Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
- Mindquad
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
I have about 4 yards of compost (the year's worth) to dump on the garden. Ill do it this weekend on the empty areas. I still have some late stuff in the ground.
My chrysanthemums are all starting to bloom.
Petunias are still blooming.
My chrysanthemums are all starting to bloom.
Petunias are still blooming.
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
I stil have cherry tomatoes happening up against the house - not as sweet though.
Hey, a friend gave me some dahlias - when do I pull those inside?
Hey, a friend gave me some dahlias - when do I pull those inside?
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- Queen of the Castle
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
I have three Walnut trees to give away. They're tiny right now. Who wants them?
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
- Wicked Witch of the West Coast
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
Picked the fatest cucumber hiding the garden. Still have carrots and lettuce and the tiniest pumpkin.
"It takes a village to raise a fool." ~ Dan Mangan
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
I'm still picking chard, and the cherry tomatoes up against the house are lasting 
No walnut trees for me, please. There is one in the neighbourhood, and a number of overenthusiastic squirrels who think my garden beds are the perfect place to hide their cache. I am forever digging the friggin' things out.

No walnut trees for me, please. There is one in the neighbourhood, and a number of overenthusiastic squirrels who think my garden beds are the perfect place to hide their cache. I am forever digging the friggin' things out.
I haven't failed until I quit.
- Queen of the Castle
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
It is green bin day and we have two bins filled. Ours and our neighbours, we love you neighbour
And as soon as they are empty we have a wee bit more to put in. And that is WITH all the composting we do. It's amazing how productive this property can be.

And as soon as they are empty we have a wee bit more to put in. And that is WITH all the composting we do. It's amazing how productive this property can be.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
- A Peer of the Realm
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
Has anyone heard of N-Sulate? supposed to be for protecting your plants. Mara doesn't carry it.
I haven't failed until I quit.
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- Queen of the Castle
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
An astonishing amount of yard clean up was accomplished today after work!
And Lady t, if that works, let us all know once you get it going?
And Lady t, if that works, let us all know once you get it going?
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
- feistres Goruchaf y Bwrdd
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers ... s=N-SulateLady tehMa wrote:Has anyone heard of N-Sulate? supposed to be for protecting your plants. Mara doesn't carry it.
Dance as if no one's watching, sing as if no one's listening, and live everyday as if it were your last.
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
- A Peer of the Realm
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
Okay, I have ordered and will let you guys know how it works. :)
Do you really think we'll get S**w tomorrow? It is forecast, but still.
Do you really think we'll get S**w tomorrow? It is forecast, but still.
I haven't failed until I quit.
- Generalissimo Postalot
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
Well, the snow is sticking up here. It looks beautiful. I got most of the yard work done yesterday. I did decide that this year I’ll do a heavy spring cleanup instead of a fall cleanup. The snow looks lovely on the grasses and itoh peonies.
It is too early though.
It is too early though.
Life happens, grab tight and treasure it.
- Queen of the Castle
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
Way too early, could not agree more.
So glad we got so much done by now. I still want to dump leaves on the roses tho, I hope it's nice by my days off.
So glad we got so much done by now. I still want to dump leaves on the roses tho, I hope it's nice by my days off.

Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
- A Peer of the Realm
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
Well, I forgot to bring in my gourds. They are stashed out on my deck, under cover. I can still defrost/cook/eat them, can't I?
I haven't failed until I quit.
- Queen of the Castle
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Re: Gardening 2017: Fruits, Veggies, Flowers
All you can do is try. Might taste funny tho.
I got six bags of leaves out of plastic bags and in the composter today after work.
Rain barrels have been emptied as much as possible due to the thaw.

Rain barrels have been emptied as much as possible due to the thaw.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?