You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by littlesparrow »

Hey Vernonites! Wondering if anyone has any stories about the old Kt's Family Restaurant at 3127 30th Ave (once Boston Pizza). Any idea what was there before BP?
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by lunatei2000 »

A&W drive-in !
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by Verminator »

The A&W drive-in was located on 27th St near the just vacated Canadian Tire store, not on 30th Ave. The original BP was at the 30th Ave address for as long as I can remember before it moved to where it is now on 32nd St. We patronized the old location pretty regularly back then, the new one not so much.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by 60-YEARS-in-Ktown »

Well I just read the whole thing, pretty good read for a Kelowna guy.
I attended VCC two summers., i remember a few trips to Glenemma Range.
I remember motorcycle ice races at Tillicum and Swan Lake. We still have Vintage FlatTrack at Okeefe Ranch,
And will have one at the IPE in Armstrong this weekend.
I started a similar Kelowna thread, I should bring that back up to the top.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by 60-YEARS-in-Ktown »

Well I just read the whole thing, pretty good read for a Kelowna guy.
I attended VCC two summers., i remember a few trips to Glenemma Range.
I remember motorcycle ice races at Tillicum and Swan Lake. We still have Vintage FlatTrack at Okeefe Ranch,
And will have one at the IPE in Armstrong this weekend.
I started a similar Kelowna thread, I should bring that back up to the top.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by Visitor88 »

I tried posting and lost it all ha ha..glitch... we visiTed in summers early 80s early 90s..I was a kid...I remember: village green inn had outdoor pool ..parking at back now and tennis dealership was called vernon motor products....Safeway was in village green mall...the bay became a zellers for a year or there was kmart and zellers in mall at one point together...others mentioned mcminis mini golf...those come to mind
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Anybody reading?Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember .

Post by Visitor88 »

Just curious to those that read this forum regularly: is there less activity on here by a large degree vs the past? Just noticing no replies to my post(s). Maybe not much interest on the topic?
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by southy »

Visitor88 wrote:Just curious to those that read this forum regularly: is there less activity on here by a large degree vs the past? Just noticing no replies to my post(s). Maybe not much interest on the topic?
I haven't seen your posts asking questions Visitor88. Perhaps I missed them. I'll gladly reply if you post again.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by lasnomadas »

Does anyone remember the name of that little drive-in cafe up at the top of hospital hill? (You have to be as old as dirt to remember that one) [icon_lol2.gif]

Oops.......I just remembered, it was called Grace's Dairy Drive In. Do any other old Vernonites remember it?
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by GordonH »

^^^ take look at pages 6 to 10 of this thread
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by lasnomadas »

Definitely some good oldies there, alright, but I think only Marrs51 mentioned Grace's Dairy Drive In. The others remembered the North End Drive In up by the train tracks at 43rd and 32nd. I remember the potato salad there in the summer.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by gardengirl »

I see there is a new incarnation of Club 29/29.
I have many fond memories of the original. They were the only place at the time that had live music and they got in some great bands.
They had some long-term staff members that I have often wondered where they are now.
Bob Slater-Bouncer
Al Peter?.
Bob Allison-Worked the Back Bar
Jeannie-Waitress ,lovely girl with shoulder length dark hair
Cynthia-very stylish gal that worked the coat check.
They also had at least 2 different djs that I cannot for the life of me remember their names. It seems to me that one of them was also a hair stylist (It was the 80s after all) Carman?
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by OldIslander »

Back in the 50's and early 60's I recall an irrigation flume that paralleled Old Kamloops Road (now Alexis Park Dr), and then headed towards the Bella Vista. It was located along the upper ridge of the hills, just west of Old Kamloops Rd. We used to hike it as kids. In some parts, it was built up on a wooden trellis (to keep it level). Looking at Google Earth, I can see trails in some parts of where it used to be.

Does anyone know the history of this flume? Where did the water come from and where did it end up? I can't recall any agriculture through the valley that Alexis Park Dr. travels through -- it was old range land. Was the water mainly for the Bella Vista? And when was it all dismantled?
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by southy »

Oldlslander .. I lived in Vernon back in the 70's and 80's and I recall Goose Lake. I actually took time to google earth it and the trails you speak of seem to be coming directly from the end of Goose Lake. It is probably spring fed and made for a great water source. Just a guess. Hope it helps.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by danmartin »

The flume you see above Old Kamloops RD is part of the Grey Canal. Look it up if you're really interested. From my memory it is only a small section of one of the largest irrigation system in BC! The water came from the plateau above and south of Lavington. It went into a pipe under the valley and then up the north side of the valley and then in flumes above Lavington, Coldstream and Vernon to the north end of Swan Lake. It then went in a pipe to the West side of the valley. It is gravity that lifted it to the flumes you see above Old Kamloops Rd. It continued out to the Bella Vista area and fed the orchards out there too. It was built in the early part of the 20 century (1910?) and was in use until the 60's.

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