Candidate Chuck Hardy

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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by lasnomadas »

Why did I even click on this story, much less read the comments? IMHO, Chuck should just throw his support behind Norm Letnick, or whoever is the BC Liberal candidate for that riding, since both parties have the same poicies. In fact, I believe the BC Liberals will change their name to BC Conservatives when they lose this election. It's their modus operandi. Remember Gordon Cambell and the SocialCredit party when they overthrew Gordon Wilson of the 'real' BC Liberal party and began calling themselves 'BC Liberal'?
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by Jflem1983 »

Did u really just call Chuck a liberal .
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by lasnomadas »

No, I called the BC Liberals "Conservatives", a party that fits their policies much better than "Liberals". You remember, of course, that they were 'Social Credit' before they changed their name to 'BC Liberals' , and the Social Credit party policies were very similar to Conservative policies.
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by Jflem1983 »

Well I am too young to know about social credit . These liberals don't look like conservatives to me . If they are not real liberals I beg how so ?
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by GordonH »

Jflem1983 wrote: Well I am too young to know about social credit . These liberals don't look like conservatives to me . If they are not real liberals I beg how so ?
After former Social Credit Party imploded, came 2 parties actual Liberal party and the Reform party.
Along came Campbell reunited factions and decided on a name hence BC Liberal Party.
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It appears US voters hated Woke more than they hated Trump.
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by Gone_Fishin »

lasnomadas wrote:Why did I even click on this story, much less read the comments? IMHO, Chuck should just throw his support behind Norm Letnick, or whoever is the BC Liberal candidate for that riding, since both parties have the same poicies. In fact, I believe the BC Liberals will change their name to BC Conservatives when they lose this election. It's their modus operandi. Remember Gordon Cambell and the SocialCredit party when they overthrew Gordon Wilson of the 'real' BC Liberal party and began calling themselves 'BC Liberal'?

BC Liberals and BC Conservatives are way too far apart on the political spectrum to form an alliance. When the NDP implodes in 2017, perhaps they can join forces with their ideological twin, the BC Communist Party, and use that synergy to promote the Communist, err, NDP Leap Manifesto.

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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by George+ »

Yes, the liberals and the Cons are really the same party.

Christy the Hood...steal from the poor and give to the rich.

But if I were at all interested in the Cons I would vote Hardy.

But thankfully, I am not.
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by Jflem1983 »

Knowing a little bit about the people who the reform party was modeled after . Having went to a school they ran . Not many of their people would be going around calling themselves liberals . My guess is a few of them left shortly after the rebrand?
Now they want to take our guns away . That would be just fine. Take em away from the criminals first . Ill gladly give u mine. "Charlie Daniels"

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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by Rwede »

Last edited by ferri on Apr 4th, 2017, 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"I don't even disagree with the bulk of what's in the Leap Manifesto. I'll put forward my Leap Manifesto in the next election." - John Horgan, 2017.
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by Jflem1983 »

What could be done to help prop up a good candidate . Conservative minded people of Kelowna I ask of u . How can we send one good man to Victoria. I myself am torn . Vote for evil liberals to save face and defeat the hated ndp . Or do the right thing and support Chuck Hardy
. I will be supporting Chuck . I do understand the feeling of those who will vote liberal just to defeat the ndp . However to those people I ask where is your heart and your backbone . Are u really a liberal . Do u want to be remembered as a liberal
Now they want to take our guns away . That would be just fine. Take em away from the criminals first . Ill gladly give u mine. "Charlie Daniels"

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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by lasnomadas »

The Liberal voters in B.C. are confused. The only liberal party they can find is the NDP, and they hate them. The BC Conservatives have the same policies as the BC Liberals, but the Liberal voters hate them too. What's a poor Liberal voter to do?

Oh, I know.......Christy ran an ad praising the Green Party last time, maybe we should vote Green........nope, the green Party cares about the environment, much like the NDP. Can't vote for them either.

Oh look........the Social Credit party is still listed as a B.C. political party! We used to BE them. Quick, someone find some Socred candidates so we can vote for them. What's that you say? They're all in retirement homes or prison? Darn!!
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by Jflem1983 »

At the end of the day if ndp win we are all fd either way . If libs win it's likely gonna be in a landslide. I see no reason to not support Chuck Hardy
Now they want to take our guns away . That would be just fine. Take em away from the criminals first . Ill gladly give u mine. "Charlie Daniels"

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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by The Green Barbarian »

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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by Rwede »

The Green Barbarian wrote:Actually both the Green Party and the NDP seem to care about is destroying the economy, in the name of fear-mongering and really really bad ideas. Both parties are a giant joke, and the only people who would support either party either live in denial or are unable to do even basic math.
Math is hard! You kids stay in school, ya hear me?!

I don't know why the leftist loons can't grasp the concept of healthy employer/healthy employee. They seem to want dead employer/let the employees fall where they may.
"I don't even disagree with the bulk of what's in the Leap Manifesto. I'll put forward my Leap Manifesto in the next election." - John Horgan, 2017.
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Re: Candidate Chuck Hardy

Post by lasnomadas »

It's always the same old BC Liberal threat, "The NDP and Green Party only care about destroying the economy". That's all it is, an idle threat. BC's economy doesn't depend on non-existent LNG projects, dilbit pipelines and tankers to Asia, housing bubbles, or minimum wage, part-time service jobs. When any party other than the BC Liberals win this time, BC will see so many alternative renewable energy projects, and retro-fitting of homes and businesses going ahead that we'll have to start importing unemployed Albertans to fill all the new jobs in BC.

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