New Mini-Mall for Penticton

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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by Static »

There is no global unemployment problem to the best of my knowledge. Regional perhaps, but certainly not global....yet.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by fluffy »

We are in the middle of a global economic slow-down. This manifests in various forms, not the least of which is unemployment. Effects may vary from region to region but on average you could say it's harder to find a good job today just about anywhere.

What's the sense in pining away for the way things used to be when there is no realistic reason to expect that returning to those times is even possible ?

Anyone can say "We need more good jobs in Penticton", but the question is, an always has been, "How?". I grew up in the Okanagan in the seventies. Even then it was understood that you left the valley to make real money. That's not to say that there aren't people who have found success by staying, but it is a long climb up that ladder, and not a lot of room there either.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by Thinktank »

fluffy wrote:We are in the middle of a global economic slow-down.
Here's a good solution - build a big skating arena for $70 million instead of $20 miilion
and then rob parkland for a water slide that won't turn a profit either. If you build those
two things - people will come, and there will be prosperity for all.

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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by twobits »

cv23 wrote:
As previously stated professionals like RN's make up less than 10% of those in the senior care industry. What are the other 90+% making for wages? What wage did your daughter make upon entry into the senior care industry? That amount will not have changed much when she becomes an RN or when she retires and that low wage is what a huge number of workers in the senior care industry make.
Gotta wonder why John and every other business man in town aren't converting their buildings into a retirement homes if the need is so tremedous and the profits/wages for everyone involved are so great?
10% is the top of the pyramid. There are at least 10 support staff for every RN in the pyramid in direct care and not one of them makes less than 22 plus/hr/. And that would exclude housekeeping/janitorial and food services.

She is the bottom at 22 and change/hr

If you think her wage won't change over the years and as she moves from LPN to RN with are wrong

Get off your bike and out of the spandex....think your circulation is being impaired. John business has caught on and it is why a huge component of building permits are for seniors housing. Right from independent living to various hybrids of assisted living, to full on care. And they all have to have staff that is trained from RN and in ratio's down to LPN's to Care Aides.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by twobits »

Static wrote:Twobits, How exactly do you think the Penticton economy is healthier now that the 70-90's? All one must do is look at downtown and the industrial area which are half of what it once was. Tourism is nowhere near as busy. All one must do is look at number of motels and campgrounds that have closed or moved to monthly rentals since then. Pentictons economy is a joke. I am lost as how you can believe otherwise.
The Penticton economy is far stronger than it was in the 70's to 90's. Our downtown core is just an example of transition that has happened in every city. Stagnation due to commercial development outside of the downtown core. And in Penticton's case it was not was Cherry Lane and the Channel Parkway bypass. Penticton's downtown will come back and it is already showing signs of doing so. I think John Vas is recognizing this with this mini mall investment. I just happen to disagree with the City spending millions of dollars to do something that would happen eventually anyway with private dollars.
And no, tourism is not as busy. The cheesy motels have been converted to higher value uses as have the inner city campgrounds. Our economy has diversified away from that 3 or 4 month party of feast and then 8 months of famine where you could fire a cannon ball up Main St and not hit a friggen thing.
So, all I can say is I am at a complete loss as to how you can believe an economy of the 70's to 90's is better than today.

Edit to add- Static, you have make it abundantly clear here in previous posts that the reason you left Penticton was because you could not earn a living here. You have also make it clear that your business and means of living is in finance and stock trading. Please do tell how a return to or continuance of cheap motels on the strip, campgrounds and transient tourists for three months would have facilitated your career here and made you stay?
Am thinking it was more about distance from the ex.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by cv23 »

twobits wrote: If you think her wage won't change over the years and as she moves from LPN to RN with are....
If you actually read what was posted maybe you would have noticed that the little chance of increase from low wages referred to was for those entering the senior care industry. I see no need to make any additional comments on your mental state as your posts are doing a fine job of revealing the sadness on their own.
twobits wrote:,John business has caught on and it is why a huge component of building permits are for seniors housing.
That's interesting, maybe you can enlighten us all as to not only the percentage of but also the dollar value of this "huge component of building permits" seniors housing plays as part of the total City of Penticton construction permits issued in the last two years?
I also don't understand what John's business has to with seniors as very few can afford to shop at "boutique shops" or want to live right downtown in suites right above retail shops that they also will have to climb stairs to reach, but I'm confident you can explain that to us too.

PS: Where did you get the idea I ride a bicycle as I have never said I did?
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by Symbonite »

im just wondering how the apartments are gonna be. it will probably be built on the cheap and not high end.
**Disclaimer: The above statement is in my OPINION only.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by TimmyE »

I hope the owner doesn't pattern it after the Town Centre Mall in Kelowna. What a disaster!!
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by XT225 »

Symbonite wrote:im just wondering how the apartments are gonna be. it will probably be built on the cheap and not high end.
I believe the cost of the renovation is over 1 million bucks. Not pocket change. Plus an elevator to the 2nd floor. The owner has vision; HE should've been our mayor.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by cv23 »

Symbonite wrote:im just wondering how the apartments are gonna be. it will probably be built on the cheap and not high end.
XT225 wrote:I believe the cost of the renovation is over 1 million bucks. Not pocket change. Plus an elevator to the 2nd floor. The owner has vision; HE should've been our mayor.
A million dollars won't go all that far when trying to create 1-three bedroom + 1-one bedroom + 3- two bed units + 8 boutique shops, all to commercial specs from the existing space. Yet an elevator, even a single storey commercial one, isn't cheap so maybe he is going more upscale.
Will definitely be interesting to see the finished product
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by Static »

Agreed, $1m will not do much unless there are already units upstairs.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by jamapple »

A million dollars won't go all that far when trying to create 1-three bedroom + 1-one bedroom + 3- two bed units + 8 boutique shops, all to commercial specs from the existing space. Yet an elevator, even a single storey commercial one, isn't cheap so maybe he is going more upscale.
Will definitely be interesting to see the finished product
Well, what is it? First you say a mill won't go far to construct all tis, then in the same paragraph you say, maybe he is going more upscale. If he says he's putting in 1 mil, that's what he'll be putting in, give or take a few bucks. You are right, though, that 1 mil on a building like that is peanuts. I'd say done cheap.....the Vasalaki way!
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by ToddT »

I've been on holidays for a few days but here's my take:
For all of the complaining people do about there not being any proper work in the Okanagan, they sure seem to be able to find time to pick on people that do have good paying jobs. Just because someone puts in the effort and hard work to do well for themselves doesn't mean that someone who doesn't is entitled to it as well.
Congrats TwoBits, sounds like your daughter has done well for herself.

When comparing the 70's to the 90's to now: The economy is clearly better as Penticton has gone from "party town" to a more affluent culture. All one has to do is look at the shops and services offered (not to mention the cost) to see the difference. This isn't just a trend in Penticton, but has been trending across B.C.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by Static »

^^^^^ penticton downtown is dead compared to what it was 20 years ago. The town lacks the vibrance it once had. Perhaps you haven't lived in Penticton for long but the town has gone down hill economically and culturally since I have grown up.
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Re: New Mini-Mall for Penticton

Post by ToddT »

I've lived here for 27 years lol.

Downtown is dead because the downtown sucks. Give me a reason to go there other than "buying local."

That is not the point that is trying to be made though. From a financial perspective the town is much better off. I agree wholeheartedly that culturally this place is ****hole. That's because the only people that make money are off the backs of others, and anybody with any initiative gets shot down by Nimby's.

Simply put, people like their w(h)ine more than their apples.

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