Creationism = Science Illiteracy

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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by annexi »

cliffy1 wrote:"There is no matter without an observer." "Protons can be in several, if not hundreds, of places at the same time and only when observed do they exist in only one place." "We live in a holographic Universe." - Quantum Physics.

We live in a Matrix of our own making. What we experience as reality is nothing more than a holograph, a projection of our minds. What we see, taste, feel and hear are a holographic representation of the group consciousness of the human collective consciousness; a program that is instilled in our minds by those who have been indoctrinated before us - the Matrix. It can be changed. It requires nothing less than unplugging oneself from the Matrix. Once unplugged, the obviousness of it becomes very apparent. TV, newspapers, magazines, religions are all part of the programming process. You are much more than you have been led to believe. You are capable of much more than you have been told you can.
just wait 'til we who believe this start knitting a new reality together... the possibilities are divine.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by annexi »

if you read genesis as metaphor for what we are learning in the fields of quantum physics and consciousness (matter/dark matter & metaphysics), it's quite possibly accurate. there is an irony in coming full circle to see the truth was staring us in the face all along. problem has just been our inability to grasp the correct interpretation of the text.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by cliffy1 »

Religion, and in particular, the literal interpretation of ancient holy books, are the greatest drawbacks to human development and evolution that exist. We should be light years ahead of where we are now.
Trying to get spiritual nourishment from a two thousand year old book is like trying to suck milk from the breast of a woman who has been dead that long.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by youjustcomplain »

annexi wrote:if you read genesis as metaphor for what we are learning in the fields of quantum physics and consciousness (matter/dark matter & metaphysics), it's quite possibly accurate. there is an irony in coming full circle to see the truth was staring us in the face all along. problem has just been our inability to grasp the correct interpretation of the text.
But why look for a metaphorical meaning to something written centuries ago by humans who knew nothing of modern science? What purpose does that serve other than to try and keep the old book relevant ?
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by youjustcomplain »

cliffy1 wrote:Religion, and in particular, the literal interpretation of ancient holy books, are the greatest drawbacks to human development and evolution that exist. We should be light years ahead of where we are now.
This confuses me.
I'd agree that they hold back progress, but they certainly don't hold back evolution. Also, what makes you think we should be anywhere but where we are? There is no "should" as if to say there is some way of measuring progress and that we're somehow behind. There is no way of measuring potential progress for us.

We seem to be very prone to substituting magic for things we don't understand. I saw, we, as a species. It's absolutely no wonder we created a god, and religion and that it still exists.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by cliffy1 »

youjustcomplain wrote: This confuses me.
I'd agree that they hold back progress, but they certainly don't hold back evolution. Also, what makes you think we should be anywhere but where we are? There is no "should" as if to say there is some way of measuring progress and that we're somehow behind. There is no way of measuring potential progress for us.

We seem to be very prone to substituting magic for things we don't understand. I saw, we, as a species. It's absolutely no wonder we created a god, and religion and that it still exists.
I don't measure development or evolution by technological "progress". By evolution I mean consciousness. We may have all kinds of technical prowess but we lack the conscious maturity to realize we are destroying our life support system with this "progress". We are playing with nuclear technology with caveman maturity. How else do you think we can brag about going to the moon but have islands of garbage twice the size of Texas in the middle of the Pacific? Religion has stunted our conscious growth believing that magic beings from heaven will save us from ourselves.

The "Golden Age" will not happen by JC returning. It will only happen when we are mature enough to make it happen. There is an awakening happening. Will it be soon enough to save us from drowning in our own effluent? We are poisoning the Earth with our "progress" because we are too ignorant to see the consequences of our actions. And, we are being manipulated by those in control: media lies and distractions, dumbing down of the populace with poorer education, idiot box addiction to nonsense, and the Dysneyfying of religion. We are screwed if we don't wake up from the "American Dream" of "a better life through chemistry".
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by maryjane48 »

at some point the earth will say ok i had enough these humans . blink of a eye we are history .

i have always wondered why the moon was never exploited . or was it and still is . is it possible the dark side is being built up as we speak ?
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by cliffy1 »

maryjane48 wrote:at some point the earth will say ok i had enough these humans . blink of a eye we are history .
One can hope.
i have always wondered why the moon was never exploited . or was it and still is . is it possible the dark side is being built up as we speak ?
I really don't know if we can live outside of the biosphere. We are an integral part of it, interdependent, interrelated with it. It would be like taking off your finger and expecting to live independent of you.
Trying to get spiritual nourishment from a two thousand year old book is like trying to suck milk from the breast of a woman who has been dead that long.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by youjustcomplain »

maryjane48 wrote:at some point the earth will say ok i had enough these humans . blink of a eye we are history .
Inevitable. It happened to roughly 99% of all other species on this planet. There is no reason to believe it wouldn't happen to us too. We haven't been here all that long and the earth will go on without us, only we'll leave it having caused more damage than any species before us.
cliffy1 wrote: I really don't know if we can live outside of the biosphere. We are an integral part of it, interdependent, interrelated with it. It would be like taking off your finger and expecting to live independent of you.
Of course we can. In your analogy, the earth is our body and the finger is the human correct? We have people living on the ISS. Sure, not forever, but is that impossible? Maybe with modern technology, but I wouldn't count it out for the future.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by cutter7 »

I've been banging rocks together all week, even added a little water… got some sparks but no life evolved.

Can any evolutionists explain how we evolved from rocks?
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by sooperphreek »

not in your week. i know that it says god took 7 days. but really....who was there to verify that? lets say that god is big enough to create life. does it mean he had to do it in the 7 days? im just glad god doesnt waste time on the he said she said. when jesus came back i dont recall reading him debating these things.......he had more important things to do than build an ark for profit.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by Poindexter »

cutter7 wrote:Can any evolutionists explain how we evolved from rocks?
I would argue that there are some posters who actually haven't evolved from rocks. :D
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by annexi »

youjustcomplain wrote:
But why look for a metaphorical meaning to something written centuries ago by humans who knew nothing of modern science? What purpose does that serve other than to try and keep the old book relevant ?
Because it's wickedly thrilling to grasp the edges of something profound and deep. My point is, perhaps genesis does indeed hold an immutable fundamental truth... It's like the Gnostics say, hidden in plain view.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by fluffy »

annexi wrote:if you read genesis as metaphor for what we are learning in the fields of quantum physics and consciousness (matter/dark matter & metaphysics), it's quite possibly accurate. there is an irony in coming full circle to see the truth was staring us in the face all along. problem has just been our inability to grasp the correct interpretation of the text.
There really isn't any indication that the bible was ever meant to be a literal accounting of history, other than what you will get from fundamentalists. As a collection of metaphoric parables meant to convey a moral message it still has loads of relevance, a lot of which our world is in dire need of at the moment.
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Re: Creationism = Science Illiteracy

Post by cliffy1 »

fluffy wrote: There really isn't any indication that the bible was ever meant to be a literal accounting of history, other than what you will get from fundamentalists. As a collection of metaphoric parables meant to convey a moral message it still has loads of relevance, a lot of which our world is in dire need of at the moment.
There is something fundamentally wrong with fundamentalism of any sort. It creates fear, anger, separation, bigotry and exclusivity.
Trying to get spiritual nourishment from a two thousand year old book is like trying to suck milk from the breast of a woman who has been dead that long.

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