PPC party platform
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 803
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Re: PPC party platform
I'd like to see if Greta responds to his 'walkback' or to anything else that he's tweeted, specifically to him--it's pretty much assured that the CBC won't ask her for a comment.
But I will venture that now, through the CBC's interpretation, it kinda fits in with his management plan here:
But I will venture that now, through the CBC's interpretation, it kinda fits in with his management plan here:
Although that doesn't mention anything about 'pawns.'Climate change alarmism is based on flawed models that have consistently failed at correctly predicting the future. None of the cataclysmic predictions that have been made about the climate since the 1970s have come true. No new ice age. No steady warming in direct relation with increases in CO2 levels. No disappearance of polar ice caps. No exceptional rise in ocean levels. No abnormal increase in catastrophic weather events. No widespread crop failure and famine.
In fact, CO2 is beneficial for agriculture and there has recently been a measurable “greening” of the world in part thanks to higher levels. Despite what global warming propaganda claims, CO2 is not a pollutant. It is an essential ingredient for life on Earth and needed for plant growth.
http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ma ... 1559764886
- Walks on Forum Water
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Re: PPC party platform
Well, now that I've had a chance to study the Rhino platform, I figure they'll win hands down if they field enough candidates!!!!!!rustled wrote:If elected, the Rhinoceros Party of Canada has promised to:
- Take Canada off the gold standard, opting instead to use a snow standard to boost the economy [interesting, especially for those of us questioning climate alarmism. Where would Bernier stand on this?]
- Repeal the law of gravity [mixed feelings, but where would Bernier stand on this?]
- Promote higher education by building taller schools [ditto]
- Pave the Bay of Fundy to make more parking for the Maritimes [ditto]
- Count the Thousand Islands to make sure the Americans didn’t steal any [bashing Americans
. If Bernier disagrees, point PPC]
- Change Montreal’s rue Ste-Catherine into the world’s longest bowling alley [can't see the harm. Neutral]
- Ban crappy Canadian winters [We're making progress here, with Canada warming at twice the global rate! If the Liberals borrowed this from the Rhinos, they could claim they're delivering on another promise!]
- Abolish all laws to end crime [just as logical as anything else a politician has promised. Point Rhino]
- Tear down the Rockies so Albertans can see the Pacific sunset [Trudeau: Who? Does Bernier know what/where Alberta is?]
- Abolish lawn mowing in Outremont, Que [
making it nice and quiet for Quebec! Always Quebec! What about the West? Point to PPC.]
- Ban guns and butter—both kill [refuse to give up butter, and Bernier isn't suggesting we ban it. Another point goes to PPC.]
- Reform the retail lottery scheme by replacing cash prizes with Senate appointments [interesting and efficient. Point, Rhino.]
- Forget having two official languages; replace with having two official ears (In French, the same word is used for "language" and for "tongue") [Bernier probably won't go along with this, but it again it makes as much sense as most political promises. Point to Rhino party.]
- Seat the Queen of Canada in Buckingham, Quebec [good for tourism, so keep it in Quebec. Point to Rhino.]
- Privatize the Queen [Point to Rhino]
- Tax the black market [Point to Rhino]
- Nationalize Tim Hortons [you mean it isn't?]
- Move the national capital to Kapuskasing, Ontario [Disagree. It should be here, on that little island in Vaseaux Lake, to prevent government from growing too big. Where does Bernier stand on this?]
"In a world swathed in political correctness, the voting booth remains the final sanctuary where the people are free to speak" - Clifford Orwin
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 803
- Joined: Jun 9th, 2019, 4:35 am
Re: PPC party platform
The vison:Maxime Bernier
Verified account
http://twitter.com/MaximeBernier/status ... 3228040193
1/5 I received a lot of criticism for a tweet where I was mentioning the mental health problems that Greta Thunberg herself and her mother publicly discussed.
My goal was absolutely not to denigrate her or whoever deals with these conditions.
