Islam's View on Homosexuality
- Übergod
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
That is so ridiculous that it doesn't deserve a response.pepsilover wrote: So why do gays want the shooter to be seen as one of them?
Trying to get spiritual nourishment from a two thousand year old book is like trying to suck milk from the breast of a woman who has been dead that long.
- Übergod
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
cliffy1 wrote: That is so ridiculous that it doesn't deserve a response.
Why is that? It's a legitimate question. I've watched since day one of this shooting a myriad of people saying he's gay, he had gay apps on his phone, they refer to people who supposedly knew he was gay, said they had dated him or knew him, said they saw him at the club trying to pick up gays. We've all read this stuff.
So all these people banging the gong that the shooter is 'gay' but not an Islamic terrorist, is why? It's a VERY legitimate question. Why are they CHOOSING to see him as gay rather than as an Islamic soldier, which is what the terrorist called himself?
It is a most legitimate question so why copout of answering it?
To PC liberals who are offended at the Christ child in a manger, I have GREAT news for you! The next time you see Him, he won't be in a manger! Sadly, if you can't handle His first appearance, you're REALLY not going to like His second appearance.
- Lord of the Board
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
Because his natural urge was to be gay but he felt ashamed, and guilty for these natural feelings because his religion taught him it was wrong.pepsilover wrote:
Why is that? It's a legitimate question. I've watched since day one of this shooting a myriad of people saying he's gay, he had gay apps on his phone, they refer to people who supposedly knew he was gay, said they had dated him or knew him, said they saw him at the club trying to pick up gays. We've all read this stuff.
So all these people banging the gong that the shooter is 'gay' but not an Islamic terrorist, is why? It's a VERY legitimate question. Why are they CHOOSING to see him as gay rather than as an Islamic soldier, which is what the terrorist called himself?
It is a most legitimate question so why copout of answering it?
Now imagine if he wasnt brain washed from his religion,
- Übergod
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
Perhaps because it is a silly question. Why do you insist that he was an Islamic terrorist when the evidence says otherwise?pepsilover wrote: Why is that? It's a legitimate question. I've watched since day one of this shooting a myriad of people saying he's gay, he had gay apps on his phone, they refer to people who supposedly knew he was gay, said they had dated him or knew him, said they saw him at the club trying to pick up gays. We've all read this stuff.
So all these people banging the gong that the shooter is 'gay' but not an Islamic terrorist, is why? It's a VERY legitimate question. Why are they CHOOSING to see him as gay rather than as an Islamic soldier, which is what the terrorist called himself?
It is a most legitimate question so why copout of answering it?
Trying to get spiritual nourishment from a two thousand year old book is like trying to suck milk from the breast of a woman who has been dead that long.
- Grand Pooh-bah
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
WHY ?pepsilover wrote:
So why do gays want the shooter to be seen as one of them?
Perhaps because they are open minded enough to want to make sure that this is NOT simply treated as yet another Islamic terrorist attack....because it wasn't.
Perhaps they want the truth to be told so that Muslims won't be persecuted for it.
Perhaps they want people to smarten up and stop the intolerance - whether that is racial, religious or sexual.
Perhaps they want people to stop for a minute and really think about what drove this person to do this....the internal fight, the guilt, the torture - because even though most people are not mentally unstable enough to commit mass murder, hundreds of homosexuals are killing themselves every day over those same feelings.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
Doesn’t the Qur’an say that homosexuality is unnatural?
No. Using words like “natural” and “unnatural” as ways to describe sexuality is something that was started by European Christians. When today’s Muslims use this argument to say homosexuality is against Islam, they are actually borrowing ideas from European Christians. The conclusion that homosexuality is “unnatural” is not based on anything in the Qur’an. Again, the word “homosexuality” is never even used and does not exist in the Qur’an!
In the Islamic schools of thought that say homosexuality is a hadd crime, what punishment do they believe is correct?
Stoning, because of the analogy they are making between homosexuality and adultery.
Was this punishment used by the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)?
No. The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) never described homosexuality as a crime and he never punished anyone for being gay, lesbian or bisexual. Islam accept homosexuality?
Yes. In Islam, there is a solid basis for respect and acceptance of diversity—including sexual diversity. Although historically many Muslim law-makers forbade homosexual acts, it is important to remember that Islamic law is not the word of God. Islamic law is the result of reasoning by law-makers, so the law is made by human beings. That doesn’t mean Islamic law is not important for Muslims, but it does mean that it is not a perfect reflection of what God wants for human beings. Many Muslims do not accept homosexuality because of prejudice or sexism—and many jurists share these views. As a result, it is important to continue to re-examine the shari’ah to better understand the true meaning of the Qur’an and the example of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). By re-examining the principles of shari’ah, scholars—along with other believers—can help recover it’s original purpose: to protect civil liberties, promote human rights and help people lead more ethical lives.
" Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. " ~ Gary Snyder
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
This conversation is just going in circles but let's be honest here: There's no possible way you actually think gay people want to be associated with a mass murderer. No one is CHOOSING to see him as gay. They're saying he was gay because he was gay. You listed the reasons yourself as have I and others: used gay dating applications, went to gay bars, wife said he was gay, the list goes on and on.pepsilover wrote: Why are they CHOOSING to see him as gay rather than as an Islamic soldier, which is what the terrorist called himself?
