What Did Jesus Look Like?

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

Ka-El wrote: Oh well, you just can't beat a good old fashioned oil painting for proof of life. :smt045

I would say it was pretty close to the description that Romans give of his appearance wouldn't you say! :smt045

How was Mass this morning joe? Any mention of Trump and the infidels? :D

Actually it was about how stupid liberals are...pretty interesting! [icon_lol2.gif]

Imagine some Biblical scholar tenured at a University of Theology presuming to know more than joe.

Love to have a discussion with him!

How was Church this morning?
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

Roman artwork with Indo-European Parthian Archer

Rome, Italy. Bas-relief showing Parthian prisoners. Look pretty Indo-European to me....

Roman–Parthian Wars - Relief of the Roman-Parthian wars at the Arch of Septimius Severus, Rome
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

National Geographic drawing of Scythian invasion

Indo-European/Scythian/Saka/Saxon invasion of the of the Middle East. Scythians held feast with Jews in Jerusalem. This is around 721 BC.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by daria »

Why go to church on a Sunday when the Jewish Yeshua attended the synogogue in smaller Judean towns or (if in Yerushalayim) went to the Temple on Shabbat (on a SATURDAY!)? Also, Yeshua was definitely not blue eyed and blonde haired.
Don't take my silence to mean I've agreed with you; I easily could've just lost interest in explaining how wrong you are.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

daria wrote:Why go to church on a Sunday when the Jewish Yeshua attended the synogogue in smaller Judean towns or (if in Yerushalayim) went to the Temple on Shabbat (on a SATURDAY!)? Also, Yeshua was definitely not blue eyed and blonde haired.

LOL why? Roman said he was....

lots of Jewish people are blond hair and blued....

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Last edited by averagejoe on Apr 1st, 2018, 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

daria wrote:Why go to church on a Sunday when the Jewish Yeshua attended the synogogue in smaller Judean towns or (if in Yerushalayim) went to the Temple on Shabbat (on a SATURDAY!)? Also, Yeshua was definitely not blue eyed and blonde haired.
Yes Saturday is the correct day to give praise. And yes Yeshua was his Hebrew name. Correct on 2 out of 3.

Buddha was a white Indo-European from a Saka/Saxon Tribe....
Last edited by averagejoe on Apr 1st, 2018, 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

daria wrote: Also, Yeshua was definitely not blue eyed and blonde haired.
Queen Elizabeth II (Pharez and Zarah Bloodline) is from the Tribe of Judah as is Yeshua (Pharez Bloodline) is of the same Bloodline as is all European Monarchies are. They all look European to me? :135:

Judah is the Royal family of the Israelites according to Jacob.....
Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by 1nick »

If only you’d join us,The People’s Front of Judea.
You would come to see the Romans for what they truly are,lying, awful, untrustworthy curs.
PS. I really hate the Romans..... a lot. /s
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by Omnitheo »

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

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Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by Omnitheo »

averagejoe wrote:Image
Jesus the Christ rising out of his great Uncle Joseph of Arimathea's Tomb!
He has risen!!!
And here is Jesus after defending Korea from the Jurchens

Oh and here is Jesus descending from the heavens to bring new ideas to earth
"Dishwashers, the dishwasher, right? You press it. Remember the dishwasher, you press it, there'd be like an explosion. Five minutes later you open it up the steam pours out, the dishes -- now you press it 12 times, women tell me again." - Trump
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

Your such a Christian hater....it's all coming out now Mr Omnitheo.
Just like a spoiled little child...
My Prayers and thoughts for your day will come when you get to meet Jesus himself in person on the day he returns. You'll have a lot of explaining to do...
Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by 1nick »

^fear monger at it again^

It doesn’t work on adults joe.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

1nick wrote:^fear monger at it again^

It doesn’t work on adults joe.
Fear what? One day you and your ilk will explain yourselves and your actions. Whats wrong with that? :D

Thought you weren't religious. :130:
Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by Omnitheo »

Who’s hating on christians? We’re all free to choose our religion and to abide by it’s codes. For some reason you’ve chosen yours yet ignored all it’s tenants about love and respect. You support someone who embodies all of the deadly sins while attacking those who try to follow in the footsteps of Jesus in supporting the impoverished.

Besides, Pope Francis himself stated that atheists would still go to heaven. I don’t know what you’re doing here dear mongering and attacking people. I suppose when some gods return you might have some explaining to do yourself.
Last edited by Omnitheo on Apr 11th, 2018, 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Dishwashers, the dishwasher, right? You press it. Remember the dishwasher, you press it, there'd be like an explosion. Five minutes later you open it up the steam pours out, the dishes -- now you press it 12 times, women tell me again." - Trump

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