidas Sportsplex

Post by ToddT »

or mountain biking lol.

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