Suggest names for Jennylives boy! :)

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Post by Neverforget »

I have always loved the name carter or michael, shawn or even Fridge
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Post by Gordian Knot »

Neverforget wrote:I have always loved the name carter or michael, shawn or even Fridge
Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee, it would be all over my computer screen! ;)

I like James, Alex, Marc, Brandon....
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Post by JLives »

Thanks for all the help guys :smt023 and :smt075 You know who gets what. So far I'm leaning towards Jaden or Jacob with Jaden currently in the lead but am open to suggestions.
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Post by BriTer »

jennylives wrote:Thanks for all the help guys :smt023 and :smt075 You know who gets what. So far I'm leaning towards Jaden or Jacob with Jaden currently in the lead but am open to suggestions.
:smt075 <<<---- No idea what THIS is for!

Jacob.... have you looked at all those Top 10/100 lists? Interesting how many of the favorites are 'old Bible' type names. Why is that?
Jaden is nice :) Any particular reason you like those two names??
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Post by JLives »

That is why I'm hesitant on Jacob lol, I don't want him to be one of 7 in his class when he's in school. I've always been drawn to strong, classic names. My daughter is named Grace. Jaden is no particular reason, just like the sound of it and it's easy for people to spell lol.
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Post by BriTer »

"Jaden, get me another beer will you huh?"
"Billy-Bob, get me another beer will you huh?"
Now, which one sounds better suited?
I'm kinda partial to the name Brian :)
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Post by CarMa »

I used this website to help me. I had chosen girls' names (not needed it turned out) but discovered all 3 of them were in the top 10 in B.C. for the year before my kids were born. Assuming a similar trend for the following year, that would mean the possibility of a few of them in my kid's class.

As it is, both my kids have names that are in the top 50 for the years before they were born. So they won't be oddballs or too common.
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Post by grammafreddy »

I have always been partial to names of one syllable for boys. They always strike me as being more "manly" and stronger, richer sounding.

Jaden sounds rather feminine to me - could be either/or.

Am not wild about biblical names, although my son's name is one of them, but he was named after his grandfather and great-grandfather. He answers to the shortened one-syllable version of it, though.

I like the sound of Max, Sam, John (or Jon), but not Roy. Also like Casey, Clark(e), and Phydough.

"C'mere, Phydough, and bring that newspaper while you're at it, too, will ya?"

My daughter was named something I had not heard much of before (I was going for pretty, unique and feminine), and in the small rural town where she started school, there were THREE of them all in the same class! Just shows ta go ya, eh?

Most people don't give much thought to the fact that the name you give your child is theirs for life and they have to weather any teasing that goes with it. Try out the shortened versions and cruel things a name can be changed to by thoughtless and bullying others to see what you get. Also, a cute name is only cute for a kid - and will have potential embarrassment for a grown man in a business suit.

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy. I loved being pregnant!!!

Last edited by grammafreddy on Aug 28th, 2007, 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jo »

I like Bill, Jim, Sam. On my dad's side of the family, they always kept things simple. One generation, the boy was named James, next generation, William, next generation, James, next generation William, and so on. What wild imaginations! They must have spent weeks agonizing over it! :lol:

But whadda ya know, guess I inherited some of that, because my favourite boy names are William . . . and James. :127:
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Post by Bsuds »

I kinda like William (me) and Scott.
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Post by crash 99 »

My alltime fav has been Michael (Mike, Mikey when he's little.. :126: )

I really like the name Jaden, but I have met two females with the name.. :smt102

James is also another fav.

WOW ....good luck with this :200:

And Congrats again!! :123: :134: :130: :134: :123: (the beers for after Jr is born :wink:)
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Post by Trainer Mick »

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Post by Catz »

I like Sam or Max :smt023
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Post by CarMa »

Trainer Mick wrote:Zamphyr
Especially if he comes out with a good set of "pipes"? :127:
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