1:21 PM - 4 Sep 2019
2/ On the contrary, she is a brave young woman who has been able to overcome her problems and deserves our admiration for that.
I wanted to show that the choice of influential groups and the media to make her a spokesperson for climate alarmism is not innocent.
3 / These groups use this young woman as a pawn and as a shield to prevent any criticism of the message. That's the real scandal.
I should have expressed this argument without referring directly to her personal situation.
4 / Greta's call to “panic” and to radically transform society without further debate, because we have no time to avoid a catastrophe, is particularly dangerous, especially for young people here and everywhere that she influences.
5 / I will continue to criticize and oppose this alarmist vision and the disastrous policies that come with it, whether they come from Greta, Trudeau, McKenna, May, or whoever. And to offer a realistic vision based on confidence in the future.
http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ma ... 1559764886
I hope Max and his followers have learned an elementary lesson in critical reasoning--in the name of progress, rather than attack the person, challenge the argument with facts to disprove it or to improve it.
Book recommendation: Critical Reasoning by Jerry Cederblom and David Paulsen.
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 803
- Joined: Jun 9th, 2019, 4:35 am
Re: PPC party platform
Just like Max, I have to eat my words.Scorp wrote: (earlier)
Oh, and to the CBC--bit tardy to school aren't you? What's the matter? Don't like this particular class?
CBC Kids News
“Why this Canadian politician threw shade on Greta Thunberg”
http://www.cbc.ca/kidsnews/post/this-ca ... a-thunberg
The article asks for feedback:
“Do you like this story?”
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2635
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Re: PPC party platform
You're not disproving my point though, nor do you know anything about me or my family's history. "Blood and soil" doesn't make it more right than anyone or any other culture. No one is saying that homesteaders didn't work insanely hard in crazy conditions. They worked through hardship to improve the lives and themselves and their families. That's all most people want, including immigrants. The fact that someone's family happened to cross the Atlantic 100 years earlier doesn't give them gatekeeping on what it is to be Canadian.oldtrucker wrote:Sentimental claptrap...Gilchy wrote: Sentimental claptrap. I have family who did just that. Doesn’t make me a better Canadian, or my culture any more “correct”, than someone who moved here from elsewhere 2 years ago. Frequently new immigrants are more excited about Canada than old stock.
I'm going to guess you didn't toil on that land and that you are a city person that had family long ago that did that, and you have no deep connection to your history.
Just a guess... You didn't clear that land by hand and pick rocks and roots for months. You didn't have to get on a horse bareback at 3am in the rain to go get the stock that got out because a tree took out the fence in a storm. You didn't help your family fence and cross fence 30 kilometers of the land. You didn't get injured multiple times or watch family members who died putting their life's energy into that land. You didn't stand there and look at the 100 plus years of work your great grandfather, grandfather, father, ...and you, put into it.
Ya...My family is a immigrant family as well.
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2635
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Re: PPC party platform
Nope, wrong.oldtrucker wrote:No, that's why I said "I'm going to guess"...was I right?Gilchy wrote: nor do you know anything about me or my family's history.
Gilchy wrote: The fact that someone's family happened to cross the Atlantic 100 years earlier doesn't give them gatekeeping on what it is to be Canadian.
Nope. The longtime residents have their version of Canada, the new immigrants have a different version and experience. The collective experience of everyone builds Canadian culture, and is ever changing.oldtrucker wrote: It doesn't? At all?
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2635
- Joined: Nov 19th, 2010, 6:51 am
Re: PPC party platform
I’ve also worked construction, demolition, restaurant kitchens, oil and gas, you name it. People do what they have to to make a living, and I will never, ever knock a person for hard work, and have the ultimate respect for those who built this country, defended this country and serve this country.
