Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by dieseluphammerdown »

LTD wrote:fact, more fires are caused from campers and hikers not putting out campfires not atvs .
I don't believe that was ever in question.
The only thing in question was someone stating ATV'S or motor cycles don't start forest fires.
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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by Poindexter »

LTD wrote:fact, more fires are caused from campers and hikers not putting out campfires not atvs .
Yes wildfires are started in many ways including campfires but parents aren't giving their kids a box of matches, sending them into the tinder dry forest and saying, "have fun". This is however exactly what they are doing when it comes to trail-bikes.
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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by LTD »

that's not true they're equipped with spark arrestors
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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by Frisk »

LTD wrote:fact, more fires are caused from campers and hikers not putting out campfires not atvs .
That statistic would be impossible to accurately measure since wildfires caused by escaped campfires can easily be traced back to their origin, whereas a fire caused by a dirt bike / ATV's hot exhaust / engine would leave behind basically nothing. It probably happens more often than you'd think, they go riding through some tall grass and it could ignite behind them without them even knowing. Or a tumble weed or something gets caught near the exhaust and could do the same thing.

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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by Woodenhead »

Not to mention that ATVers are just as bad with their cigarettes as anyone else out there. I see it all the time.

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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by RustyCrayon »

Wow. It appears as though almost everyone has decided that the fire was started by a bunch of smoking kids on ATVs and dirt bikes. Without any proof at all... Bet they were from Alberta and drove jacked up pick-up trucks too!
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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by pentona »

RustyCrayon wrote:Wow. It appears as though almost everyone has decided that the fire was started by a bunch of smoking kids on ATVs and dirt bikes. Without any proof at all... Bet they were from Alberta and drove jacked up pick-up trucks too!
Yes, no proof at all; how unfair to brand them all. I've seen lots of punk type adults riding BMX bikes, with hoodies and cigs hanging out of their mouths. Did they start it? Who knows; I wouldn't point the figure at ANY group without proof. I've yet to see a motorcyclist or ATV with a smoke while driving; it happens but is likely very very rare. Maybe it was a naturalist on horseback; who knows.
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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by Poindexter »

Great video to show how a small fire started by a dirt bike can quickly get out of control. In many ways it's worse than a campfire because no one would intentionally start a fire around so much fuel but that's where a bike is most likely to provide ignition. You can see that's there not much chance for a lone rider without an extinguisher to put it out when even a large group of riders barely manage.
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Re: Small Fire In Smith Creek Area

Post by pepsilover »

Treblehook wrote:May 20th, and we have a fire in the bush near Smith Creek. Every time I have gone into that area to hike, I have witnessed unsupervised youth riding trail bikes in that area. It is not we will have a huge wildfire to contend with, rather when!!! I keep wondering what some of the parents of these kids are thinking when they provide these bikes to their kids and turn them loose. Half them are poorly maintained which makes them highly likely to spark a forest fire. No lightning in this area for quite some time, so it is a safe bet that the fire today was human caused. Disgusting.
Four days later and I reported smoke up there again this morning. It seems to have died down, I've been watching it, but it's a bit high up to be somebody burning I think. Better safe than sorry, that's where fires were two summers ago. I also read there was a fire in that area just two days ago; is that the one you are talking about here? (I notice it is dated May 20th so I'm wondering if this is the third, not second fire in that area in as many days......)
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