#Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by Ka-El »

crookedmember wrote: People are leaving the right in droves.
Obama Picks Won More Than Trump's In Midterms

The backing of former President Barack Obama was a far more valuable commodity to a midterm candidate this year when compared to the endorsement of current commander-in-chief Donald Trump.

Obama endorsed 74 candidates in House and Senate races around the country ahead of Tuesday’s midterms and 39 of them, or 52.7 percent, won their respective races. In contrast, only 21 of the 75 candidates endorsed by Trump claimed victory, according to an analysis by The Brookings Institution.

Trump registered a success rate of only 28 percent, lower than his second in command, Vice President Mike Pence

http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/newspolit ... &ocid=iehp
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by Glacier »

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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by Omnitheo »

Was interesting how quickly this thread died following the midterms.

Perhaps some felt embarrassed for falling for all this “#walkaway” stuff.
Last edited by Omnitheo on Jan 7th, 2019, 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by Vacancyrate »

The Democrats are a centrist business-war party pushing a Cold War and regime change in the middle east.

People supporting the Democrats is hardly left wing.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by Mordu »

(yoinked from http://www.city-data.com/forum/politics ... ement.html )

2016 Exit Polls (CNN):

Young voters (18-29)= D 55% R 36%
Black voters= D 89% R 8%
Latino voters= D 66% R 28%
Asian voters= D 65% R 27%
College graduates= D 52% R 42%
Urban (34% of total)= D 60% R 34%
Suburban (49% of total)= D 45% R 49%
Rural (17% of total)= D 34% R 61%

2018 exit polls:

Young voters (18-29)= D 67% R 32%
Black voters= D 90% R 9%
Latino voters= D 69% R 29%
Asian voters= D 77% R 23%
College graduates= D 59% R 39%
Urban (32% of total)= D 65% R 32%
Suburban (51% of total): D 49% R 49%
Rural (17% of total)= D 42% R 56%


Sorry, Fox doesn't seem to be forthcoming yet.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Omnitheo wrote:Was interesting how quickly this thread died following the midterms.

Perhaps some felt emberassed for falling for all this “#walkaway” stuff.
Why would anyone be "emberassed" (sic) for walking away from a party as bad as the Dumbocrats?
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by floppi »

No one was embarrassed except the peeps that were propagating the "walkaway" con. As we found out it was the stampede of people running away from the *bleep* during the midterms.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by The Green Barbarian »

floppi wrote:No one was embarrassed except the peeps that were propagating the "walkaway" con. .
Really though? Are you sure? The Democrats really are embarrassing.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by floppi »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
floppi wrote:No one was embarrassed except the peeps that were propagating the "walkaway" con. .
Really though? Are you sure? The Democrats really are embarrassing.
You might think that, but majority of Americans think the GOP are truly embarrassing, clueless and gullible.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by Vacancyrate »

The Green Barbarian wrote: Really though? Are you sure? The Democrats really are embarrassing.
You don't have to be right or left wing to admit this truth.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by The Green Barbarian »

floppi wrote:
You might think that, but majority of Americans think the GOP are truly embarrassing, clueless and gullible.
about half do, the other half think that the Democrats are truly embarrassing, clueless and gullible.

Speaking of being truly embarrassing and totally clueless....
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has made a bigger splash than any freshman in the 116th Congress — in either the House or Senate. And a big reason is an often-overzealous conservative effort to knock her down a few pegs. The congresswoman has put on a PR master class in using those efforts to build her profile and social media following. (Her retort to the overblown dancing-video kerfuffle last week has been viewed nearly 20 million times.)

But she’s also shown a tendency to exaggerate or misstate basic facts. And her defense of this in a Sunday interview with “60 Minutes” was very bad.

When Anderson Cooper confronted her with The Washington Post Fact Checker’s Four-Pinocchio verdict on her claim about $21 trillion in waste at the Pentagon, Ocasio-Cortez offered this (emphasis added):

COOPER: One of the criticisms of you is that-- that your math is fuzzy. The Washington Post recently awarded you four Pinocchios --
OCASIO-CORTEZ: Oh my goodness --
COOPER: -- for misstating some statistics about Pentagon spending?
OCASIO-CORTEZ: If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.
COOPER: But being factually correct is important--
OCASIO-CORTEZ: It’s absolutely important. And whenever I make a mistake. I say, “Okay, this was clumsy,” and then I restate what my point was. But it’s -- it’s not the same thing as -- as the president lying about immigrants. It’s not the same thing at all.

The first problem here is that Ocasio-Cortez is really minimizing her falsehoods. Four Pinocchios is not a claim that Glenn Kessler and The Post’s Fact Checker team give out for bungling the “semantics” of something. It’s when something is a blatant falsehood. It’s the worst rating you can get for a singular claim.

In the case of the $21 trillion, Ocasio-Cortez was suggesting that this was all Pentagon waste and that cleaning it up could pay for two-thirds of the estimated $32 trillion price tag for single-payer health care, which she and others are referring to as Medicare-for-all.

“$21 TRILLION of Pentagon financial transactions ‘could not be traced, documented, or explained,’" Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a tweet that still appears on her timeline and has been shared more than 26,000 times. "$21T in Pentagon accounting errors. Medicare for All costs ~$32T. That means 66% of Medicare for All could have been funded already by the Pentagon.”

But that $21 trillion estimate isn’t necessarily waste; it’s just sloppily accounted for, according to that study. It’s also not just money the Pentagon spends; it includes money coming into the Pentagon. And that $32 trillion price tag is an estimate for the first 10 years of Medicare-for-all, while the Pentagon number accounts for a 17-year period. Ocasio-Cortez’s numbers weren’t just wrong on the margins; her conclusion made no logical sense in light of the actual facts. What’s more, this isn’t the only claim she’s made that has been debunked; The Post’s team documented five false claims she made during an August media blitz following her primary upset of Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.).

What might be most problematic about Ocasio-Cortez’s defense, though, is the idea that people should care less about specific facts and more about being “morally right" — as if this is a zero-sum game in which the two can be weighed against one another. She’s practically saying, “Well, maybe I was wrong, but at least my cause is just.”

But this is the slipperiest of slopes — the kind of attitude you can use to justify pretty much anything to yourself. And it also just so happens to be the underlying ethos of the entire Trump presidency.

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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by Omnitheo »

It’s cute you responding about the majority of Americans by saying “the other half”. I believe you mean “a minority”

As clear from the last 2 major us elections, more than half of Americans are opposed to the GOP. And that trend continues to grow.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Omnitheo wrote:It’s cute you responding about the majority of Americans by saying “the other half”. I believe you mean “a minority”
and it's cute you continue to live in this dreamland where the idiot Democrats are actually not clueless losers, unworthy of US votes, just as unworthy as the Republicans. This is the problem. You have Democrats screaming Trump LIES!!! and yet here's Ocasio-Cortez doing the exact same thing. It's replacing one bad smell with another bad smell. There is no difference.
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by RupertBear »

Omnitheo wrote:It’s cute you responding about the majority of Americans by saying “the other half”. I believe you mean “a minority”

As clear from the last 2 major us elections, more than half of Americans are opposed to the GOP. And that trend continues to grow.
I think for the sake of accuracy, the right should replace "the other half" with a more accurate phrase "the ever-shrinking minority".
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Re: #Walkaway People leaving the left in droves....

Post by The Green Barbarian »

RupertBear wrote:
I think for the sake of accuracy, the right should replace "the other half" with a more accurate phrase "the ever-shrinking minority".
and for the sake of more accuracy, the sentence above should include at the end "in the dreams of the horribly naïve Left".
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