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Re: HST??

Post by The Green Barbarian »

lasnomadas wrote:All I know is, I had much more disposable income in the 90s than I have ever since. I was able to pay my utility bills, insure my car, and still have money left over to put gas in it, drive to the supermarket, buy groceries, and maybe even take the kids on a camping trip. Not anymore.
Then maybe you need to get a better job. And stop pointing the finger at everyone else. Take some personal responsibility for your own problems, instead of relying on everyone else including your government to sort out your personal issues. Pick up your socks and remove your mouth from the state nipple.
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Re: HST??

Post by What_the »

When I was 16 in 1991, $2 bought roughly 4.4 litres of gas,
Now it won't even buy 2 litres. Lasinomidas has a point.
Would so rather be over educated that a knuckle dragging Neanderthal bereft of critical thought and imagination. Although in the case of Neanderthals, that's quite the insult.
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Re: HST??

Post by Hurtlander »

What_the wrote:When I was 16 in 1991, $2 bought roughly 4.4 litres of gas,
Now it won't even buy 2 litres. Lasinomidas has a point.
Ha, when I was 16 gas was .72 a gallon.
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Re: HST??

Post by Urbane »

  • flamingfingers wrote:^^Your 'memory' of the 1990s is faulty to the Nth degree. The Progress Board that Campbell instituted after he was elected was killed off by Christy in 2011 because it showed the BC Liberals had shown 'no progress' or 'progress in the wrong direction'.

    The BC Business Council, an independent group of BC Business managers also indicated that comparatively, the NDP of the 1990s was 'marginally better' managers of the budget than the BC Liberals.

    Don't believe a single word that comes out of Christy Clark's mouth. She wants, and WILL without a doubt, if she wins the upcoming election slam us with MORE 'stealth taxes' and more fees, double digit Hydro and ICBC rates, will renege on MSP premium cuts and will increase 'incentives' to her crony corporations to drain our pockets drier than she is doing now.
The NDP government gave us eight straight deficit budgets and its final year in office finally balanced the books. That final year's balanced budget prompts some NDP'ers on here to tell us that the BC Liberals were "handed a surplus." LOL. The NDP simply ran out of money and after signing that backroom deal with the BCTF they weren't able to provide school boards with enough money to make it work.

Ditto for other areas of government and so even many NDP'ers deserted the NDP in the 2001 election. You really have to look at what happened and look at it in context. People were angry with the NDP government for many reasons. Scandals, economic bungling, and a general recognition that the province was being run by an incompetent group of people, all true, did in the NDP. That is what actually happened.
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Re: HST??

Post by The Green Barbarian »

What_the wrote:When I was 16 in 1991, $2 bought roughly 4.4 litres of gas,
Now it won't even buy 2 litres. Lasinomidas has a point.
Point about what? That we should get rid of the carbon tax? I totally agree. Too bad the NDP and the Greens want to INCREASE it, such that you leftists would have even less money left over after buying gas. I realize that math is hard, but if you want to make a point, think it through a bit first.
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Re: HST??

Post by What_the »

I came into that convo late I guess, only that disposable income ain't what it used to be.

Carbon tax is bull S. Aside from sales tax I resent being taxed to heat my home when gas is the only available means
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Re: HST??

Post by my5cents »

fluffy wrote:Still, fabricating stories like this HST one does show some measure of desperation on Mr. Horgan's part, doesn't it? any opinions on the veracity of polls aside, don't you think the NDP would have a source or two for credible information?
"Still fabricating stories" ????? The Liberals appointed a panel to look into this and came up with the recommendation.

In 1918 US Senator Hiram Warren Johnson is purported to have said: "The first casualty of War is the Truth"

I think that is true of elections, and truth isn't just victimized by politicians but their cheerleaders as well.
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Re: HST??

Post by lasnomadas »

@Urbane (today 9:17 am)
Replace 'NDP' with 'BCLP' in that comment, especially the last part, and I'll agree wholeheartedly with you.
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Re: HST??

Post by The Green Barbarian »

lasnomadas wrote:@Urbane (today 9:17 am)
Replace 'NDP' with 'BCLP' in that comment, especially the last part, and I'll agree wholeheartedly with you.
Replace NDP with BCLP in this comment?
The NDP simply ran out of money and after signing that backroom deal with the BCTF they weren't able to provide school boards with enough money to make it work.
Sorry, but only the disgusting and horrible NDP does backroom deals with their union puppet-masters.
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Re: HST??

Post by OldIslander »

To the average Joe, it doesn't matter much if we get a VAT type tax or stay the way we are now. As has been said before, we'd probably still have the HST, if it wasn't for the utterly arrogant, lying manner in which it was imposed. Just two months after his last election, Gordon Campbell announced the new tax. When asked if this was possibly something that he might have mentioned to the good folks of BC before the election, he answered with a straight face that the idea only popped into his head weeks after the election was over. That whopper was Trump-esque in its audacity.

He'd promised that even though the HST would apply to things not previously taxed (food for example...), their prices would actually fall, due to tax adjustments to wholesalers and producers. I can't recall any grocery prices falling -- there was a huge windfall there for the government.

Any government will tax it's citizenry right up to -- but not crossing -- that fine line where the people finally say 'enough is enough' and take to the streets in protest. Campbell's popularity plummeted to 9% and a few months later, he resigned.

And the same would be true if it came back. There is so much manipulation of numbers that can be done behind the scenes, that the only thing we can be assured of, is that we'll be paying more tax with an HST, than we're paying now, or they wouldn't bother doing it.

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Re: HST??

Post by lasnomadas »

Campbell's whopper about the HST was even more 'Christy-esque' than 'Trump-esque'. Trump usually puts his whoppers out on Twitter, whereas Christy needs a taxpayer funded photo-op to tell hers.

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