TV Leaders' Debate

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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by George+ »

Isn't this a provincial election?
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by Hassel99 »

George+ wrote:The Kelowna area is do right wing that
even Donald Trump could win here..
Tell that to Ron Cannan.

Swing and a miss..
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by Hurtlander »

Urbane wrote:Clark was second and Horgan was a distant third. He gets rattled and doesn't do himself any favours.
I'll disagree with you on that, Clark and Horgan are tied for second. If Horgan had done a better job of controlling himself he would've had second place all to himself, he may have even won the debate. Clark's refusal to honestly answer any direct questions is totally unacceptable, the reason 75% of the electorate disapprove of Clarks performance is because they already know the answers to the questions she was asked, but wouldn't answer.
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by slootman »

John Horgan wrote:Come on, man...
Lost me there.
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Urbane wrote: Isn't Kelowna represented by a Liberal in Ottawa?
Owned again. Good job Urbane. :up:
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by JLives »

I was an undecided voter. I have voted for all the major parties but Conservative. I don't have a hate on for Christy Clark but the Liberals are too pro corporate for my liking. The NDP hasnt done a great job of getting their message out which seems disorganized. Greens are getting my vote this year.
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by mr.bandaid »

I actually quit watching after a half hour but in that time Christy never answered a question. She was awful and only the biased people of Kelowna who, as I said, would vote for a house plant if it were running for the liberal party, wouldn't agree with me.
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by liisgo »

mr.bandaid wrote:Jeebus H Christopher! A half hour in and my frigging ears are bleeding. I can't believe what I am hearing. If this is our choices than we are in serious trouble. If any of you out there want to declare a winner I would say it is the other channels on tv.
I'm with you, what a joke. This is BC politic's, what an embarrassment.
Just once can I have someone that just and only talks about what they will do. someone who isn't the typical political idiot.
We can send a space ship to mars, both the intelligence of these 3?????.

So we vote for the least of the idiots I guess, great....
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by gordon_as »

Horgan gets frustrated when dealing with Christy's BS , I think the average person can understand that , and probably identify more with that than with Ms.Clarks phony smile and inability to look anywhere except directly into the nearest camera. She had a huge phony smile at the end of each sentence. When the question about fentanyl deaths came up her somber compassionate face was equally unconvincing .
Weaver was doing pretty good until he started spiting and stuttering. I think that he intentionally went after Horgan harder than last time because Greens have been picking up polling points lately , mostly from the Liberals , and you don't want to bite the hand that's feeding you. I'm no expert , but I think he would have benefited more by bashing Clark than by mixing it up with horgan.
Horgan wasted several speaking opportunities by repeating things he had already said earlier.
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by krocky »

I quite enjoyed the debate.. For the first time watching the debate has actually changed my vote.. I had intended to vote Green this time around for lack of a better choice but although Weaver held his own I thought he was kissing Christy's ring too much. He knows he will not win but probably thinks he can get some seats from the NDP so decided to go after Horgan..

As usual Christy reminded me of Clinton and never actually answered a question.. She just repeated her sickening chant over and over, jobs, we created jobs, we're going to create jobs, we've created jobs, how do you feed the poor, you crate jobs, how do you fix the housing problem, by creating jobs, what color is your dress, while I'm glad you asked, by creating jobs.. perhaps if it were remotely true it would be more tolerable.. Anyway Horgan was the clear winner to me and I quite enjoyed watching him get a little testy, much better than the painted on phony Botox smile of Ms Clark. So NDP it is..!!!
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Weaver, and to a lesser extent Clark rode Horgan like a rented mule. Horgan lost, and very, very badly. Once he gets called on his BS, he loses his cool and goes a bit crazy. And that's often, because he's full of BS that's easy to spot.

I think the man has an anger management problem and should seek counselling for it - seriously. I think that showed in the first debate where he was being sexist and creepy toward his female opponent, as he tried to hide his dislike of women and his anger problems, but his short temper and sexist leering showed through for all to see. Horgan's not mentally fit to lead this province.

Weaver won, Clark was a strong second with her Steady Eddie showing, and Horgan didn't even register on the scale.

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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by Hurtlander »

Gone_Fishin wrote:Weaver, and to a lesser extent Clark rode Horgan like a rented mule. Horgan lost, and very, very badly. Once he gets called on his BS, he loses his cool and goes a bit crazy. And that's often, because he's full of BS that's easy to spot.

I think the man has an anger management problem and should seek counselling for it - seriously. I think that showed in the first debate where he was being sexist and creepy toward his female opponent, as he tried to hide his dislike of women and his anger problems, but his short temper and sexist leering showed through for all to see. Horgan's not mentally fit to lead this province.

Weaver won, Clark was a strong second with her Steady Eddie showing, and Horgan didn't even register on the scale.
Wow can you ever spin things. I've probably read 500 comments about the debate from all over the net, you're the only person to make such a stupid comment about Horgan being sexist in yesterday's debate. You probably didn't even watch the debate

Anyhow, the Van Sun poll claims Horgan as the winner ... ers-debate
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by flamingfingers »

Post-debate poll: Horgan wins — but only by a slim margin
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by Poindexter »

For me it's a case of "better the devil you know than the devil you don't'. IMO, and i know many will disagree, the Liberals haven't done a poor enough job to warrent a change in leadership and will be getting my vote.
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate

Post by alfred2 »

Horgan is a real donkey, he can not expand on his program. All he can do is rant and rave about the libs. Weaver comes on as a very sensible person, he thinks and lays out his program , not like potty mouth horgan. Clark held her own very well and did answer questions more so then horgan the raver. :smt045

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