Project Canoes and Kayaks

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Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by stuphoto »

Edit so most images work for most people

Just starting a thread for those of us working on canoes and Kayaks.

My latest project was on a fiberglass Penwood Products canoe ( made in Pentiction in the 70's ) I bought a few years ago.
It was rough when I first bought it for $50.
This was after some minor repairs

Part way through the repairs
The keel had small holes rubbed through in the front and back.

After the paint.


And today at Bear Creek park.

It still needs a little work, but is now completely water tight a as strong as new.

I also started restoration of an old Cedar / Canvas canoe, I will post photos of as I go along.
Last edited by stuphoto on Nov 9th, 2019, 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by dirtybiker »

Nice. looks good.
My Grand Pap, My Pap, and oldest brother all built all manner of boats and vessels.
My eldest brother still does, one at a time.
Small cabin cruisers, speed shells, canoes, paddleboards, windsurfers. sail boats.

Hopefully the skeleton on the canvas canoe is solid.
The soaking, clamping and steaming process to shape is a drawn out process.

All worth it in the end at the gained knowledge and satisfaction of seeing it through
to completion.

Many good books and tutorial videos to guide one along.

eta; Also many project builds and re-builds here.
Much can be learned.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by Catsumi »

A kayak, wood framed, teak floor and with curved backrest, semi-open top, vinyl covered, weight 40 lbs, 17-1/2 feet long, custom built just for me, together with a purchased 160 cm paddle, was the joy of my life for many years and thousands of kms explored along Mara and Shuswap.

This gem was built by a woman and lasted through ten years with me and then sold (back/hip issues) to a young lady wanting to get out on her own to enjoy hidden coves.

Tracked like an arrow with surprising speed (to other boaters who wanted to "drag") and grace and gliding over high wakes created by fools thinking they'd swamp rather than entertain me.

I miss her still, my gorgeous "Flutterby" :cry:

I applaud anyone creating their own or saving a self propelled boat.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by stuphoto »

This post is for Catsumi,

A friend of mine asked me to look for a kayak for her, so I was searching on the Castanet Classifieds.
I saw one ad saying Kayak For Sale, because I am too lazy to use it.
I opened it up and was amazed to see the cedar ribs.
Only $235. I bought it for $220, from a really nice fellow.
Thanks Art

Anyway I took it out for a short trip this afternoon.

Thanks for taking the photo for me Tammy.

The classic wooden fibs showing
I was thinking it was rapped in Fiberglass but it may be canvas. It would have been canvas originally.

There are a few leaks, I will have them fixed tomorrow.

On my VW wagon. Although I haven't measured it yet it seems to overhang about as much as my 16 foot canoes.

I may or may not post the results of my repairs tomorrow, depending upon id there is any visual differences.

Oh yes Cat,
If I like working on these wooden boats I may start building some.
Being an artist is a curse, I love creative endeavors.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by 1791 »

This is an inspirational thread. Thank u Stuphoto
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by stuphoto »

Your welcome 1791,
Anyone working on boat restorations is more than welcome to post their work here.
Especially the classics.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by 1791 »

stuphoto wrote:Your welcome 1791,
Anyone working on boat restorations is more than welcome to post their work here.
Especially the classics.

Been thinking of buying a canoe lately. Have a single person Kayak i never use. Me and the GF could get out on a canoe. Im only a mile to the lake. No excuse for this guy.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by stuphoto »

Back of Kayak

Front of Kayak

I am now positive that it is canvas on the outside.
I will hopefully have the chance to replace the canvas in the spring, along with replace any of the damaged wood while I am at it.
It shouldn't be too hard, there is a good video on the canvas job here plus I have books and family to advise me on the woodwork.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by alanjh595 »

None of the images can be seen. I would like to see them.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by alanjh595 »

Nice job. This is more like my way.

Bring back the LIKE button.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by stuphoto »

I recently started the Resto-mod on my kayak.

I started by stripping off the fiberglass. The frame was never designed for fiberglass, but some people think they have better ideas than 4000 years of traditional craftsmen.

I never liked the cockpit, so I will be changing it to a more traditional design.
So I will be rebuilding it partly so I can use an off the shelf sprayskirt.

Today I am working on steam bending some cedar and redesigning the rear deck. This is to make it stronger and lower for re-entery in rough water and rescues.

I will post more pictures soon.

I am trying a different image hosting site so please let me know if you can't see the pictures.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by stuphoto »

I have made up a Wood Steamer box out of scraps laying around my moms place.

I started with a couple bricks to support the wooden box. Along with a hotplate.

Built the box.
That metal pan happens to sit flush with the box and also touch the top of the hotplate.

The lid of course.

The whole idea is you soak the wooden pieces for several days.
Then place them in the steam box bringing the pot to boil.
For the most part the rule is to steam a 1 inch board for around an hour.
This hopefully allows you to bend it without breaking it, and it will hopefully hold its shape.

To be honest I didn't soak these boards enough.
I broke the first one, and although this one did bend it wasn't as much as I wanted.

I am soaking all the cedar strips over the next several days while I will be busy in Kelowna.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by stuphoto »

I finished the woodwork last night and started to wrap the fabric
It looked like a slug so at this time I am calling it the Sea Slug.
I may rename it altogether when it's done on come up with a nicer version of the same name.

I hope the seamstresses let my awful stitches slide.

The hardest part by far was stretching the fabric over the frame. I had to get a friend to help.

This cross stitching is used to tighten the fabric over the frame.

This is the bottom, and how I am leaving it until I have more time.

The fabric is what they used to make bullet proof vests with so it is incredibly durable and yet light weight.

I am enjoying the process so far, and am hoping on building at least 1 in the near future from scratch.
This one will weigh around 35 pounds when finished. Not bad for a 16' kayak built for big swells.
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by Iamsomeone »

This is an interesting thread. I had no idea what's involved in restoring a kayak or canoe and am finding the process fascinating.

Thanks for sharing your projects with us stuphoto!!
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Re: Project Canoes and Kayaks

Post by stuphoto »

Thank you for the comment iamsomeone,

I have had the chance to almost 1/2 stitch the top up.
I will most likely do a cross stitch later basically to tidy things up.
However I am happy with the progress I am making.

I suppose that someone good with a sewing machine may be able to sew the first half up and stretch it over the frame. However as far as I know it has never been accomplished.
The skin is more or less just a double sided sock.

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