Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by OKkayak »

LOL - two consenting adults are getting it on in the office and the sky is falling for some :laugh:

Does the employer have the right to fire them? Sure, thats up to them. But some of the comments here, geezus!
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by Loki2u »

johnrae wrote:So was it two firemen having sex, or a fireman and a firewoman ?
Does it matter?

As an aside.....I'd hate to see the torches and pitchforks come out here as well. I believe they should be fired and remain that way, but nothing more, nothing less.

I've had sex in all sorts of places I probably shouldn't have, but I was also aware of the risks. Some times it pays off, some times it doesn't. Gotta deal with the consequences.

And if they get their jobs be it. There are far worse crimes to be done at the workplace than this in my opinion.
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by Bsuds »

Hey they were just doing what they were hired for...putting out a fire! :biggrin:
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by ochema62 »

Fireman sex.Very Hot. Sorry bad pun.
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by Ruttnbuck »

The precedent was set when George Costanza and the cleaning lady got caught knocking boots in George's office. Let these 2 off and Georgie boy will be filing a wrongful dismissal suit!! But really!! Fire these 2 for something that probably took all of 30 seconds, not including wiping up!! Everyone is too sensitive in this "NEW ERA". And what's wrong with gathering all the firefighters together, tell them that someone was in the Chief's drawers and if it happens again there's gonna be :cuss: trouble, but no let's make sure we can can someones butt! must be nice to be perfect!
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by vegas1500 »

gman313 wrote:you can video tape staff but they must be aware of it and you must have good reason so it is defensible in court. You cannot randomly tape and you can't do it secretly.

I expect we should see this on pornhub shortly. just takes one leaker
Nope. We have installed cams secretly if we suspected theft. Worked within a few days, every time. And they don’t know they were being filmed.
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by abraham »

Couple of the good ole boys at the Vernon fire hall playing with each other’s firehoses in the chiefs office!
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by OKkayak »

Maybe they were in financial dires, needed some money, knew about the camera and wanted to make a naughty film:

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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by bob vernon »

Really. If you have a job that pays as well as these jobs, even a dispatchers job, and especially a firefighter's job, you need to respect the organization more than this. When you're on duty at the hall, be professional. You deserve to be fired. And if the chief has been suspecting someone of digging into the filing cabinet, there's a lack of professionalism at the hall.

Office affairs happen. But they shouldn't happen IN the office.
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by kelownaobserver »

Why should those involved be protected? Is it because once you are in the fire service they are not accountable to conduct unbecoming? It seems to be the underlying current of tone in this thread.
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by LTD »

i would like to see where in the job title or job description that fornicating in the bosses office isn't allowed perhaps they weren't made aware that this wasn't allowed :biggrin:
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by Noisy Boater »

Perhaps they missed the fornication bit in the training manual [icon_lol2.gif] Like the George Strait song goes They call me the fireman puttin out old flames!!!! Lighten up people for goodness sakes. Yer just jealous you arent front n center in the movie!!!!!!! The problem with the world today is there is far to much whining bitching and constant complaining about anything and everything . I think this is ridiculous!! I will complain about that.
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by Because_They_Lie »

TreeGuy wrote:
whallzee wrote:WOW, talk about screwing yourself out of a job. Makes me wonder what else goes on at the station.
I wondered why the chief felt the need to have a camera in his office. He says he was worried about people looking in his filing cabinet, but don't those lock? Doesn't his office door lock? And shouldn't you trust your employees enough not to go through your stuff? I can't help but wonder if he knew something was going on and planted the camera and left his door unlocked.
My thoughts exactly.
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by Fancy »

Noisy Boater wrote:The problem with the world today is there is far to much whining bitching and constant complaining about anything and everything . I think this is ridiculous!! I will complain about that.
Do you think they conducted themselves professionally?
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
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Re: Firefighters in Vernon get caught.

Post by LANDM »

Glacier wrote:
johnrae wrote:So was it two firemen having sex, or a fireman and a firewoman ?
man and woman. If it were two dudes they would have used the "homophobia" card. ... -1.4924224
Or, if it were two women who were just trying to be a normal couple, they wouldn’t have had to play the "card" would have just been the situation that they encountered in their employment.
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