R.I.P. young one

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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by Partmanpartfish »

Hubble wrote:When you are driving a car' a bike or walking do you really think because it's a green light you are safe? Green means go not safe.

I am the parent of a young child and that was the first thing I taught him. When the light says go, you don't go until you have made eye contact with every person in the vehicles involved before crossing. Once you have made eye contact proceed because then they know you are there. An RCMP officer taught me that! The intersection where this accident happened is busy, personally I wouldn't have my young child crossing there and if I was I would most definitely been right beside him.

I have extreme compasion for the family of this young man as well as the RCMP officer. Everyone is bashing him, I think mainly because he is a cop, but did you stop to think that maybe he has a wife and child or children. The family of this young mans life has changed forever but so has his and his family.

It was an accident not someone just out on a mission to destroy. It could happen to anyone! Have compassion and wait for the facts before you decide to be the judge and jury.

And castanet-shame on you for how you presented this!
Aw right. Thanks for that. It's the child's fault. The child is supposed to predict a vehicle is approaching the intersection--from God knows how far back--and is going to mow him down.

Sure it was an accident. But how does an accident like this happen if the driver is sober and not distracted?
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by ToddT »

This thread is tasteless and should be removed out of respect for the families involved. At least until the air has cooled a bit.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by jamapple »

I totally agree, Todd. We don't look good as a society with these comments, do we?
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by Partmanpartfish »

No we shouldn't sweep this under the carpet. It should be kept kicking and screaming until the RCMP or IIO can explain to us how this accident happened.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by Partmanpartfish »

Nikon86 wrote:
Funny...I've read several articles from different news sources and watched the interview with the IIO and no one, at no time, has said (or even indicated for that matter) that the driver was impaired by way of alcohol or drugs. So, if you were there and made any direct observations of indicia of impairment, feel free to contact the IIO and tell them as they're the ones conducting the investigation (not the RCMP).

The RCMP and IIO haven't really said anything about the cause of the accident. And they certainly haven't said they don't suspect alcohol was a factor, as they so often do.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by ToddT »

Starting a witch hunt without facts is inappropriate too.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by maryjane48 »

ToddT wrote:This thread is tasteless and should be removed out of respect for the families involved. At least until the air has cooled a bit.
i started the thread because this is just as tragic as the other child that passed away and is easily preventable. if folks want debate the whys and hows then that is their right. i know when im driving a car , every crosswalk that i see coming up , i watch like hawk to see if anyone is thinking of crossing .so i think the question of how can this happen if there was no type of distraction on drivers part is a valid one to ask . i do have a daughter and a grand daughter myself
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by johnrae »

The only people who would want this thread closed are friends of the cop. This is not insulting to the family members. I would think the father of this child would like to see more answers or he would not have gone to the site and talked with the media.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by Madhue »

johnrae wrote:The only people who would want this thread closed are friends of the cop.
I'd suggest this as a possible response everyone's directly and indirectly connected to this event had their lives shaken, maybe its not our place to play armchair quarterback but morn the loss of a child, and know that many others are in pain... a pain that is not ours to attach or redirect... This is a small town, with big hearts maybe now is the time for us all to show it.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by fluffy »

Just thinking...with a full sized pick-up jacked up on big wheels there is a considerable area of reduced or no visibility off the front left quarter panel, more than enough to conceal a small child on a small bike.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by driveangry »

fluffy wrote:Just thinking...with a full sized pick-up jacked up on big wheels there is a considerable area of reduced or no visibility off the front left quarter panel, more than enough to conceal a small child on a small bike.

Good points, but everyone seems fixated on the truck or the driver being distracted. What about the family, the story read the father had two boys and a dog, maybe he was the distracted one, not in control.

There are so many " what ifs ". If the father made a mistake, will he man up and take responsibility ? Will both stories from the father and driver be the same ?

I really hope there are enough witnesses to come to some sort of conclusion.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by ToddT »

johnrae wrote:The only people who would want this thread closed are friends of the cop. This is not insulting to the family members. I would think the father of this child would like to see more answers or he would not have gone to the site and talked with the media.
That is an arrogant and baseless claim. I don't know anybody involved in the situation. I want the thread closed because it's disrespectful. Let the facts be the facts and leave it at that.

There is nothing more sacred than the life of a son or a daughter, and this incident particularly hurts my heart because I have a son and daughter of my own. Accidents like this while preventable, are never going to go away entirely. We can't fool proof human error.
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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by gman313 »

According to AM1150 the cop is Ace Stewart, he is the second one in

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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by gman313 »

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Re: R.I.P. young one

Post by goatboy »

Partmanpartfish wrote: Explain it to me like I'm five.
While we usually do have to explain things to you like you are five years old, what you're implying is that if the driver was not impaired he deliberately ran over the boy.

Given the height of the truck, I would imagine he just did not see him.

Imagine a 5 year old up close to this, he would not be easy to see.


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