Wildfire off Westside Rd

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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by jetty1965 »

zerograv wrote: While i agree he is an idiot i dont think his race or whos land hes on have anything to do with it.
It was started on a property on WFN lands and I think the band does own the property in question. But it could have been anyone that actually started the fire. I 'm not sure if its true but I read somewhere that WFN doesn't not have an open burning band. Again I'm not sure if thats true as the West Kelowna Fire Dept provides service to the WFN as well as West Kelowna. I think that involves Permits and inspections as well as fire fighting but not 100% sure.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by Lore »

zerograv wrote: While i agree he is an idiot i dont think his race or whos land hes on have anything to do with it. The undertones in your multiple comments is quite apparent.
There are no undertones in my comments.
His race and who's land he is on has everything to do with it because if he is not
held accountable because of his race or whose land its on that is a problem because
others would be held accountable.
There should be one set of rules/laws for everyone and that is my point.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by Treblehook »

I think [as citizens of the area] that we certainly deserve to be informed as to the outcome of the investigation into the cause of this fire; whether any charges have been laid/tickets issued; and, if not..WHY NOT. Nobody needs to be exempted from regulations dealing with fires in British Columbia, and if any person or group is currently exempt, the rest of us need to be putting enormous pressure on our government to correct that situation. There seems to be no doubt but that the origin of this wildfire was exactly what the laws are in place to deal with. The Castanet headline says the fire was "accidental". What does that mean? Accidentally Stupid? Accidentally Ignorant? Accidentally Arrogant in that the laws are for everyone but me?
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by zerograv »

Lore wrote: There are no undertones in my comments.
His race and who's land he is on has everything to do with it because if he is not
held accountable because of his race or whose land its on that is a problem because
others would be held accountable.
There should be one set of rules/laws for everyone and that is my point.
There are undertones. You immediately went straight to his race and his Government without an iota of information regarding whether this person was going to be held accountable and that its not "fair" that he will be getting different treatment than if it was you who did it. Despicable.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by Treblehook »

Well, it didn't take long for someone to pull out the "race" card in this discussion did it!!! This doctrine of political correctness is utter nonsense, and as is demonstrated in this instance, it gets in the way of any problem being discussed or rectified. It's simple: Just accuse the person who first identifies the problem of being a racist and shut down the discussion. Once that has been accomplished, there is no resolution and the problem continues to exist.
In respect to the fire today, I don't give damn if the person who was responsible is aboriginal or of any other race [including Caucasian]. I want to know if the origins of the fire were investigated; if the cause was determined; if the person responsible was identified; and, finally if a ticket was issue or if the costs of extinguishing the fire have been assessed against the person who was responsible. If no tickets were issued nor costs assessed, [as a citizen] I think I am entitled to know why!!!!!
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by Lore »

zerograv wrote: There are undertones. You immediately went straight to his race and his Government without an iota of information regarding whether this person was going to be held accountable and that its not "fair" that he will be getting different treatment than if it was you who did it. Despicable.
Again, no undertones here.
The reason I mentioned race is because you can clearly see on the video the race of the person trying to put out a fire that was caused by their open burn.
Again,so it may click in for you, there are no undertones and the reason race may matter is because this person will probably not be held responsible because they are on native land.
Different rules for different people.
Now that is what is despicable.
Don't see how this fire could have been deemed accidental when you can see on the video what is happening and of course no one is held responsible.
I could have lost my home yesterday because of that idiot and yes I'm mad about it.
The video does not lie and if that would have been me starting that fire I guarantee I would be in trouble now.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by fall »

So, does anyone know, is WFN exempt from burn bans like every other person?
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by zerograv »

Lore wrote: Again, no undertones here.
The reason I mentioned race is because you can clearly see on the video the race of the person trying to put out a fire that was caused by their open burn.
Again,so it may click in for you, there are no undertones and the reason race may matter is because this person will probably not be held responsible because they are on native land.
Different rules for different people.
Now that is what is despicable.
Don't see how this fire could have been deemed accidental when you can see on the video what is happening and of course no one is held responsible.
I could have lost my home yesterday because of that idiot and yes I'm mad about it.
The video does not lie and if that would have been me starting that fire I guarantee I would be in trouble now.

"Fire investigators have not been able to figure out what caused the grass fire, even though they’ve investigated and spoken to residents and bystanders."

You have no idea if they will be held accountable or not, you just assume because they are First Nations they will not without anything to back up those claims. Thats the problem here!

Different rules for different people? Where's the proof? And your bias doesnt count.

"However the ignition source was not able to be conclusively determined by investigators or from residents and bystanders' statements."

All they needed to do was talk to you and it would have been so obvious! The big bad Indian did it :up:
Last edited by zerograv on Jun 18th, 2016, 8:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by zerograv »

Last edited by ferri on Jun 18th, 2016, 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by ferri »

*okay, back on topic! thanks!
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Last edited by oneh2obabe on Jun 18th, 2016, 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by fall »

Fire investigators could not conclusively identify the ignition source but determined it accidental. Well there you are people.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by pentona »

fall wrote:Fire investigators could not conclusively identify the ignition source but determined it accidental. Well there you are people.
How could they positively determine that the fire was "accidental" when they haven't determined the ignition source? Does that mean that it was in no way "deliberately set"? If they don't know, then how can they say much of anything? Sounds political to me.
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Re: Wildfire off Westside Rd

Post by fall »

Who knows.

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