But Canada wasn’t built on the ethos of belonging to those who’ve toiled the longest intergenerationally. That’s the sort of feudal system that most early immigrants were seeking to escape, looking for a fresh start. That’s what immigrants today, by and large, are looking for, a fresh start as well. I’ve crossed paths with too many new Canadians who have worked their fingers to the bone in those construction sites, dishpits, orchards, as well as boardrooms, engineering firms and universities to build themselves and their families a new and better life here to date say that this isn’t their Canada too.
I think that is the best way to sum up my view on Canadian Culture: we are a sparsely populated, resource rich country that is ripe with history and tradition that is made richer, rather than less, but all the new added to it.
The PPC’s stance, reflecting that those who were lucky enough to have the happenstance to be born here, rather than choose to come here, have a “stronger claim” to being Canadian runs contrary to how I see the strength in our great country.
Last thing- promise I don’t mean to sound like a politician!
But Canada wasn’t built on the ethos of belonging to those who’ve toiled the longest intergenerationally. That’s the sort of feudal system that most early immigrants were seeking to escape, looking for a fresh start. That’s what immigrants today, by and large, are looking for, a fresh start as well. I’ve crossed paths with too many new Canadians who have worked their fingers to the bone in those construction sites, dishpits, orchards, as well as boardrooms, engineering firms and universities to build themselves and their families a new and better life here to date say that this isn’t their Canada too.
I think that is the best way to sum up my view on Canadian Culture: we are a sparsely populated, resource rich country that is ripe with history and tradition that is made richer, rather than less, but all the new added to it.
The PPC’s stance, reflecting that those who were lucky enough to have the happenstance to be born here, rather than choose to come here, have a “stronger claim” to being Canadian runs contrary to how I see the strength in our great country.
Last thing- promise I don’t mean to sound like a politician!
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2635
- Joined: Nov 19th, 2010, 6:51 am
Re: PPC party platform
Don’t go too far- I’m here now too! I appreciate the back and forth, enjoy a good dialogue.oldtrucker wrote:Gilchy,... your tougher and a better man than me....I chickened out and moved to Kelowna.Gilchy wrote:I’ve also worked construction, demolition, restaurant kitchens, oil and gas, you name it.
- Lord of the Board
- Posts: 4671
- Joined: Oct 20th, 2007, 12:46 pm
Re: PPC party platform
Oh Max...your party is never going to get out from the cellar and being refer to as "other" in the polls if you keep doing this.....
How low can Maxime Bernier go?
It's rather easy to see how Mad Max almost became the party leader of the CPC.
How low can Maxime Bernier go?
https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/election ... li=AArWeBzWhen politicians get down and dirty in an election campaign they usually target their opponents’ policies. If they really want to get into the mud they sink to personal attacks.
But one would think that verbally assaulting a teenager for her beliefs and her medical condition would be out of bounds.
Sadly, that’s not the case for Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada.
She has become an influential figure in a movement that is a threat to our prosperity and civilization,” he wrote. “If she wants to play that role she should be denounced and attacked.”
As deplorable as Bernier’s comments were, at least he has shown his true colours. It turns out that he’s a bully who is afraid of a child.
And in the process, he has highlighted his party’s absurd, head-in-the-sands stance on climate change.
In the electoral platform of the People’s Party, Bernier claims: “There is no scientific consensus on the theory that CO2 produced by human activity is causing dangerous global warming today or will in the future, and that the world is facing environmental catastrophes unless these emissions are drastically reduced.”
If Bernier truly cared about Canadians he might listen to Thunberg rather than insulting her in a manner so childish that it makes us ask: Who is the grown-up in the room?
It's rather easy to see how Mad Max almost became the party leader of the CPC.
- Guru
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Re: PPC party platform
I think you're wrong there floppi .
I think PPC is perfectly capable of being second in 4 yrs. I believe when people get to privately cast their ballot more will choose PPC.
