Clark flies to flooding

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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by BeingHuman »

Urbane wrote:
  • George+ wrote:There ya go Urb.
    Got ya twisting in the wind again.
    And you said the party with the best insults would win.
    The NDP has won!
LOL!!! You've criticized Christy Clark for not participating in some of the debates in her riding and when it's pointed out to you that John Horgan did the same thing you have no reply except for a flippant comment about how the NDP is going to win the election. Too funny. So sure of victory for your party too. We'll see what happens on Tuesday.
Guess you missed my comment, made just before yours. I beat you to your own thoughts... but then again the Lib-Con mind is a simple thing to figure out. :biggrin:
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by Urban Cowboy »

Urbane wrote:
  • George+ wrote:There ya go Urb.
    Got ya twisting in the wind again.
    And you said the party with the best insults would win.
    The NDP has won!
LOL!!! You've criticized Christy Clark for not participating in some of the debates in her riding and when it's pointed out to you that John Horgan did the same thing you have no reply except for a flippant comment about how the NDP is going to win the election. Too funny. So sure of victory for your party too. We'll see what happens on Tuesday.
I seem to recall the same cocky arrogance, from the same source in 2013 Urbane, so don't worry, karma has a way of evening things out. :biggrin:

I don't pretend to know who's going to win, but should the Liberals pull it off, I don't know where we're going to find that many crows. [icon_lol2.gif]
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by George+ »

Yeah but as ya always say...stick to the topic.
Wears those funny suits? Talks out of both sides of her mouth.
We win! We win!..all according to your standards.
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by Urban Cowboy »

BeingHuman wrote:but then again the Lib-Con mind is a simple thing to figure out. :biggrin:
Wasn't it you that made some comment about two year old mentality last night?

I thought you despised that, yet here you are, another example of hypocrisy at its finest.

Thanks though it goes far in supporting what we've been pointing out for ages.
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by Urbane »

  • BeingHuman wrote: Guess you missed my comment, made just before yours. I beat you to your own thoughts... but then again the Lib-Con mind is a simple thing to figure out. :biggrin:
Wrong. I was commenting on your post. George said it was wrong that Clark hadn't participated in any local debates and you came along and said that Horgan hadn't participated in his debates either. I have no problem with Clark or Horgan skipping some or all of their riding debates. How about you? George's answer to the question was that the NDP would win which was a non-answer. Not sure what this has to do with the topic thread so after we hear your answer we should return to the proper topic.
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by Urban Cowboy »

George+ wrote:Yeah but as ya always say...stick to the topic.
Wears those funny suits? Talks out of both sides of her mouth.
We win! We win!..all according to your standards.
Yeah well at least we have standards!
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by Urbane »

  • George+ wrote:Yeah but as ya always say...stick to the topic.
    Wears those funny suits? Talks out of both sides of her mouth.
    We win! We win!..all according to your standards.
Yes, you shouldn't have taken us off topic with the debate comments especially since you found out that Horgan wasn't participating in his local debates either. LOL. I wonder if he even did a radio debate?? Now, back on topic. Clark flies to flooding and good for her!
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by BeingHuman »

Wow, you guys remind me of Christy Clark's reaction to her loss in the Supreme Court of Canada against the BCTF. She said she was actually excited about increasing teachers and special needs assistants in the classrooms... the queen of spin, spin, spin. In fact, she spun that whole Supreme Court loss so hard she could have given herself whiplash. ... n-teachers
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by Urbane »

  • BeingHuman wrote:Wow, you guys remind me of Christy Clark's reaction to her loss in the Supreme Court of Canada against the BCTF.
And your answer to my question about the double-standard is the same as George's. No answer. Nada. Nothing. Well, point made and now we can get back on topic! I'm glad the waters are subsiding in most places and hopefully the weather will co-operate now.
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by maryjane48 »

to bab she doesnt own a home in west kelowna . guess she would find it slumming :smt045
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by Urbane »

  • maryjane48 wrote:to bab she doesnt own a home in west kelowna . guess she would find it slumming :smt045
Well, even though we have the strongest economy in the country, if she rents, wears funny suits, and has allowed a candidate who wears a cowboy hat to run then we can't vote for her, now can we?
Now, let's get back on topic.
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by BeingHuman »

Urbane wrote:
  • maryjane48 wrote:to bab she doesnt own a home in west kelowna . guess she would find it slumming :smt045
Well, even though we have the strongest economy in the country, if she rents, wears funny suits, and has allowed a candidate who wears a cowboy hat to run then we can't vote for her, now can we?
Now, let's get back on topic.
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by Fancy »

lasnomadas wrote:Good grief, does the woman have no shame? Bad enough she trots around pretending to be Wonder Woman on her way to slay the big, bad Donald, but to spend our tax dollars on a private jet and her usual entourage for another useless photo-op is more than any normal British Columbian should have to take.
And some people were complaining she wasn't paying attention to the issue and a no show.
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by flamingfingers »

^^Christy has to do SOMETHING to try and improve her 'caring image' after her arrogant handling of the "I am Linda" fiasco..

And her callous response to Linda Kayfish about her brother's death during the health firings.
And her refusing to raise welfare rates that have been frozen for a decade..
And clawing back bus passes for the disabled....
And charging wheelchair rental fees..
And causing increased Hydro and ICBC rates because of raiding these crown corporations for dividends...
And allowing Mt Polley management to escape any responsibility for polluting Quesnel Lake....
And excluding Site C from BCUC evaulation...
And continuing with her "Pay to Play" fundraising against all public opinion as well as ignoring the rest of Canada in banning corporate/union donations and limiting personal donations!!!

Yep, she REALLY cares, doesn't she???? [icon_lol2.gif]
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Re: Clark flies to flooding

Post by lasnomadas »

Who was complaining that she wasn't paying attention to the issue, and a no show?
Did you think this was the 'making stuff up again' thread?

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