Plus, apparently his former gay lover is speaking up: ... d-attack/#
Mateen’s alleged lover said the two engaged in a “friends with benefits”-style relationship
Miguel also suggested Mateen’s rage against gay Puerto Rican men might have been rooted in the fact that the terrorist had sex with two Puerto Rican men, one of whom was later revealed to be HIV positive.
Mateen, according to Miguel, was “terrified” he, too, was HIV positive.
“When I asked him what he was going to do now, his answer was, ‘I’m going to make them pay for what they did to me,’” Miguel recalled.
Article also says he was a radicalized Muslim so your theory is still represented here. But there was / is a lot more to it than Islam or whatever religion.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
Homosexuality is only illegal in Muslim countries ruled by extremists such as the Taliban, Al Qeada, ISIS etc...
Evidently homosexuality was a cultural practice in Afghanistan prior to Taliban control in 1996, and that culture practice resumed after the end of Taliban control in 2001. However there's evidence the practice didn't really end during the Taliban years.
Evidently homosexuality was a cultural practice in Afghanistan prior to Taliban control in 1996, and that culture practice resumed after the end of Taliban control in 2001. However there's evidence the practice didn't really end during the Taliban years.
Last edited by Hurtlander on Jun 22nd, 2016, 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Póg Mo Thoin
No longer proud to be born in British Columbia.
No longer proud to be born in British Columbia.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
Christians bashing gays and picketing gay funerals is called free speech. Muslims murdering hundreds of people daily worldwide is infringing on humans right to live. Everyone is entitled to a belief (absurd as they may be) but once that belief starts to infringe on other peoples lives it becomes a problem. ALLAHU SNACKBARGixxer wrote:So it's ok for a person of Christian faith to bash another religion on their view on homosexuality, but when someone points out that the Christian faith has hatred for homosexuality they get all sensitive and offended. Bhahah now thats hilarious
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
because first and foremost, he was insane. so it doesn't matter what "he said". he was a lone lunatic who went on a shooting rampage and targeted a gay club possibly due to his own conflicted sense of sexuality/morality. You want to call him an islamic terrorist? Fine, knock your socks off. Some of us are choosing to accept that fact that he was just "cuckoo for cocoa puffs"pepsilover wrote:Why is that? It's a legitimate question. I've watched since day one of this shooting a myriad of people saying he's gay, he had gay apps on his phone, they refer to people who supposedly knew he was gay, said they had dated him or knew him, said they saw him at the club trying to pick up gays. We've all read this stuff.
So all these people banging the gong that the shooter is 'gay' but not an Islamic terrorist, is why? It's a VERY legitimate question. Why are they CHOOSING to see him as gay rather than as an Islamic soldier, which is what the terrorist called himself?
It is a most legitimate question so why copout of answering it?
- Übergod
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
To PC liberals who are offended at the Christ child in a manger, I have GREAT news for you! The next time you see Him, he won't be in a manger! Sadly, if you can't handle His first appearance, you're REALLY not going to like His second appearance.
- Walks on Forum Water
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality For All, Hatred For None. Ahmadi Muslims For Peace
Muslim Group Spokesman: Quran Doesn’t Say to 'Kill Homosexuals'
" Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. " ~ Gary Snyder
- Lord of the Board
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
So what youre saying is christains have never murder hundreds of people daily... how about those drone strikes, and pro choice Doctorscpen wrote: Christians bashing gays and picketing gay funerals is called free speech. Muslims murdering hundreds of people daily worldwide is infringing on humans right to live. Everyone is entitled to a belief (absurd as they may be) but once that belief starts to infringe on other peoples lives it becomes a problem. ALLAHU SNACKBAR
Last edited by Gixxer on Jun 24th, 2016, 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Übergod
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
Yes, well in case you haven't noticed it is not the muslims for peace that are the problem, it is the imams that are preaching a hard line version of the Qu'ran. In fact if you had watched the link that I posted you would see exactly how the imam counteracts the muslims for peace, and specifically how he uses the Qu'ran and Islam to do that.SmokeOnTheWater wrote:
The muslims for peace are not the ones that are a problem. Your apparent assumption that we think all muslims are extremist terrorists is an epic fail. Wasn't it you that pointed out to me that 1 billion muslims rejected ISIS (leaving over 1 billion that did NOT reject ISIS?). So are you choosing to ignore this now or ??
So what about the imams that are preaching to kill the homosexual? What about the countries that are executing homosexuals? Are you just ignoring those facts? Appears you are. Care to tell me why?
To PC liberals who are offended at the Christ child in a manger, I have GREAT news for you! The next time you see Him, he won't be in a manger! Sadly, if you can't handle His first appearance, you're REALLY not going to like His second appearance.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality
Are Americans using drones to kill innocent civilians on purpose?? Intent is very important. Casualties of war is a reality because there is no "perfect weapon" that kills only the bad guys. Also, i cant believe i have to say this but Americans aren't killing people in the middle east because Christianity tells them to.Gixxer wrote: So what youre saying is christains have never murder hundreds of people daily... how about those drone strikes, and pro choice Doctors