Making stuff up again .

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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by mr.bandaid »

Your the one making the smart a$$ comments.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by BeingHuman »

GB states; "Other than crash the economy NDP style, what bright ideas do you have?"

Talk about making stuff up again, GB and the other Lib-Cons continue spread the false narrative that during the 1990's the NDP was bad for BC's economy, that simply is NOT true!

"Prior to the last provincial election in 2013, the Business Council of British Columbia released a study called "A Decade by Decade Review of British Columbia's Economic Performance." It compared the economic indicators of the three decades governed respectively by the Social Credit Party, the NDP and the B.C. Liberals. The result is that by certain measures the NDP of the '90s actually had the best economic performance.

Here are the conclusions of the study:
GDP growth: The Social Credit decade had an average growth rate of 2.12 per cent, the Liberals 2.36 per cent and the NDP 2.72 per cent. The NDP decade is the best of the three.
Job creation: Under the Liberals jobs grew by 1.58 per cent, under the Social Credit Party 1.91 per cent and under the NDP by 2.17 per cent. The NDP decade also had better performance.
Unemployment: Social Credit had an average rate of 11.48 per cent, NDP 8.87 per cent and the Liberals 6.63 per cent. The Liberals scored.
Business investment (non-private residential investment): As regards non-private residential investment, the Social Credit growth was 0.81 per cent, NDP got three per cent and the Liberals had 5.53 per cent.
Export: B.C.'s exports remained generally unchanged over the past three decades, fluctuating between 42 and 43 per cent of the GDP. However, the study notes that the NDP's decade in power had the strongest export performance, whereas the Liberals' had the weakest.

“The Liberals' so-called "Lost Decade" is contrary to the facts."

Thanks for the comment yesterday mr.bandaid? Your comment lives on!
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by The Green Barbarian »

BeingHuman wrote:
Talk about making stuff up again, GB and the other Lib-Cons continue spread the false narrative that during the 1990's the NDP was bad for BC's economy, that simply is NOT true!
Of course it's true. That's why those bozos were turfed out 77-2 in 2001. Do you think that they were almost completely wiped out because they were doing a good job with the economy? Of course not! They stunk! Just so awful! And so horribly corrupt! The NDP really needs to be disbanded, once and for all. Just an awful party with horrible ideas that simply doesn't know how to govern.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by The Green Barbarian »

mr.bandaid wrote:Your the one making the smart a$$ comments.
no, you are the one.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by mr.bandaid »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
no, you are the one.
Listen, I have never said anything hateful regarding the Liberals other than not liking them or trusting Christy. I don't come out here and call them disgusting or horrible or any comments like you do constantly. The NDP will either be in power after this election or the official opposition. Let me ask how your constant hateful words help? They are not going away. I think we all know that despite what you want or say.
I am not a fan of Horgan either. Another bad choice from the NDP. Like it or not, at this time, we have two choices. So it is either liberal or NDP. I can't vote for Christy. The greens couldn't form government if they wanted to. Not a lot of choice.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by gordon_as »

Urbane wrote:
  • gordon_as wrote: ya , there are probably 1 or 2 radicals in the 75% of the people polled who said they would be very upset if the Liberals returned to power.
Why post something like that which is totally untrue? In an earlier poll 56% said it was time for a new government and in the latest poll that's down to 51%. I'm in that 51% (not 75% as you falsely claim) but I still voted Liberal over the weekend because there was no viable alternative.
Need a little while to find the poll that I quoted , but in the meantime here is a similar result on a different topic. It is almost 2 months old though.

A subsequent public opinion poll from Angus Reid, also published Friday, reported that three-quarters of B.C. residents (76 per cent) believe the current Liberal government is “only interested in helping its political donors and big business.” ...........from Global News.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by gordon_as »

Still looking for the poll I quoted. Found this one : (53%) say they would be “very upset” if the B.C. Liberals remain in power, including 57% of those aged 18-to-34.
I admit I may have been mistaken , confusing numbers from 2 different polls. Of course , I reserve the right to say I told you so if or when I find it.

Still , 57% or 53% is a lot more than " a few radicals"
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by Urbane »

^^ Yes, you were mistaken but that's okay. At any rate, I wouldn't read too much into the numbers on certain questions. I'd be in that 51% (down from 56% in the previous Ipsos poll) who said it would be good if we had a new government but I voted Liberal on the weekend. You can wish for a new government but also realize that you have no viable alternative. If I were an NDP'er I'd be concerned with the latest Ipsos poll. The momentum seems to be with the Liberals and In recent Canadian elections, federal and provincial, the undecideds have tended to break for the incumbent party. I think it will come down to the wire and either party could win so it should make for an exciting evening next Tuesday.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by maryjane48 »

online media still indicates ndp winning . we will see :130:
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by Mr_Mrs_Wolf »

It is further fall out from the lies deJong was trying to spread about the NDP. When you pull back the curtain you will see the astronomical damage and resulting increases the Christy Clark BC Liberals have left us. Using their own numbers reveals their mismanagement BC Hydro and ICBC shows these self proclaimed stalwarts of our money are anything but that. If you want more Provincial debt, higher fees, and more hidden taxes then the Christy Clark BC Liberals are you choice. ... ydro-ICBC/
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by Mr_Mrs_Wolf » ... -Untruths/

It matters not how you like to ingest your parties spin or in the case of Christy Clark BC Liberals their lies the truth does not change. This is a party who is desperate to hold onto power at any and all costs. They have said blatant lies in their pursuit as well as promoting a vote split by emphasizing a green alternative. Let's not forget it was Christy Clark who took out a full page add promoting the greens.

It is just a rather sad commentary on the state of our politics and those who uport these actions.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by alfred2 »

Mr_Mrs_Wolf wrote: ... -Untruths/

It matters not how you like to ingest your parties spin or in the case of Christy Clark BC Liberals their lies the truth does not change. This is a party who is desperate to hold onto power at any and all costs. They have said blatant lies in their pursuit as well as promoting a vote split by emphasizing a green alternative. Let's not forget it was Christy Clark who took out a full page add promoting the greens.

It is just a rather sad commentary on the state of our politics and those who uport these actions.
the ndp is lieing all the time. horgan wins the contest big time. Why is it ok. for ndp to lie but not anyone else. :cuss:

Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by Jonrox »

Wow, touting the last NDP government's performance as being something special is really stretching things.

I think some of you are forgetting what was going on from about the mid 90's through 2001... it was a period of incredible economic growth almost across the globe. A monkey running things would have seen significant GDP and job growth. The NDP had nothing to do with it.

That growth was IN SPITE of the NDP, not because of them.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by gordon_as »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
Of course it's true. That's why those bozos were turfed out 77-2 in 2001. Do you think that they were almost completely wiped out because they were doing a good job with the economy? Of course not! They stunk! Just so awful! And so horribly corrupt! .
Funny how the goalposts seem to move over time. As bad as the people thought they were in 2001 , they were girl scouts compared to what Christy's Liberals are now. As far as corruption goes , The Liberals have cornered the market. Never has been , and hopefully never will be any government as bad.
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Re: Making stuff up again .

Post by lasnomadas »

Excellent link, Mr_Mrs Wolf. That related story, "117 BC Liberal Falsehoods, Boondoggles, and Scandals: the Complete List" is very informative as well.

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