Bernier was wrong to put the focus on that girl instead of focussing on the ones that gave her that platform/audience but if he'd had got it right it would've gave him some publicity which the PPC desperately needs. The whole idea of a party that could draw on a large spectrum of voters is complicated for media attention where we live in a world of extremes.
Cons want Canadians to dismiss Bernier and the PPC because CONservatives DON"T want to have to deal with Bernier in a minority government situation. (this comment brings the most adamant CONservative supporters to comment)
I think PPC is perfectly capable of being second in 4 yrs. I believe when people get to privately cast their ballot more will choose PPC.
Bernier was wrong to put the focus on that girl instead of focussing on the ones that gave her that platform/audience but if he'd had got it right it would've gave him some publicity which the PPC desperately needs. The whole idea of a party that could draw on a large spectrum of voters is complicated for media attention where we live in a world of extremes.
Cons want Canadians to dismiss Bernier and the PPC because CONservatives DON"T want to have to deal with Bernier in a minority government situation. (this comment brings the most adamant CONservative supporters to comment)
- Admiral HMS Castanet
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Re: PPC party platform
The bolded bit seems unlikely to me.jimmy4321 wrote:I think you're wrong there floppi .
I think PPC is perfectly capable of being second in 4 yrs. I believe when people get to privately cast their ballot more will choose PPC.
Bernier was wrong to put the focus on that girl instead of focussing on the ones that gave her that platform/audience but if he'd had got it right it would've gave him some publicity which the PPC desperately needs. The whole idea of a party that could draw on a large spectrum of voters is complicated for media attention where we live in a world of extremes.
Cons want Canadians to dismiss Bernier and the PPC because CONservatives DON"T want to have to deal with Bernier in a minority government situation. (this comment brings the most adamant CONservative supporters to comment)
Seems to me if the Conservatives lose to the Liberals, the right-of-center parties will be doing some serious self-examination and looking at how to regroup. Historically, unlike the left-of-center parties, they have proven themselves quite capable of doing the work to address the issues within, separate the idealistic dogma from the realities, and unite for the common good. I'd be surprised if they stay separated.
If the Liberals lose to the Conservatives, why would the Conservatives not want to work with the PPC? Bernier has shown he doesn't want to work with the Conservatives, not the other way around.
Most academics operate in a rarified world where their highfalutin pontification is decoupled from reality. However, ideas have real consequences. Products, political systems, and policies that are incongruent with human nature always fail... Gad Saad
- Lord of the Board
- Posts: 4671
- Joined: Oct 20th, 2007, 12:46 pm
Re: PPC party platform
.....and Scheer wants to work with Mad Max? I think both of them don't like each other and can't see them sharing anything.
- Guru
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Re: PPC party platform
They both have one thing in Common and it's that they both want to be PM. For Bernier it means getting his party more in the spotlight and someone in the eyes of the public (which he needs) be seen as someone willing to get things done FOR Canada, and not simply some disrupter.floppi wrote:.....and Scheer wants to work with Mad Max? I think both of them don't like each other and can't see them sharing anything.
In the real world it's how it's done, sometimes you need to weigh the benefits of working with someone you despise to meet targets.
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2289
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Re: PPC party platform
PPC could very well finish ahead of the NDP nationally. Hats off to Bernier and the PPC. I think he has a lot of momentum. I see lots of shots taken at him in media. He must be scaring marxists and drawing crowds. He has my vote on lockdown. Only way i vote for Scheer is if it is really close. Even Scheer would be better than clown show Trudeau
- Guru
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Re: PPC party platform
According to this the PPC is 3rd place in Ontario.
I should have bet with someone a few years ago when I said the NDP wouldn't break 10% cause I think it's about to happen.
Of course this doesn't really translate to seats but it shows the PPC where they are taking off, and what works and don't.
I should have bet with someone a few years ago when I said the NDP wouldn't break 10% cause I think it's about to happen.

Of course this doesn't really translate to seats but it shows the PPC where they are taking off, and what works and don't.